Category Archives: Government

U234 Board of Education Meets Oct. 9

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        







October 9, 2023 – 5:30 P.M.



1.0       Call Meeting to Order            David Stewart, President

2.0       Flag Salute

3.0       Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)

4.0       Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)

4.1       Board Minutes

  1. 09/11/2023 Regular Meeting

            4.2       Financials-Cash Flow Report

            4.3       Check Register

            4.4       Payroll – September 20, 2023 – $1,638,198.05

            4.5       Activity Fund accounts

4.6       USD 234 Gifts

4.7       FSHS Extended Trip Applications

4.8       FSHS Fundraising Applications

4.9       Ratification of Investments

4.10     USD 234 Substitute Pay Schedule Adjustment

5.0       Recognitions (Information/Discussion Item)

5.1 Student Recognition

5.2 Employee Recognition

6.0       Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)

            6.1       Superintendent’s Report

            6.2       Assistant Superintendent’s Report

            6.3       Special Education Director’s Report

7.0       Old Business

  • 1 Roof Payment (Action Item)
  • 2 Open Enrollment Policy (Information/Discussion)


8.0       New Business

8.1       Acceptance of Appreciated Stock (Action Item)

8.2       District Health Insurance Recommendation (Action Item)

9.0       Public Forum


10.0     Other Business – Personnel Matters

10.1     Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters (Action Item)


10.2     Exit Executive Session

10.3     Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)

11.0     Adjourn Meeting                        David Stewart, President


Special Bo Co Commission Meeting on Oct. 10: Discussion of Healthcare


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832









Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 10, 2023 5:30 p.m.



A special meeting of the Board of Bourbon County Commissioners



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(4)
  1. Discussion of Healthcare
  2. Commission Comments
  3. Adjourn Meeting






Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


The Agenda for the City of Uniontown Council on Oct. 10

The Uniontown City Council Agenda for Oct. 10 at 7 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER AT ________ by _____________________________


___ Jess Ervin ___ Danea Esslinger ___ Josh Hartman ___ Amber Kelly ___ Bradley Stewart



Region H Multi-Hazard, Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan –


Motion by __________, Second by ___________, Approved _____, to enter into executive session pursuant to data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(4), in order to discuss economic development that pertains to private financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships






Charlene Bolinger – Financial reports



  1. Minutes of September 12, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
  2. Treasurers Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



Superintendent:  Bobby Rich


Codes Enforcement:  Doug Coyan


Clerk Report:  Sally Johnson  

LCRR LSLI webinar update



Councilman Ervin –

Councilwoman Esslinger –

Councilman Hartman –

Councilwoman Kelly –

Councilman Stewart–

Mayor Jurgensen –



Electrical in Park – What are we going to charge for the 30AMP outlets?


Street project –


Mural Grant –


Placemaking Project –


Pond Project –



Messaging System –






2023 Financials – October

10-23 Informational Items

Unapproved Minutes of the City of Uniontown Council for Sept. 12

The Regular Council Meeting on September 12, 2023 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 6:48PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (7:00), Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Tom Decker, Jonathon O’Dell, Don George (Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism), Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.



2024 Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing – hearing was opened; no patrons were present.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 4-0 to adopt Resolution No. 2023-0912-1 to levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate


Roll Call Vote – Jess Ervin – Yes, Danea Esslinger – No Vote (absent), Josh Hartman – Yes, Amber Kelly – Yes, Bradley Stewart – Yes


Hearing closed.


2024 Budget Hearing – hearing was opened.  There were no patrons present.  Clerk Johnson asked the Council to consider paying off the Gas Utility Loan that was incurred due to 2021 Winter Storm Uri at the end of 2023 as there is no way to know how much more the interest rates will go up in 2024, 2025 and 2026.  The customers that opted to make monthly payments would continue to make monthly payments at the current interest rate as this is the rate paid when we pay off the debt.  This would change the published proposed budget for the Gas Utility but would not require a budget amendment for 2023.  Also heard today that we were awarded the KDWPT grant to finish riprapping the School Pond.  On General Fund, change 2024 expenditures for salaries/wages to $60,000, and parks and recreation to $20,500.  This will not change spending authority.


Motion by Kelly, Second by Hartman, Approved 4-0 to pay off gas utility loan on 12/31/2023 and adopt the 2024 budget as amended


Hearing closed.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties matters exception, KSA 4319-(b)(4), in order to discuss economic development that pertains to private financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships, the open meeting to resume at 7:22, include Sally Johnson.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to extend executive session pursuant to data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties matters exception, KSA 4319-(b)(4), in order to discuss economic development that pertains to private financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships, the open meeting to resume at 7:42, include Tom Decker and Sally Johnson.


