The Ali Kemp Education Foundation, T.A.K.E., will present a class on female self-defense, this Saturday, April 27 at Fort Scott Middle School.
The class is from 10 a.m. to noon.
“The first part of the class is a lecture on safety awareness,” said Kim Schwab, administrative assistant at the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center who is handling the registration for the event. “The second part is combat training, hands-on techniques done with a partner.”
Schwab has taken the class in another town and highly recommends women take personal responsibility for their own safety.
“We are offering the class because we live in dangerous times and every women’s personal safety is her personal responsibility,” Schwab said. “It is a survival skill that women of every age should know.”
A $12 donation is requested, but it is not required, she said.
“It actually costs more than $12 per person to bring the class to town,” Schwab said.
To register, contact Schwab at the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center at 620-223-1440, extension 270.
Local sponsors of the event are Kale Nelson State Farm Insurance, Stewart-Tucker Realty, The City of Fort Scott, Briggs Auto Dealership, City State Bank, McDonalds Restuarant, Kenny Felt Photography, Martin Rental Properties (Alisha Martin), Liberty Bank, Iron Star Antiques, Fort Scott Inn and Liberty Theater/Crooner’s.
“Seventy-nine have registered so far and you can register clear up until the class on Saturday,” Schwab said. “Just show up and you can register then. Women under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign for them.”
“Women should wear comfortable clothes and shoes (sneakers) so they can move easily,” Schwab said.
“Roger Kemp will be coming and speaking at the beginning of the class about his foundation, The Ali Kemp Educational Foundation, and the reason his family is doing this for women all across the country,” Schwab said.
Kemp’s daughter was raped and murdered in Leawood, a suburb of Kansas City. Following the tragedy, the Kemp family initiated the foundation to provide self-defense classes to females.