KTCCU: Low Interest Rate for Vehicles Are Offered

Kansas Teacher Credit Union employees, from left: Teller – Lacey Miles, Teller-Elizabeth Thurston, Member Service Officer – Bonnie Boyle, Branch Manager- Bob Hanson Submitted photo.

Spring is here and the pandemic is waning, allowing more travel for Americans.

Some people are purchasing new cars for their travels.

A recent look at auto loan rates on bankrate.com for April 2022 shows the range of percentage rates for vehicle loans is from 2.49 to over 7 percent on average.

A local credit union is offering a low interest loan for autos.

Kansas Teachers Community Credit Union, 24 S. National Avenue is offering a 1.99 percent loan for qualified applicants with the best credit scores, for vehicle loans through June 30.

Kansas Teachers Credit Union is located at 24 S. National Avenue in Fort Scott. Submitted photo.

Vehicles must be a 2013 model year or newer and a credit score of 600 up, or no score. Terms can be up to 84 months, based on mileage under 100,000 miles.

“The KTCCU promotional rates then have stair step increases from there, based on individual credit scores and mileage that exceeds 100,000 miles,” Bob Hanson, Fort Scott Branch Manager said. “This promotion also allows qualified applicants the option for no payment for up to 90 days.”

“You do not have to be a member of KTCCU to apply for a loan with KTCCU,” Hanson said. “But if you are approved and choose to complete the loan, you would have to open a KTCCU membership share savings account with a minimum $5 deposit.  It only takes a few minutes,  give identification, complete an account card, and make a deposit.”

To qualify for membership with KTCCU, one of the following conditions must be meet:

  • Be an employee of any Kansas school.
  • Work or reside in Allen, Anderson, Atchinson, Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Clay, Coffey, Cowley, Crawford, Dickinson, Doniphan, Douglas, Elk, Franklin, Geary, Greenwood, Harper, Harvey, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Kingman, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Miami, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Pottawatomie, Reno, Riley, Saline, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Sumner, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, Woodson, Wyandotte, counties;
  • Reside in the Pittsburg Kansas trade area:
  • Be an employee of KTCCU;
  • Be a family member of a current credit union member; or
  • Be an organization of a current credit union member.

Membership, once established, may continue regardless if the above conditions still apply.

Hanson said new leadership has begun in the organization, of which Fort Scott is a branch.

Elesa Parsons, from https://heartlandcua.org/news/2022/cu-people-on-move-cua-ktccu.aspx

“2022 brought KTCCU a new CEO/President, Elesa Parsons,” he said. “Elesa brings with her an extensive credit union administrative and accounting background. The previous CEO/President Mark Kolarik has retired from KTCCU, and has relocated out of state.”

“The Fort Scott branch of KTCCU was established/opened in September 2008,” he said. “Since opening the KTCCU Fort Scott location has been successful in carrying out the KTCCU mission.      That mission is to be a sound, quality driven organization that provides the most desirable financial services for community members while safeguarding their assets.”


Hanson can be reached at


or phone (620)223-1475 Fax (620)223-1387

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