Sally Johnson out at 7:30.  Open meeting resumed at 7:42PM.  No action taken.


Phase II of Uniontown School Pond Improvement Project – Don George informed the Council that the grant application was awarded and had two copies of the contract to be signed.  He also gave out information on invasive species.  Council appreciates all his efforts to get this funded.


Motion by Esslinger, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to accept the grant award and sign the contract


Dangerous and Unfit Structure Hearing for 404 Washington St – Jonathon O’Dell was here to present evidence to repair, not remove, the structure.  He presented a bid he had received from a contractor to do the repairs and stated that the outside of the structure could be completed in 60 days.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to adopt Resolution 2023-0912-2 directing that the structure at 404 Washington St be repaired and the premises made safe and secure by completely repair and secure the exterior of the structure commencing no later than September 27, 2023 and completed no later than December 1, 2023


Clerk Johnson will publish the resolution one time in The Fort Scott Tribune and mail by certified mail-restricted delivery, return receipt to all parties of interest.






Treasurer Bolinger present the August 2023 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $407,054.53, Receipts $32,491.88, Transfers Out $12,776.00, Expenditures $41,716.92, Checking Account Closing Balance $385,053.49. Bank Statement Balance $393,891.88, including Checking Account Interest of $85.60, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $8,838.39, Reconciled Balance $385,053.49.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $33,412.16, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $19,939.88, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $33,689.81, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $472,095.34. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $630.95, and Utility CDs $640.87 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $1,271.82.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of August 2023, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $4,300.00, Expenditures $4,300.00, Ending Balance $0.  August Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00. to Capital Improvement-Streets $250.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, to Capital Improvement-Streets $750.00; from Gas Utility Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $6,250.00; from General Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $2,500.00; from Capital Improvement-Chlorinator to Capital Improvement-Warehouse $10,000.00; for Total Transfers of $12,776.00.  Net Loss for the month of August $22,001.04, Year-to-Date Net Income $41,501.52.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $79,144.95 (64.8%), Expenditures $76,803.25 (47.9%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $25,223.16 (68.4%), Expenditures $20,924.4 (50.8%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $99,843.35 (63.7%), Expenditures $85,528.98 (38.0%); General Fund YTD Revenue $130,027.96 (86.8%), Expenditures $110,471.20 (59.6%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $6,100.03 (81.8%), Expenditures $0 (0%).  The September 2023 estimated payables in the amount of $27,482.63 were presented; however, Clerk Johnson did sate that a late bill came in and to add $1,300.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda as amended:

  • Minutes of August 8, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



City Superintendent Rich reported that there were no leaks found on the gas system again this year.  Council thanked him for all his work to prepare the City for Old Settlers Picnic.


Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan reported that 505 Wall St has started their project to build a shed next to the carport and they will be moving the junk vehicle out of town.  It was reported that 405 Clay St has a lot of brush piles.


Clerk Johnson reported that she forgot to get Citywide Yard Sales on the agenda before the last cleanup.  Consensus was to not designate a Citywide Yard Sale date this year.

She has registered to attend the KMU Regional Meeting on October 25, 1:30-3:30, Iola.

KDHE has implemented a new reporting portal and all water/wastewater reporting is to be done online beginning 2024.

She will be attending the KMEA/KMGA Fall Conference, October 19-20, Wichita.



Councilman Ervin – City of Fort Scott has implemented water conservation efforts and initiated a citywide burn ban.  Do we have a plan to get notice to customers if C2 issues a water restriction? Yes, it would be posted to webpage and a letter would be mailed to all customers.  He also asked if we could consider a text messaging system for notifying customers/citizens.  Clerk Johnson will do some research.  Also noted that City of Fort Scott is raising their water rates 3%.  We will need to add a possible increase for our water rates, if we get a rate increase letter from C2.  Also reported that the metal pile during citywide cleanup was taken before the City could recycle it.  Council may consider adding something to the flyer about the City recycling the metal, that it is not for the taking.

Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing

Councilman Hartman – nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – Thanked staff for getting US flags replaced.

Councilman Stewart – nothing

Mayor Jurgensen – nothing



Electrical in Park – Five 30AMP outlets were installed the Friday before Labor Day.  Electrician also installed switches for the light and fan for the ceiling fan in the gazebo.


