Mother to Mother Ministry, 728 Heylman, is hosting a public open house from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. December 19 and 20.
The open house is to showcase what Mother to Mother Ministry (MTMM) does in the community, Amanda Gilmore, assistant and community relations representative for the ministry, said.
“Stop in for some coffee, tea, and refreshments,” Gilmore said. “It’s a come and go meeting.”
Wilma Leach has been the director of the ministry since the 1990s and her comforting friendship has helped many mothers of children.
Gatherings of mothers of children and caregivers will begin January 9 and are scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Topics of the meetings will be related to the family, said Gilmore.
Some of the services MTMM provides is parenting classes, friendship and support and “anything related to mothering and household management,” Gilmore said.
The ministry provides donated clothing for children.
All MTMM services are free.
New contact numbers for MTMM are 620-224-0809 and 620-215-0924.
The facility is located behind, and just north of Fort Scott Manor Nursing Home on Heylman.
MTMM is a United Way of Bourbon County agency and also has local supporters.