Chamber is Accepting Registrations for Leadership Program

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is now taking registrations for the 2021-2022 class of LEAD Bourbon County. LEAD, acronym for leadership exploration and development, is a program designed to develop and engage the leadership skills of potential and current leaders through exposing participants to the principles of the Kansas Leadership Center and diverse aspects of our local community.

Registration is open to anyone living or employed in Bourbon County and individuals may sponsor themselves, or employers often sponsor one or more employees. The program includes eight sessions on the third Thursday of each month from October through May followed by a graduation celebration.

Facilitators for the 2021-2022 class will be Katie Casper of Union State Bank and Deb McKenney of Fort Scott Broadcasting. Both Katie and Deb have completed leadership training through the Kansas Leadership Center and are passionate about developing leadership skills in others and connecting the class with other leaders in the community through guest speakers and business tours during each session.

Those interested in the program may print the application or register online at by October 13th. The first class is scheduled for October 21st. Contact the Chamber for more information at 620-223-3566 or email


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