Street project – contract has been received and reviewed by legal.  Start time per the bid we accepted is October 2023 with 0-5 days duration of project.  USD 235 thanked the City for patching the pot hole in the drive to the stadium and medical clinic.


Mural Grant – bills have been paid; however, we have not received the remaining 25% of the grant from Office of Rural Prosperity.


Placemaking Project – estimated cost of concrete only, no site prep, is $17,150.  Need to prepare a budget for the project, then send out invitations to bid.





Moved by Kelly, Second by Ervin, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 9:07PM

KS Three-Year Research Project of Bald Eagles Has Ended

KDWP Expands Three-year Research Study of Bald Eagles in Kansas

PRATT – In the spring of 2021, a research study on the ecology of Kansas-hatched bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) began with just 13 birds and plans of field work lasting three years. This year – thanks to voluntary contributions made to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park’s nongame species donation program, Chickadee Checkoff – that research project has been extended; and, the total number of birds studied has increased to nearly 30 bald eagles.

KDWP and a team of partners from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Conservation Science Global, Evergy, and private landowners are confident data derived from the study will help wildlife managers and developers better address potential conflicts between bald eagles and development infrastructure, as well as further the scientific community’s understanding of bald eagle ecology in the central Great Plains.

Research on Kansas bald eagle populations began in 1989 with the first contemporary documentation of an active bald eagle nest at Clinton Reservoir in Douglas County. Since then, approximately 299 nesting territories have been reported to the USFWS and Kansas Biological Survey. And, new nesting territories are reported each winter and spring, indicating good population prospects for the species in Kansas.

“For 34 years, conservationists have done outstanding work documenting breeding activity and population expansion across the state,” said KDWP terrestrial ecologist Zac Eddy. “Having said that, little-to-no research has been completed on the ecology of the species. So, we still know very little about eaglet survival, seasonal range size, landscape and airspace use, and response to anthropogenic development or man-made structures in our state. With this research study, we aim to change that.”

Current Day
Most recently, researchers affixed identification bands and GPS telemetry backpacks on an additional 15 bald eagle nestlings hatched this year in Barton, Stafford, Kingman, Reno, Chase, Morris, Geary, and Pottawatomie counties. The process to complete this field work includes:

  • Identifying successful nests, which will have eaglets aged 7 to 9 weeks old at the time of capture. Nests are accessed by experienced tree climbers or by use of bucket trucks.
  • Capturing the eaglets in their nests and lowering them to the ground.
  • Taking morphometric measurements – or measurements of the bird’s size, shape, and length – to estimate age and sex of the birds
  • Attaching identifying leg bands to each leg
  • Obtaining blood and feather samples for genetic and environmental contaminant testing
  • And, fitting GPS telemetry backpacks to each bird before returning them to their nests.

The GPS telemetry units – powered by onboard solar panels and lithium-ion batteries – began collecting data as soon as the nestlings left their natal nests.

“The units collect timestamped data points documenting location, altitude, heading, and speed at intervals of 3-5 seconds in flight and 15 minutes at roost,” added Eddy.

Continued data collection will offer researchers a robust assessment of juvenile eagles’ seasonal ranges and airspace use in the context of topography, weather, land cover, and energy infrastructure, while potentially allowing conservationists to document their movements from the time of fledging through establishing nesting territories of their own.

For information on how you can support Chickadee Checkoff and research projects like this, visit

For more on other protected species in Kansas, visit


Kansas child deaths hit record low in 2021

Kansas child deaths hit record low in 2021, annual report shows


TOPEKA – (Oct. 3, 2023) -– Child deaths hit a record low in 2021, despite an increase in the number of child homicides and fentanyl overdoses, according to a report released today by the State Child Death Review Board of Kansas.

The board’s annual report analyzed the deaths of Kansas children (birth through 17years old) that occurred in calendar year 2021, the most recent year for which data is available.

“Within the three decades that the State Child Death Review Board has been in in existence, more than 12,000 deaths of Kansas children have been examined. The data provided in this report is critical to our understanding of why children are dying,” said Sara Hortenstine, the board’s executive director.  “We know that behind each of these statistics are the stories of children who lost their lives too soon, families who are still grieving, and communities that will be impacted forever. We must learn from these difficult circumstances and take action to prevent future deaths of Kansas children.”

Overall, the report showed Kansas had 349 child fatalities in 2021, compared with 365 in 2020. The overall child death rate in 2021 was 49.6 deaths per 100,000 population, both the lowest number and rate of death since the board was created in 1994.

The rate of deaths due to natural causes declined in the last five years, the report revealed. In 2021, 100-plus fewer children died of natural causes compared to 2018. Despite the overall decreasing number of child deaths in Kansas, homicides, weapon-related deaths, and drug-related deaths in children has shown an alarming increase.

Thirty-two children died from homicide in 2021 compared to only 22 child homicides in 2020, a 45% increase. The report also indicates drug-related deaths increased significantly in the past two years. While no children died in 2017, 2018, and 2019 from fentanyl, 20 kids died from fentanyl overdoses in 2020 and 2021.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported nearly 500,000 people of all ages died from overdoses involving both illicit and prescribed use of opioids from 1999-2019. In recent years, both nationally and in Kansas, the data has shown an increase in the use of synthetic opioids like fentanyl. While fentanyl is a prescription drug, it is also manufactured illegally. Frequently it is incorporated into illicitly manufactured pressed pills and mixed with other substances without the knowledge of the end user.

“My office is committed to preventing every preventable death of a child. This report shows a dramatic increase in fentanyl deaths in 2020 and 2021 as compared with previous years. We are using every tool at our disposal to deal with this threat,” Kobach said.

In addition to policy recommendations, the report includes prevention points that families can use to decrease the likelihood of a child’s death.

The board is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency volunteer board organized by law within the attorney general’s office to examine trends and patterns that identify risk factors in the deaths of children, from birth through 17 years of age. The report is available on the attorney general’s website at


KS Tax Collections $42M More than Estimated

Governor Kelly Announces September Total Tax Collections $42M More than Estimate

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that total tax collections for September 2023 were $991.6 million. That is $42.0 million, or 4.4%, more than the estimate. Total tax collections are up $30.6 million, or 3.2%, from September 2022.

“Because of my administration’s work to put our state on solid financial footing, we have been able to grow our economy and make historic investments in schools, roads, and law enforcement,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Now, it’s time to give money back to Kansans through responsible tax cuts. Last session, I proposed a plan to cut property, grocery, and retirement taxes in a way that helps every family without robbing the state of its ability to continue growing the economy and making those key investments. Let’s get it done this upcoming session.”

Individual income tax collections were $390.9 million. That is $24.1 million, or 5.8%, below the estimate and down 11.4% from September 2022. Corporate income tax collections were $261.5 million. That is $61.5 million, or 30.8%, more than the estimate and up 53.7% from September 2022.

“Wage withholding remains one of the most reliable revenue streams with 12.2% growth over September 2022. In addition, the SALT Parity Act continues to cause a shift between individual and corporate income tax receipts, with the former being $24.1 million below the estimate and the latter being $61.5 million over the estimate,” said Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart. “Notwithstanding this reporting anomaly, overall tax receipts closely track the Consensus Revenue Estimate for the month of September.”

Combined retail sales and compensating use tax receipts were $305.1 million, which is $5.1 million, or 1.7%, more than the estimate and down $4.5 million, or 1.4%, from September 2022.

Click here to view the September 2023 revenue numbers.


KS Managed Care Organization Contracts Expire Dec. 31

KDHE Announces Re-Procurement of KanCare Medicaid & CHIP Capitated Managed Care Request for Proposals 

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), in collaboration with the Kansas Department of Administration, has released the KanCare Medicaid & CHIP capitated managed care request for proposals (RFP) for the provision of managed health care coverage to low-income children and pregnant women, seniors aged 65 or older, individuals with disabilities, and some parents who meet income eligibility requirements.

The current managed care organization (MCO) contracts expire on December 31, 2024.

“My administration is committed to using every lever possible to improve health care across the state, which is why this RFP was carefully crafted to learn from past models and to find new ways to reach uninsured Kansans,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “This process is vital to providing the quality health care Kansas’ Medicaid recipients deserve.”

“The RFP represents Kansas’ continued commitment to providing consistent and quality health care coverage for our most vulnerable citizens,” said Christine Osterlund, Deputy Secretary for Agency Integration and Medicaid. “Updates to the KanCare program in this RFP include a renewed focus on improving outcomes by addressing integrated, whole-person care, workforce retention, accountability measures for the MCOs and other cost-effective strategies to improve the delivery system for members and providers.”

This RFP was carefully developed based on valuable feedback from members, providers, stakeholders, and legislators. The State expects selected MCOs to provide the expertise, experience, innovative strategies, methods of approach and capabilities necessary to advance the KanCare vision and goals. The MCOs must demonstrate congruence with the KanCare vision and goals in all aspects of their performance under the contract.

The procurement follows this schedule:




State releases RFP

October 2, 2023


Pre-bid conference and actuarial pre-bid conference (Mandatory)

October 16, 2023


Deadline for submitting written questions requesting clarifications

October 23, 2023, by 12 p.m. CT


State will post an amendment with bidder questions and agency answers

November 28, 2023


Proposal submission deadline (RFP closing date)

January 4, 2024, by 2 p.m. CT


Evaluation of bids conducted by State

January 5, 2024 to March 21, 2024


Face-to-face negotiations with selected bidders



Contract award

April 12, 2024


Bid protest period

April 15, 2024 to May 17, 2024


Readiness review period

End of bid protest to December 31, 2024


KanCare 2.0 MCO contracts expire

December 31, 2024


New contracts take effect — services rendered under new contracts

January 1, 2025

“Working with our partners at KDHE, we are committed to conducting a thorough and transparent procurement process to ensure the best product is made available to the people of Kansas,” said Secretary of Administration Adam Proffitt. The Department of Administration is responsible for administering the procurement process.

Interested parties may access relevant procurement documents at the Kansas Department of Administration E-Supplier Page and clicking on Bid Event Number EVT0009267 titled “KanCare Medicaid & CHIP Capitated Managed Care”. The Department of Administration E-Supplier Page can be accessed at:

Additional RFP resources can be found at



Wanted: Public Comment on Kansas Broadband Digital Equity Plan

Governor Kelly Releases Kansas Broadband Digital Equity Plan for Public Comment

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the Kansas Digital Equity (DE) Plan for high-speed internet connectivity is available for public review and comment. While the recently announced Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Five-Year Action Plan outlines the state’s plan to provide access to high-speed internet, the Digital Equity Plan focuses on specifically connecting users.

The DE Plan outlines digital skills training, affordable service plans, and the availability of broadband-ready devices as top priorities. Additionally, the plan emphasizes technology’s positive effect on various areas of everyday life, such as health care, education, and civic engagement.

“Digital equity empowers Kansans with the tools they need to succeed in the modern world,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The release of the Digital Equity Plan marks a significant milestone in our commitment to closing technology gaps. I urge everyone to participate in the public comment process.”

The DE Plan represents a significant step towards achieving the state’s vision of universal access to education, health care, employment, social services, and participation in the digital economy. The plan outlines how every Kansan can utilize quality, affordable, and reliable broadband service.

“As Kansans, we embrace challenges with determination and innovation,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “At its core, this plan supports economic development through the expansion of digital skills and access to new opportunities for individuals and businesses throughout the state.”

The vision and goals of the Digital Equity Plan were developed in consultation with the Digital Equity Advisory Council, representing various organizations and leaders from across the state. The Council’s extensive outreach, research, collaboration, and public input were instrumental in shaping the plan.

Residents, community organizations, businesses, and local authorities from throughout Kansas are encouraged to participate in the public comment period for the DE Plan. The document adheres to National Telecommunications Information and Administration (NTIA) guidelines and includes a description of each requirement and attachments.

“Our vision of digital equity is grounded in the lived experiences of Kansans who face barriers to broadband access,” Director of the Kansas Office of Broadband Development Jade Piros de Carvalho said. “Through thoughtful planning and collaboration, we are committed to providing equitable opportunities to all our residents.”

The Digital Equity Plan is the second of four primary documents focused on accessing and deploying federal funding, building upon the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Five-Year Action Plan (FYAP). The public comment period will be open until November 2, 2023. To add a comment or to get more information about the plan, click here.

The Office of Broadband Development will have a webinar on the importance of public comments for the DE Plan from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3. To register, click here.


Bo Co Commission Minutes of Sept. 25

September 25, 2023                                                                                                           Monday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Mark McCoy, Emily Franks, Anne Dare, Kevin Davidson, Clint Walker, and Rachel Walker were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting with the flag salute followed by a prayer led by Mark McCoy.


Nelson made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 9/18/23, approval of payroll totaling $338,719.44, and approval of accounts payable totaling $576,872.46. Jim seconded the motion, and all approved.


Clint Walker spoke of the recent passing of Bob Marshall and suggested the Commissioners lower the flag on Thursday to show respect for Mr. Marshall’s many years of service starting in the Marine Corps, serving the community and on various boards including FSCC, and his time as a Senator. Clint said Mr. Marshall would always talk to you no matter where you were and treated everybody with respect. Jim said they would take that into consideration.


Emily Franks, with Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips, PA, presented the 2022 fiscal year audit. Emily went page by page explaining the information contained in the audit. Since the county spent more than $750,000 in federal funds there were federal requirements that they were obligated to follow to report and test for the single federal audit. Emily said the county has implemented changes and now reconciles and balances the accounts monthly to be in compliance which was an issue listed in prior audits.



Susan Walker requested a 10-minute executive session. Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy to include all three Commissioners, Susan Walker, Jennifer Hawkins, and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:00. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:00 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Justin asked to amend the agenda for an executive session for attorney client privilege.


Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to allow for an executive session for attorney client privilege. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 5-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship to include all three Commissioners, and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:07. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:07 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


The Commissioners discussed the health insurance benefits information that was presented last week while Nelson was out of town. Susan stated if they are going to leave the state pool they have to do so by October 1st. Jim asked if the opportunity to leave the state pool come up again next year and Susan said yes. Clifton said they will save more money in a year because we won’t have the penalty but they had a goal of having someone trained by now and $30,000-$40,000 would be burnt up quickly to hire a consultant to administer the plan. Clifton said personally he is in favor of leaving the state plan but it wouldn’t be much savings this year so we will probably have to keep what we have. Susan said the premiums for the state plan will not be changing next year. Nelson said it sounded like we don’t know enough to upset the apple cart with something as important as insurance. Clifton said the plan we would be going to is almost identical to what we have and after the penalty we would have approximately $58,000 in savings but we have no staff to administer at this point. Clifton said his goal would be to have the staff ready next year to administer. Jim said they have been talking of leaving the state plan for three years and asked why aren’t we ready after three years. Jim made a motion to leave the state employee health plan and go with a private carrier. Nelson seconded the motion with discussion. Nelson said our staff has indicated they can’t do it right now without hiring someone else and if we could do it without hiring someone else, he would be all for it. Clifton said we can point fingers but at the end of the day it would fall on Jennifer and Susan and in his opinion they have so much on their plate already they have been unable to do it. Clifton said it is not their fault why we are not ready. Jim said he is not blaming anybody but we should have done a better job in planning. Clifton said in his opinion they are doing everything they can in their power, we just had a good audit so thank you to Patty, Susan, and Jennifer. Clifton said the problems from they are dealing with from the past has kept them from other priorities that would benefit this county. Jim asked all in favor of his motion to leave the state employee health plan with the motion failing 1-2.


Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, said they lost a fence at the shop due to the windstorm over the weekend and there were several trees downed near the shop. Yale Road has been milled with only a one-foot strip left to be completed. Nelson said he heard about it all the way in South Korea. Eric said the company doing the work had a cancellation which is why the work was done on short notice. Eric said he has spoken to and emailed several residents in the area. Nelson said the concern of the residents is that we won’t get one mile of asphalt laid there next year. Eric said he can propose it and it is up to the Commissioners to make it happen during the hard surface road work session but he hopes to get to Eagle Road and one mile on Yale Road. Jim asked if it would be the east or west mile and Nelson said he would have to see what the residents want. Nelson asked when the work session would be for the hard surface roads and Eric said it is usually held in February or March. Nelson thanked Eric for responding to all the emails from the residents of Yale Road.


Justin Meeks asked for a 7-minute executive session for contracts. Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include all three Commissioners, Eric Bailey, and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:32. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Nelson made a motion to resume normal session at 6:32 with action. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.


Nelson made a motion to allow the County Counselor to re-write the contract at Beth Quarry. Jim seconded the motion.  Clifton abstained. The motion passed 2-1. Clifton stated he has no benefit from this as it is his mother’s land and contract. Jim said we ran out of room to do more blasts and that is why we have to do this.


Justin Meeks asked for a 20-minute executive session. Clifton made a motion to go into a 20-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship to include all three Commissioners, and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:55. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:55 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes under KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship and will return at 7:07. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. The County Clerk asked who would be included in the executive session so Clifton made an amendment to the motion to go into executive session to include all three Commissioners and County Counselor Justin Meeks. Nelson seconded the motion stating the 10-minutes would end at 6:08 now and all approved. Nelson made a motion to resume normal session at 7:08 with no action. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:08. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk

              10-2-2023                         Approved Date