Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 Scuttlebutt

Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 Scuttlebutt

 Upcoming Events


April 23. Bloodmobile will be at Buck Run Community Center from 1 – 7 pm. Blood donation is a national Legion program. Call 620-223-5946 to schedule an appointment.


April 24. Bloodmobile will be at Buck Run Community Center from 9 am – 1 pm. Blood donation is a national Legion program. Call 620-223-5946 to schedule an appointment.


April 27. Women’s Self-Defense class from 10 am – 12 pm at Fort Scott Middle School. Signup online at or by calling 620-223-1440. Ages 12 – 90. No males allowed.


May 1. Post 25 will greet the 2nd Annual Warrior Convoy through Fort Scott at 1:30 pm. Come join other Post 25 members and their families and friends at Memorial Hall as we welcome these combat Warriors to Fort Scott.


May 6. Post 25 meet and greet at 6:30 pm in Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship of other Veterans. Bring an eligible Veteran to visit our Post.


May 6. Post 25 general membership meeting at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. Our membership meetings are open to all. SAL members are strongly encouraged to attend. Tonight’s meeting will include the installation of Post Officers for the 2019 – 20 Legion year. 2nd District Commander Marri Krupco will conduct the installation.

May 17-19. Department of Kansas American Legion Convention. Hutchinson, Ks. Any paid 2019 Legionnaire can attend. Post 25 can have four delegates at the Convention. Post 25 is authorized four voting delegates. Two more delegates are needed. Contact Post Commander Carl Jowers if you would like to attend and represent Post 25.

May 31 – June 2. American Legion Leadership College at Cloud County Community College, Concordia, Ks. Any paid 2019 Legionnaire can attend. Contact Post Commander Carl Jowers for more information on attending. 


Shuttle Schedule



April 15. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 16. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 17. Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 22. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 23. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 24. Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 29. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 30. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


May 1. Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


May 6. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


May 7. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


May 8. Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.

Remember to check out Post 25 on Facebook. It contains current information pertaining to Veterans and their families.


Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 continues to lead the Department of Kansas in membership at 151% with 77 members.


Recruit a new Legion member and both you and the new member will be entered into a drawing where each of you could win $500. This new member contest runs until May. Bringing in a past member whose membership expired in 2017 or earlier would also count towards the $500 drawing. If you need recruiting brochures or membership applications, please contact me. I’ll make arrangements to deliver them to you.


Post Service Officer Myra Jowers will meet with anyone, by appointment, who has questions about filing VA claims, who need a second set of eyes to review their claims or help understand VA documents they have received in the mail. Her service is free and is for anyone, Veteran or family member, who wishes to file a claim or appeal a denied claim. She can be reached at or 620.215.1286 to schedule an appointment.


Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle operates on Mondays and Tuesdays.


Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle operates on Wednesdays.


Any area Vet needing a ride for a medical appointment should call 785-925-0261 for more information or to reserve a seat. All Vets riding the shuttle must have medical appointments between 9 am and 1 pm on the day they ride the shuttle and call by 5 pm the day before their appointment to schedule their ride.


Shuttle will depart from Pete’s 66 on Main Street and can stop at Pleasanton, Louisburg and Ottawa to pick up scheduled riders. The shuttle’s Fort Scott departure time is based upon the earliest scheduled appointment of a Rider.  The shuttle coordinator will contact Riders with the departure time the evening before their scheduled ride.


We are moving towards starting an American Legion Riders. An organizational meeting will be scheduled in early May. The date and time will be based upon ALR District Officers availability. If you are interested in joining the Post 25 Riders Chapter, contact Post Commander Carl Jowers to be placed on a meeting notification list. The requirements to join the ALR are on the attached flyer.


Your Post 25 Color Guard continues to grow. Come to the May 9 meeting and learn more about the Post 25 Color Guard. Darrell Spencer serves as the Color Guard Captain.


Legion merchandise can be ordered through Emblem Sales:  Contact me if ordering a Legion cap to insure your cap has the correct lettering.


VA MISSION Act: What is the latest on community care?  Find out more at this web address:



 Volunteers Needed


Ralph Carlson is seeking volunteers to help with minor home repairs for low income area residents. Volunteers with carpentry, plumbing and electrical skills. All projects are short term and can be accomplished based upon the volunteer’s availability. Some of Ralph’s most recent projects were wheelchair ramps for two disabled Veterans and repairing a kitchen floor for a senior citizen. Call Ralph at 620-644-8162 to volunteer or more for information about his program.


The Fort Scott Cancer Treatment Center relocated to Chanute. Drivers are needed to take Fort Scott patients to Chanute for chemotherapy. Drivers will use their own vehicle and there is a small stipend for gas, if requested. A driver will take the chemo patient to their appointment in Chanute and wait for treatment to be completed and then bring the patient back to Fort Scott. The driver may have only a half hour wait for the patient or two – three hours. Call Donna Bauer at 620-224-7075 for more information or to volunteer.


You do not have to be a Veteran to step up for one of the volunteer opportunities. Just someone who will step up and offer a helping hand to our neighbors.


Submitted by

Carl Jowers. Commander

Fort Scott American Legion Post 25

Telephone: 620.215.1688



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