Crumble & Cream, a mobile food trailer that features Deep Dish Cookies, will be returning to Fort Scott today, April 14.
The food trailer rotates stops throughout Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas in 2022. They are headquartered in Wichita.
“We typically just schedule one day per city, in some of the larger cities we do extend for more than one day,” Rachel Marlow, owner of the food trailer said.
“We visited Fort Scott back in October and will be returning for one day Thursday,” Marlow said.
The food trailer will be at Tractor Supply, 2420 S. Main, on
April 14 from 11 am to 7 pm.

More details about about the Thursday set up can be found on our Facebook page
To view a prior story on the Crumble and Cream Food Truck:

Some of the new flavors to try:
Easter Surprise (fudge filled sugar cookie topped with buttercream frosting and Cadbury eggs
Sugar Cookie
French Toast
Carmel Apple Pie
Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Roll
Milk Chocolate Chip
Maple Glazed Snickerdoodle
Dirt n Worms
Red Velvet White Chocolate
Monster Cookie
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter