The City of Fort Scott recently authorized a class action lawsuit, Fort Scott Versus Hulu and Netflix, for failing to pay a video franchise fee under KSA12-2022, according to a contingency agreement provided by the city. The document had no date on it, but agrees the law firm cover the expenses of the lawsuit and will receive 33% of any amounts recovered as their lawyer fees.
“No case has been filed, only hiring an attorney to move forward,” said Fort Scott City Attorney Bob Farmer.
What is the purpose of this lawsuit?
“To recover money owed by Netflix and Hulu for failing to pay the franchise fee in the past and to ensure that it is paid in the future.”
What benefit will it be to the people of Fort Scott?
“Pay for the use of public right of way and property easements within the city, offset city operating costs, and offset additional personal property taxes.”
Is there a timeline?
“Not yet. At some point, a judge will issue a scheduling order and pick a trial setting. Until then, the timeline remains up in the air.”
To view the document: