Efforts Toward Civic Engagement: Kansas Voter Registration Day is Sept. 19

September 19 proclaimed Kansas Voter Registration Day, joining a national effort toward civic engagement


–Governor Laura Kelly signed a proclamation declaring September 19, 2023, Kansas Voter Registration Day. This aligns with the National Voter Registration Day events taking place across the United States. The goal is to reach Kansans who either haven’t yet registered to vote, or simply need to update their registration due to things like a move or name change, by engaging communities through this statewide, single-day event.

On September 19, the State Library, along with libraries and community organizations across the state, will host events encouraging voter registration. Leah Grote, a reference librarian at the State Library, attended a Federal Depository Library Program training on voter engagement and learned about NVRD initiatives from other state libraries.  “I thought Kansas should have an initiative like that too,” Grote said. “I’ve worked to create a webpage with information and resources Kansans need to register to vote and host their own registration drives. Our hope is that this initiative will inspire people across the state to make sure they are registered and to help others register to vote.”

Nationally, the holiday has helped more than 5 million Americans register to vote through the collective efforts of thousands of volunteers, nonprofit organizations, businesses, schools, libraries, election officials, and citizens just like you. Kansas Voter Registration Day is about building community while building democracy–together.  Kansans are welcome to visit the State Library on Kansas Voter Registration Day to register or check their registration and pick up NVRD stickers in English, Spanish and Vietnamese (while they last).

Resources for individuals and community organizations, and the full text of the Governor’s proclamation, can be found at kslib.info/1523/National-Voter-Registration-Day-2023. Email infodesk@ks.gov with any questions.

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