The week of March 31, the Kansas Department of Transportation plans to begin a resurfacing project on K-52 in Linn County. The 14-mile project area includes two highway sections: from K-31 northeast to the U.S. 69 south junction, and from the U.S. 69 north junction east to the Kansas-Missouri state line.
Project activity includes a mill and overlay. Flaggers and a pilot car with guide one-lane traffic through the work zone during weekday daylight hours; expect delays of 15 minutes or less. Weather permitting, the work should be completed by June.
KDOT awarded Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., of Topeka, the $3.2 million construction contract. Persons with questions may contact Ian Stringham, (785) 433-6116, or Priscilla Petersen, (620) 902-6433.
KDOT urges drivers to slow down and obey the posted signs in all work zones. For information on this project and other construction activity on state highways in Kansas, visit or call 5-1-1.