FS Community Foundation Grant Adds To Therapeutic Garden at Presbyterian Village

Grant enables therapeutic garden expansion

Fort Scott Area Community Foundation gives $1,000

 Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s efforts to build a therapeutic garden on the campus got a boost from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation through the foundation’s grant program.

“The therapeutic garden at Presbyterian Village was started in 2017 with funds from Modern Woodman, Presbyterian Village funds and hundreds of volunteer hours,” said Ginger Nance, executive director at the Presbyterian Village. “This year with an additional $1,000 grant from the Fort Scott Community Foundation, we were able to add essential elements such as a concrete water fountain, some additional plants, bushes and constructed raised garden boxes which are being built to replace the ones that are deteriorated.”

The mission of the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation is to partner with and be a resource to organizations whose goal is to improve the quality of life in the Fort Scott, Kansas, area. FSACF strives to create connections between donors and a variety of many worthwhile causes.

“We can’t thank the foundation and other donors enough for their help with our project this year,” Nance said.

A therapeutic garden is an outdoor garden space that has been specifically designed to meet the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the people using the garden as well as their caregivers, family members, visitors, and friends. Many studies suggest positive therapeutic benefits are gained when people are exposed to nature, even for just a few minutes each day. A natural outdoor garden setting promotes exercise and stimulates all the senses. Therapeutic gardens promote movement, positive reminiscences, decrease stress and stabilize sleep-wake cycles.

“The therapeutic garden is enjoyed by family members and tenants, by employees, volunteers and the community at large,” Nance said. “The garden has been utilized for the Mother’s Day banquet, patio music entertainment, outdoor dining, growing vegetables and most of all, for a peaceful relaxing retreat daily to everyone who has entered.”

Each year special features and plant life are added to the retreat space. Volunteers and tenants who love to garden have worked the soil and planted flowers and vegetables all spring and summer in order to improve the space and benefit from the sights and sounds of nature.

“We invite everyone out to enjoy the wonderful space,” states Nance. “The design is a work in progress as financial resources, weather and time allow.” “Next year, we hope to add more to the space and include improved patio dining possibilities by adding umbrellas, a possible pergola, and other shading options,” Nance said.

Thank you to all who have helped make this possible for our community! If you would like to get involved to contribute toward continued improvements to the therapeutic garden, please contact Nance at gnance@pmma.org or call 620-223-5550.


Fort Scott Presbyterian Village has been offering independent and assisted living apartments for seniors from southeast Kansas and southwest Missouri since 1994. Learn more at FortScottPresbyterianVillage.org. It is a member of the nonprofit Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America network of 17 communities in Kansas and Missouri. Learn more about PMMA at PresbyterianManors.org.

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