Unapproved Minutes of the Uniontown City Council on December 11

The Regular Uniontown City Council Meeting on December 11, 2024 at Uniontown Community Center was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Savannah Pritchett, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Danea Esslinger.



Appoint and administer Oath of Office Savannah Pritchett as council member to fill vacant position.


Administer Oath of Office to Danea Esslinger, City Clerk/Municipal Court Clerk.


KMGA Prepay Project, Dixie Riedel – Dixie unable to attend due to meeting date change. Council to review Slide Show

Presentation and email questions to Clerk to forward to Dixie before the January meeting.


Public Restroom toilets, Taylor Plumbing – Cost estimates not completed yet, table until January meeting.






Treasurer Johnson was absent but a written report was presented for the November 2024 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $305,810.54, Receipts $32,360.86, Transfers Out $12,776.00, Expenditures $34,792.15, Checking Account Closing Balance $290,603.25. Bank Statement Balance $302,036.21, including Checking Account Interest of $63.57, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $11,432.96, Reconciled Balance $290.603.25.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,813.87, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,652.34, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $39,625.68, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $389,695.14. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $651.22, and Utility CDs $1,993.05 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $2,644.27.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of November 2024, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  November Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00, to Capital Improvement-Streets $250.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, to Capital Improvements-Streets $750.00; from Gas Utility to Capital Improvement-Streets $6,250.00; from General Fund to Capital Improvements-Streets $2,500.00 for Total Transfers of $12,776.00.  Net Loss for the month of November $15,207.29, Year-to-Date Net Income $55,124.05.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $111,087.83 (90.0%), Expenditures $114,731.66 (70.6%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $32,108.71 (86.9%), Expenditures $28378.65 (67.4%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $104,804.74 (71.5%), Expenditures $109,096.85 (61.5%); General Fund YTD Revenue $205,995.81 (105.3%), Expenditures $176,750.57 (57.1%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $8,175.91 (112.5%), Expenditures $7,183.05 (70.9%).  The December 2024 payables to date in the amount of $25,405.87 were presented.  The invoices from Homestead Tech, KMGA, Johnson-Schowengerdt, council pay and payroll have not been received/completed by meeting time.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0, to approve Consent Agenda:

  • Minutes of November 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and November 19, 2024 Special Council Meeting.
  • Treasurer’s Reports, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



City Superintendent Rich reported that Bill Griffith would like rock or something on the railroad right-of-way where county cleaned out ditch. Mayor Jurgensen suggested to try 5 to 6 inches of milling.


Clerk Esslinger informed the council that gWorks is not working as promised.

She asked the council if can waive the penalty for utility billings this month due to slow US Postal delivery.  We received several calls that billings had not been received by the 10th.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to inform unpaid accounts of waiving of penalty due to slow postal delivery, and inform them of amount due; penalty will be applied if not paid January 10th.


Councilman Ervin – nothing

Councilwoman Pritchett– nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – absent

Councilwoman Pemberton – there is a need a for additional electrical outlets for Christmas lights in the Park. Discussion followed, and Council directed Superintendent Rich to get quotes for additional electrical outlets.

Councilman Stewart – nothing

Mayor Jurgensen – brought up items covered in other sections.



Pickleball Court Placemaking Project – Councilwoman Pemberton gave report that they will put in the poles for the fence soon, but will wait for Spring to put up the fence.


Streets/FEMA – Mayor Jurgensen asked if we know when Bettis Asphalt will be here to complete warranty work.  Clerk Esslinger stated that Bettis will be here when they can. FEMA have the information and is still working on it.


Warehouse project – Superintendent Rich stated that the warehouse skin is about completed. Mayor Jurgensen let Council know that Evergy is coming soon to advise us where the electricity line will be put that will be for the warehouse. Discussion followed.  Getting electrical bids for the inside of the warehouse building was discussed. The sale of the Weed Barn was also discussed as the proceeds will be earmarked for the warehouse.


SEED Grant – Grant application was submitted 11/4/24. Grant will be awarded in December, and Clerk Esslinger has not heard back yet.



CMB 2025 License renewal – Discussion followed.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to allow the CMB 2025 License renewal


Sunday CMB hours of sales- Discussion followed.


Motion by Stewart, Second by Ervin, Approved 4-0 to approve Ordinance No. 205 amending the start time to sell CMB to 9AM.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to discuss non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 8:19PM.


Open meeting resumed at 8:19.


Motion by Stewart, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to extend executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to discuss non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 8:32PM.


Superintendent Rich called in at 8:20, out at 8:32. Open meeting resumed at 8:32.


Motion by Stewart, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to extend executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to discuss non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 9:07PM.


Open meeting resumed at 9:07.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to convert unallocated benefit stipend to an hourly rate of $2.88 effective 1/1/2025 and add $1.00/hr merit increase effective immediately for City Superintendent.


Moved by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0, to adjourn at 9:20PM.

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