Nedra Barr, Spyder CEO, of Spyder, announced today that they were selected to be included in the NXTSTAGE Accelerator program in Kansas.
“We are excited to collaborate with this program and the other awardees in the program,” she said. “This allows Spyder a larger stage in the State of Kansas to sell our new software products geared towards small business.”
Spyder CTO Mike Upright said, “Spyder’s small business product is scheduled to be released in September and will include Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. These tools are not widely available to small business’ today, but we see it differently. Small Business’ need these types of solutions to put them on more of a level playing field. Small business’ are the lifeblood of our U.S. economy, so helping them get to a level playing field is an important mission of Spyder!”
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