Category Archives: Government

Safety First While Driving

Stories show why traffic safety must be priority

People across Kansas are sharing stories about lives saved, lost or affected forever due to a traffic crash during the annual Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day safety blog series.

In today’s blog HERE, traffic was moving slowly, and Caleb Locke thought it would be okay to pull a map up on his phone for directions.

“While I was accessing the map, I took my eyes off the road for less than three seconds. It was at this moment the whole line of cars in front of me had come close to a complete stop. But I was still going 50 miles an hour. As I saw my life flash before my eyes, I instantly dropped my phone, slammed on my brakes and prayed I would stop in time,” Locke said.

During his time at the Kansas Turnpike Authority, Jim Stauffer has seen a number of crashes involving wildlife, and recent KTA stats show 28% of single vehicle crashes are with an animal.

Stauffer shared an example of an incident where, “a driver on the Turnpike had a goose fly into their windshield,” he said. “It actually crashed into the car and out the back window.”

Denee Cupp’s daughter, Makenzee, died in a crash when a driver didn’t stop at the intersection of two highways in La Crosse.

“So many lives have been taken from families that are changed forever because someone was checking their phone. We want to prevent this heartbreak and devastation from happening to other families,” Cupp said.

These and other traffic-related experiences are being told in nine different blogs that begin today and run through Oct. 10, which is Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day. Whether you are in a vehicle, on a motorcycle or even walking, the campaign’s goal is for you to arrive safely every time.

To read safety blogs posted each day, go to KDOT’s blog page HERE.

Amended Agenda for the Bourbon County Commission Today


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832









Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

September 25, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 9-18-2023
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $338,719.44
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $576,872.46
  1. Public Comments
  2. Emily Franks-Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips, PA-Presentation of 2022 Audit
  3. Susan Walker-Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(1)
  • Health Insurance Benefits
  • Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  1. Justin Meeks-Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(2)
  2. Commission Comments
  3. Adjourn Meeting






Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


The Bo Co Commission Agenda for Sept. 25


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832









Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

September 25, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 9-18-2023
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $338,719.44
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $576,872.46
  1. Public Comments
  2. Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  3. Emily Franks-Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips, PA-Presentation of 2022 Audit
  • Health Insurance Benefits
  • Susan Bancroft-Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(1)
  1. Justin Meeks-Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(2)
  2. Commission Comments
  3. Adjourn Meeting






Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.



Payroll 9-22-2023


Payable 9-22-2023

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Input Needed

KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendment

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on an amendment to the FFY 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document.

The STIP is a project specific publication that lists all KDOT administered projects, regardless of funding source, and includes projects for counties and cities as well as projects on the State Highway System. The list of projects being amended to the STIP can be viewed at

The approval of the STIP amendment requires a public comment period, which concludes Oct. 4. To make comments on the amendment, contact KDOT’s Division of Program and Project Management at (785) 296-3254.

This information is available in alternative accessible formats. To obtain an alternative format, contact the KDOT Division of Communications, (785) 296-3585 (Voice/Hearing Impaired-711).



FS Design Review Advisory Board Meeting on Sept. 28


When: September, 28th

Time: 4:00 pm

Location: City Hall

Topic for discussion: Certificate of Appropriateness for signage outside of 12 N. Main in Fort Scott submitted for consideration. The meeting is open to the public and the recording is available to watch on YouTube after the meeting is held.


Submitted by:


Mary Wyatt

Community Development Director

City of Fort Scott

FSCC Trustees Minutes of August 28

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
August 28, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler, Juley McDaniel (Board Clerk), faculty, staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall. The meeting was
opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer had no comments, but two Board members shared comments: Jim Fewins recognized Ed Graham, long time Board member whose funeral was today, and Dave Elliott was pleased to attend the Business Expo during Welcome Week at FSCC on behalf of Peerless.

BUDGET REVIEW: Julie Eichenberger provided an overview of how the 2023-24 proposed budget was created and provided an opportunity for Board members to ask questions. Approval of the budget will be considered at the September 25 meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda as amended.
A. A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the updated Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy.
B. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve purchase of a generator for $12,412.68 and installation by Brock Electric for $13,754.15, for a total of $26,166.83.
C. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Rodeo Program being allowed to purchase immediately when hay is found, staying within FSCC purchasing policy.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed letters of appreciation.
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard updates from Gordon Parks Museum, Finance
and Operations, Student Services, IT, Maintenance, Miami County Campus, and Athletics.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott to adjourn to executive session for
15 minutes beginning at 7:30 pm for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of non-elected personnel as it
relates to organizational structure with action not expected to follow. The Board invited Jason Kegler and Juley
McDaniel into the executive session.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to return to
open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:46 pm by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda for the FSCC Trustees Meeting On September 25

September 25, 2023
Board of Trustees
Fort Scott Community College
2108 S. Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, September 25, 2023. The meeting will be held in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall at Fort Scott
Community College.
5:00 p.m. Dinner in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall followed by regular board meeting at approximately 5:30 p.m.
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Board, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
C. Approval of Budget Revenue Neutral Rate, 4
D. Review and Adoption of the 2023-24 Year Budget, 4
A. Comments from the Chair, 8
B. Comments from the Public, 8
A. Approval of Agenda, 9
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on August 28, 2023, 10
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 13
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 9
A. Approval of Fairness in Women’s Sports Policy, 55
A. Administrative Updates, 57

September 25, 2023 (to facilitate budget process) Board Meeting

October 16, 2023 Board Meeting

November 20, 2023 Board Meeting

November 22 – 24, 2023 Thanksgiving Break, Campus Closed

December 11, 2023 (Changed due to winter break) Board Meeting

December 15, 2023 – January 3, 2024 Winter Break, Campus Closed

January 15, 2024 MLK, Jr. Day, Campus Closed

January 22, 2024 (Changed due to MLK, Jr. Day) Board Meeting

February 19, 2024 Board Meeting

March 11 – 15, 2024 Spring Break, Campus Closed

March 18, 2024 Board Meeting

April 15, 2024 Board Meeting

May 20, 2024 Board Meeting

May 27, 2024 Memorial Day, Campus Closed

June 17, 2024 Board Meeting


John Bartelsmeyer, Chair

Jason Kegler, President

FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective processes; and developing the region’s workforce.

_____ John Bartelsmeyer

_____ Jim Fewins

_____ Dave Elliott

_____ Kirk Hart

_____ Bryan Holt

_____ Robert Nelson




WHEREAS, the Revenue Neutral Rate for Fort Scott Community College was calculated as 27.659
mills by the Bourbon County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the budget proposed by the Governing Body of Fort Scott Community College will
require the levy of a property tax rate exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Body held a hearing on August 28, 2023 allowing all interested
taxpayers desiring to be heard an opportunity to give oral testimony; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Body of Fort Scott Community College, having heard testimony, still
finds it necessary to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate.



Fort Scott Community College shall levy a property tax rate exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate of
29.268 mills.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption and shall remain in
effect until future action is taken by the Governing Body.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Revenue Neutral Rate resolution as
stated above.


VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson


RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of administration to approve the 2023-24 budget
as presented.



VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson








Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on August 28, 2023.


Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.


1) Additions

a) Lindsey Mabe, IA DOE Migrant Program Identification Specialist, effective September 1, 2023

b) Amanda McVann, IA DOE Migrant Program Identification Specialist, effective September 1, 2023

c) Mindy Smith, Cosmetology Instructor, effective September 25, 2023

d) Gina Shelton, Director of Business Operations, effective October 1, 2023

e) Sara Holder, Nursing Instructor, effective October 1, 2023

f) Blanca Perez, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

g) Traci Tucker, Data Manager LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

h) Iban Gama, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

i) Lorena Roberts, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

j) Lauri Stewart, Assistant Migrant Coordinator, LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

2) Separations

a) Moriah Greer, Cosmetology Instructor, effective September 11, 2023

3) Transfers

a) Allie Birket, from Assistant to the President to Instruction Office
Assistant/Concurrent Coordinator, effective September 18, 2023

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as



VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins

Hart Holt Nelson


To view the whole packet;

9.25.23 Consent Agenda

Rate of Uninsured Kansans Surpasses National Rate

Census Survey: Nearly 250,000 Kansans
without Health Coverage

~~ Kansas Rate of Uninsured Per Capita Surpasses U.S. Rate
for Second Year ~~

TOPEKA – The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its American Community Survey 1-year estimates, indicating nearly 250,000 Kansans lack health insurance. The survey reflects data collected in 2022 to assess health insurance coverage rates across Kansas and the United States.

For the second consecutive year, Kansas’ uninsured rate for working-age adults surpassed the national rate. Kansas’ rate was 12.5% compared to the U.S. at 11.3%.

Governor Kelly announced yesterday that her top priority for this coming legislative session is Medicaid expansion by kicking off her “Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy” tour. Medicaid expansion would give thousands of working Kansans access to affordable health care.

“While 40 other states have expanded Medicaid, Kansas continues to lag behind the nation in health care coverage because the legislative has yet to accept the federal funding – which Kansans have already paid for through taxes – needed to get more workers insured,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “That’s unacceptable. Kansans should call their legislator and urge them to expand Medicaid this upcoming legislative session.”

Prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act by other states, the rate of Kansans with health care coverage was better than the nation. Since the Legislature hasn’t expanded Medicaid, the rate of uninsured Kansans has trended closer to or exceeded the national uninsured rate.
Uninsured Rates for Kansas and the United States, 2009-2022

Graph courtesy of the Kansas Health Institute.


Stay Connected with Kansas Office of the Governor:
Facebook Twitter Visit our Website GovDelivery Signup

Trevor Jacob: Letter to Kansas Governor

Dear Governor Laura Kelly:
America is suffering the worst illegal immigration catastrophe in the history of our country.
President Joe Biden’s negligent disregard for America’s national security since the end of Title 42 expulsions have emboldened the cartels, who grow wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl as well
as innocent human beings.
Because President Biden has willfully refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws while systematically dismantling every effective border security policy that previously led to the lowest
number of illegal border crossings in decades, every state in the Union is at risk. The resultant surge in illegal immigration and transnational criminal activity is at an all-time high.
With the end of Title 42 expulsions, President Biden’s own administration estimates that at least 150,000 migrants a day are waiting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border to enter our country illegally.
The flood of illegal border activity invited by the Biden Administration flows directly across the southern border into communities. Not only does it affect US/Mexico border states, but illegals are also flocking into other states including our beloved state of Kansas.

In the federal government’s absence, we, as the elected officials of Kansas, must join to combat President Biden’s ongoing border crisis, and ensure the safety and security that all Americans and
Kansans deserve. We must stand with the oath we all took to defend and protect the Constitution and the American people. The Governor of Texas has taken unprecedented actions to protect Texans and Americans by implementing Operation Lone Star. Since the launch of Operation Lone Star in March 2021, Texas has apprehended more than 435,700 undocumented immigrants and made over 34,000 criminal arrests, with over 30,900 felony charges. Operation Lone Star has also seized more
than 428 million lethal doses of fentanyl that would have otherwise spread into communities across
the nation.

We must support this effort and unite with the other 14 states currently doing the job the federal government has failed to do to protect the American people.

Already, our neighboring states of Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma have stepped up to help fill in the dangerous gaps created by President Biden’s failed open border policies. Additionally, the
Governor of Idaho deployed a team of Idaho State Police personnel to support Texas’ border security efforts in a monthlong mission to prevent the smuggling of people and illicit drugs like
fentanyl into America. The State of Florida has also offered resources, such as hundreds of Florida National Guard soldiers and law enforcement officers, as well as assets like drone technology.

Therefore, we implore you, Governor Kelly, to stand with the other 14 states and help defend our southern borders by sending the necessary resources including Kansas National Guard troops to
stop this negligent disregard for America’s national security since the end of Title 42 expulsions.

America’s national security depends on the State of Kansas support.
Trevor Jacobs, District 4
Kansas House of Representatives

Members of Kansas House Members of Kansas Senate
Representative Carrie Barth, District 5 Senator Virgil Peck, District 15
Representative Dave Beuhler, District 40 Senator Mark Steffen, District 34
Representative Lewis Bloom, District 64 Senator Alicia Straub, District 33
Representative Bill Clifford, M.D., District 122 Senator Mike Thompson, District 10
Representative Duane Droge, District 13
Representative Randy Garber, District 62
Representative Scott Hill, District 70
Representative Michael Houser, District 1
Representative Carl Maughan, District 90
Representative Michael Murphy, District 114
Representative Samantha Parshall, District 6
Representative Sandy Pickert, District 88
Representative Bill Rhiley, District 80
Representative Webster Roth, District 79
Representative Joe Seiwert, District 101

State of KS Virtual Job Fair is Sept. 27

Virtual Job Fair to Highlight Hundreds of State Agency Opportunities

TOPEKA – Jobseekers are encouraged to attend the upcoming State of Kansas Agencies Virtual Job Fair from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 27. This month’s virtual fair, hosted by KANSASWORKS, will feature many exciting employment opportunities available across the state’s 98 government agencies. Currently, there are more than 700 vacancies across the state.

“Our agencies are looking for talented individuals who want to serve Kansas and make it the best place to work, play and raise a family,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “These are good-paying jobs with great benefits. When we bring in skilled people to fill them, we’re setting the stage for a bright future of growth and prosperity in our great state.

Registration is required to participate in the event, regardless of previous participation. The Virtual Job Fair portal features a jobseeker training video, a list of participating employers, and channels for attendees to register and log in. Jobseekers are encouraged to dress professionally, as employers might request to engage in a video interview.

Candidates can participate through any digital device, but it is highly recommended to use a computer to be most effective during the job fairs. If a jobseeker does not have access to a personal computer, they are available at KANSASWORKS offices as well as local libraries throughout the state. Any individual with a disability may request accommodations by contacting their nearest workforce center at (877) 509-6757 prior to the event.

To register for the September 27 State Agencies Virtual Job Fair, click here.


KANSASWORKS links businesses, job candidates and educational institutions to ensure that employers can find skilled workers. Services are provided to employers and job candidates through the state’s 27 workforce centers, online or virtual services KANSASWORKS is completely free for all Kansans to use. Learn more at State employment opportunities can be found at

About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and was awarded the 2021 and 2022 Governor’s Cup by Site Selection Magazine.

Shared Services for Child Care Providers Is Launched

Governor Kelly Announces Launch of Shared Services Network for Child Care Providers

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today the launch of a new partnership that will create savings and streamline services for child care providers across Kansas. The Kansas Department for Children and Families, Child Care Aware of Kansas, and five community-based organizations are partnering on the Shared Service Network to streamline administrative costs for providers and free up time for programs to focus on providing high-quality child care.

“For many Kansas kids, quality child care is essential for them to have a solid start to their developmental growth,” said Kansas Governor Laura Kelly. “This network will provide child care professionals the resources they need so they can focus on young Kansans in their care.”

By participating in the Shared Services Network, child care providers benefit from services that cost less and are often more efficient than what the programs could do on their own. A wide range of services are available to reshape child care, including:

  • Group purchasing plans;
  • Advanced business software to manage enrollment and billing;
  • Shared administrative staff;
  • Support for hiring staff and finding substitutes; and
  • Personalized professional development.

“By working together, child care providers can save money and invest more in key parts of early childhood education, like better pay for their staff, high-quality curriculum, and other supplies needed to operate a child care business,” said Laura Howard, Secretary Kansas Department for Children and Families.

