USD 234 is making preschool for students a priority, according to Nicki Traul, director of curriculum.
“We are very fortunate that students have many opportunities for preschool in Fort Scott,” she said. “This initiative isn’t to compete with those other preschools.”
Many kindergarten students have not had any early childhood opportunities, Traul said.
“Our expansion is so that we can find those students and get them in a program,” she said. ” The district wants to see that every USD 234 child gets at least one year of preschool prior to starting kindergarten. We need all the preschools in town to be able to do that.”
Traul is attempting to contact all preschool providers in town to establish an early childhood professional learning community.
“It helps us as a district to work with the other preschools,” she said. “Why wouldn’t we want to help each other? ”
In an effort to collaborate with other Fort Scott preschools, Traul has organized a meeting.
Invitations will be sent to area preschools for representatives to meet at 1 p.m. on April 12 in the Fort Scott Middle School Community Room.
Sandy Ellsworth, Greenbush Early Childhood Department, will facilitate the meeting.
The community is welcome to attend.
“We are excited at the opportunity to work with others in our community and the good that will come from that,” Traul said. “Our students need to be our focus and our priority, as a community we need to support early childhood and help each other.”
The USD 234 preschool is located at 409 S. Judson, in back of the former middle school.
Traul said the USD 234 plan is to carve out classrooms from an existing gym at the preschool.
The gym is partially used for the cafeteria and storage currently.