Master Food Volunteer Training Available for K-State Extension

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

K-State Research and Extension

Southwind District…..

Interested in increasing your knowledge of nutrition, health, wellness, and food safety? If so, the Master Food Volunteer training is perfect for you! The majority of this training is completed online at your own pace, with three in-person labs. You’ll learn more about basic nutrition, meal planning, cooking techniques, seasonings and flavors, food preservation, food safety, and more. Master Food Volunteers are people with interests in food, cooking, and nutrition who have gone through this training to take their expertise to a higher level in order to be able to give back to the community by volunteering at educational programs! Recent examples of ways our current Master Food Volunteers have served include leading small groups at our summer youth cooking classes, teaching a breadmaking class, and teaching a pressure cooking class – but the sky is the limit!

If you are interested in joining this group, apply by December 1st. Visit to learn more and find the application.

Call 620-365-2242 or email with questions.

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

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