The five community-based organizations that have been selected to implement the Shared Services Network will have the responsibility for delivering services to participating child care programs that result in cost savings.

“Shared Services represent an innovative approach to making the business side of child care work,” said Kelly Davydov, executive director of Child Care Aware of Kansas. “We have a unique opportunity to realize cost savings for participating child care programs so that they can earn more or reinvest in other aspects of their business, like high-quality curriculum for the young children in their care.”

Shared Services Networks will be provided by the following organizations:

  • Northwest Kansas Innovation Center: Serving 29 counties in the Northwest and North Central areas of Kansas.
  • Child Care Aware of Kansas: Serving 39 counties in the Southwest and South Central areas of Kansas.
  • Community Children’s Center: Serving 16 counties in the Northeast area of Kansas.
  • Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas: Serving 17 counties in the Southeast area of Kansas.
  • The Family Conservancy: Serving five counties in the Kansas City area.

For more information, visit Shared Services Network – Child Care Aware.

To learn more about Child Care Aware of Kansas and how you can join us in ensuring access to high-quality child care for all families, visit us at

Amended Agenda for FS City Commission Meeting Today

September 19, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call:
T. VanHoecke K. Harrington E. Woellhof M. Guns M. Wells
II. Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation: Led by M. Wells
III. Approval of Agenda:
IV. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2023
B. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1344-A — $469,395.66
C. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering and Inspection – $36,194.50
1. Invoice #16789 – 2022 CDBG Sanitary Sewer Inspection – $23,194.50
2. Invoice #16784 – 21-303 – WWTP – System Design – Phase III – $13,000.00
D. Request to Pay – Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc. – Financial Advisory Fee – General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023 – Issue Record #64784 – $12,312.50.
E. August Financials
F. Request to Approve Change Order No. 2 – 2022 CDBG Sanitary Sewer Project – Bennett, Inc. – Increase of $63,295.00
V. Public Comment: Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at the Commission’s discretion.
VI. Old Business:
A. Consideration to Accept USDA Rural Development Grant for $33,000.00 –
D. Bruner and Emily Diebolt – Storm Sirens
B. Consideration to Accept (2) Grants from Timken Foundation of Canton –
1. City of Fort Scott – Automated External Defibrillators – $13,500.00
2. Fort Scott Fire Department – UTV – $21,500.00
C. Consideration of MOU with Bourbon County Health In All Policies Task Force – Tabled until September 19, 2023, for response to request to have contract language amended. History: Tabled July 25, 2023, August 1, 2023, defeated motion on August 15, 2023.
D. Consideration of Resolution No. 13-2023 – Resolution and Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure – 1001 W. 2 nd St.
Tabled to September 19, 2023, for extension to gather more information.
E. Consideration of Resolution No. 12-2023 – Resolution and Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure – 1801 W. Wall St.
Tabled to September 19, 2023, for extension to gather information regarding owners and taxes being paid.
VII. Appearances:
A. Lake Fort Scott Residents – Potential lake improvements during low level
B. Justin Meeks – Golf Course property update
C. Robert Coon – Housing development
VIII. Public Hearing: 2023 Budget Amendment
IX. New Business:
A. Consideration of Purchase of new WILO mixer for bio basin from IPS Process
Solutions for $25,244.35 – S. Flater
B. Consideration of Contractors’ Licensing Program – N. Nation
C. Consideration of Project Inspection – Sanitary Sewer Relocation for the Infantry Substation – J. Dickman
D. Consideration of Relocation and Reimbursement Agreement – Evergy – Fort Scott Infantry Substation Project – J. Dickman – Tabled from September 5,
2023, to propose a project inspection inclusion to Evergy.
X. Reports and Comments:
A. City Manager Comments:
B. Engineering Comments:
C. Commissioners Comments:
T. VanHoecke –
K. Harrington –
E. Woellhof –
M. Guns –
M. Wells –
D. City Attorney Comments:
XI. Executive Session:
XI. Adjournment: