Rumble Sticks Are Lifesavers by Carolyn Tucker



Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker

Rumble Strips are Lifesavers


The implementation of highway centerline and shoulder-line rumble strips have proven to be an excellent idea. This road-safety feature helps prevent drivers from running off the road and reduces head-on accidents. I’ve occasionally been annoyed by rumble strips while digging in my purse for my lip balm but, honestly, I’m very thankful for them. The loud noise and vibration alerts inattentive drivers of lane drifting. The rumble strips were partly designed for distracted drivers guilty of looking at a flock of wild turkeys, a herd of cattle, a tractor for sale, or a big field of soybeans.


During one winter late afternoon, a dear couple invited me to go with them to supper. I asked them if they were sure about driving out of town since it was starting to spit snow. The husband, John, assured me we could go anywhere since he drove a 4×4 truck. His  wife, Chick, agreed that we should go out for a nice meal together. So, I donned my knee-high leather boots and long down coat and away we went. The further we drove, the heavier it snowed. But no worries. We arrived at the restaurant safe and sound, enjoyed the good food and good company, and then loaded into the truck and headed west.


The sky was as black as an ace of spades and 54 Highway was totally covered in several inches of fast-falling snow. Unless we were meeting a vehicle and could benefit from its  headlights, it was impossible to determine where the road was. Since John couldn’t see where the centerline was, he would drive closer to the shoulder line and hit those rumble strips. Well, Chick didn’t want to linger too long too close to the ditch, so every few minutes she would say, “To the left. Go to the left.” This scenario was repeated over and over until we hit the city limits of Fort Scott. Being a widow, I found this husband-wife interaction to be very normal and quite entertaining. Neither one lost their cool, and it took both of them working together as a team to get us home in one piece.


Those shoulder-line rumble strips warned us of impending danger. It reminds me of how God tenderly warns mankind of danger. God doesn’t want anyone to go down a wrong and precarious dark road. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NKJV).


Jesus taught that the lives of Christ followers actually light up the world. “Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light. So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others…” (Matthew 5:14-16 TPT). If God impresses you to do so, don’t be afraid to shine some light on family or friends when you see them beginning to wander off the shoulder.


Believers can serve as human rumble strips for those we love. And, hopefully, should we ever be headed toward the ditch someone will love us enough to gently bring us back to the center line. It works both ways — and must always be done in love.


The Key: Love others, shine your light, and be ready to rumble!

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