Submitted by Angella Curran, FSHS teacher
This year Fort Scott High School qualified 11 students to nationals!!
While we won’t be traveling this year, we will still be competing through an online competition.
FSHS also received the Leading Chapter Award, which is only awarded to 110 schools in the nation each year.
Despite the hardships, we have all been facing I am very pleased to announce that these amazing students will be representing our school!
Congratulations to the 2020 National Speech and Debate Association National Qualifiers:
Madison Toth (sr): Program Oral Interpretation
Elizabeth Ngatia (sr): Program Oral Interp and DUO (will compete in DUO)
Zoe Self (sr): Foreign Extemp and DUO (Will compete in DUO)
Mark Adams (sr): Congress House and Lincoln Douglas Debate (Will compete in Lincoln Douglas)
Shekhar Gugnani (soph): Public Forum Debate and Congress House (Will compete in Congress)
Neil Gugnani (soph): Public Forum Debate and United States Extemp (Will compete in US Extemp)
Ivy Bailey (jr): Congess Senate
Jonie Antonio (sr): Congress House
Hannah Vann (sr): Congress Senate and World Schools team(Will be competing in World Schools)
Kinsley Davis (fr): World Schools team
Lillian Collins (fr): World Schools team