Category Archives: Business

Buying Gifts In The Community Is Beneficial to the Community

Graphic from the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.
This year Small Business Saturday falls on November 25th and is a day when shoppers are encouraged to buy from local, small businesses for the good of the community they live in.
Supporting local small businesses is beneficial to both the buyer and the business. Savings on gas fill-ups and time are some of the benefits to buyers for buying local, and then there are the benefits to those businesses they buy from.
“What a difference a few dollars spent per shopper can make! ” said Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Lindsay Madison said. And the Chamber has been working to encourage local shoppers.

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is registered as a Neighborhood Champion for Shop Small, Small Business Saturday, a program initiated by American Express, according to Madison.

Lindsay Madison. Submitted photo.

Neighborhood Champions work to rally the community to shop at local small businesses.

The Chamber has put together a Shop Small Passport that shoppers may pick up from local retailers this Friday and Saturday, she said.  “If shoppers earn three or more stamps by purchasing $5 or more, they turn in the passport at their 3rd store for an entry to win $50 in Chamber Bucks.  The drawing will take place on Tuesday, November 28th.  Chamber Bucks can be used like cash at over 60 Chamber member businesses and restaurants.”

“If you don’t already, we ask you to Like and Follow the Chamber’s Facebook page, Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce,” she said.  “We have been posting a social campaign over the last couple of weeks to illustrate the importance of shopping local and what a difference a few dollars spent per shopper can make!  Some of those social posts have included the following messaging:

  • “Per, for every $1 you spend at a small business, 67 cents stays in the local community. Forty-four cents goes to the small business owner and employee’s wages and benefits and 23 cents gets reinvested in other local businesses,” she said.
  • “Your $20 spent locally does more than purchase goods, it weaves a community tapestry, where every thread strengthens the whole. That same $20 circulates.  You eat at a local restaurant and tip the wait staff, the wait staff then goes and gets a haircut, the stylist then goes and buys a cup of coffee, the barista then buys a candle at a gift shop, and so on.  When you spend $20 online, that $20 is gone out of our community.
  • “Ten dollars spent at a local store can have a sizable impact. It’s estimated that over $9.3 billion would be returned to our U.S. economy if every family spent just $10 a month at a local business. That’s not even one meal’s worth of spending a month! It’s only a few cups of coffee or a glass of wine a month. What a tremendous impact we could have if everyone could commit to that.”

“As you Shop Small over the weekend, be sure to pick up your Passport,” Madison said.  “Have some fun and earn a chance to win while you’re supporting our local businesses are hit up year-round to sponsor events, support school fundraisers, and more.  It’s our turn to give back to them.”

The Chamber received a limited amount of promotional products from American Express that is being distributed to locally owned Chamber member small businesses to use during Small Business Season, said Madison.

Check out our Chamber member businesses and links to their websites here!
Amanda Classen. Submitted photo.
From Amanda Clasen, Kansas State Extension Community Vitality Agent’s, weekly column:

“In 2010, American Express started the Small Business Saturday effort to help direct consumer’s dollars to local businesses. The nationwide holiday is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Some ideas to help you shop locally this holiday season may include:

  • Use a local print shop to see if they offer greeting cards or other unique gifts.
  • Support local flower shops by sending unique holiday arrangements that can be displayed throughout the holiday season.
  • Shop at local craft shows that showcase youth and Local Entrepreneurs. If your recipient likes to cook, buy a cookbook from a local fundraiser and attach dry ingredients to a new recipe.
  • Purchase from local grocery stores or farmer’s markets for ingredients in your holiday meals.
  • Purchase gift cards to local businesses, restaurants, and businesses of interest.
  • Recognize your own talents that you may have as well to provide a heartfelt gift that may not necessarily be bought at a big box store.



Evergy/KCC Settlement Announced

Kansas Corporation Commission approves settlement agreement in Evergy rate case

TOPEKA – This morning, the Kansas Corporation Commission approved a proposed settlement agreement in the Evergy rate case. The unanimous agreement, resolving all issues in the case, was submitted to the Commission on September 29 following negotiations between KCC staff, Evergy, the Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board, and a variety of groups representing commercial, educational, and environmental interests.

In its Application, Evergy sought a net revenue increase of $204 million (9.77% increase) for Evergy Kansas Central (formerly Westar) and a net revenue increase of $14 million (1.95% increase) for Evergy Kansas Metro (formerly KCP&L).  Under the approved settlement agreement, Evergy Kansas Central will receive a net revenue increase of $74 million (3.54% increase), and Evergy Kansas Metro will receive a net revenue decrease of $32.9 million (4.53% decrease).

The average monthly impact to residential customers will be an increase of $4.64 per month for Evergy Kansas Central customers and a decrease of $6.07 per month for Evergy Metro customers. The new rates will take effect based on the customer billing cycle date beginning December 21, 2023.

Today’s order states, “The Commission finds the agreed-upon rates will provide Evergy sufficient revenue to meet its financial obligations and provide safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates to its customers.  After considering all of the terms of the Unanimous Settlement Agreement, the Commission finds it is in the public interest.”

The settlement agreement also states Evergy may file an abbreviated rate case within 12 months of the current order to update rates to include Panasonic related distribution investment, Wolf Creek Decommissioning Trust adjustment, and investment in a new renewable generating resource to address 2024-2026 resource adequacy requirements supported by Evergy’s Integrated Resource Plan.

The Commission received comments from ratepayers at three public hearings held in July. In addition, the Commission also received 3,915 public comments through its Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection. The Commission noted that today’s decision was issued with due consideration of those comments.

Commissioners also considered the extensive evidentiary record in the docket including testimony from 57 witnesses, approximately 1,000 data requests, the joint motion in support of the settlement agreement and related testimony filed by parties in the docket. Having reviewed the record as a whole, the Commission finds the settlement agreement is supported by substantial, competent evidence.

Today’s order is available here.

A recording of today’s Business Meeting featuring comments by Commissioners, is available on the KCC YouTube channel.


Shop Local For a Money Saving Christmas

Amanda Classen. Submitted photo.

Amanda Clasen- Community Vitality Agent    

November  2023


The holiday season is upon us, have you started thinking about your Holiday Shopping?  Believe it or not, Christmas is just a little over 5 weeks away and it will be here before we know it! Christmas is one of the most magical times of year and can often become the busiest time of year, making it easy to get caught up in the moment of gift buying! Planning ahead, setting a budget, and shopping local can help shoppers avoid over- spending while giving a little back to your community during the giving season!


There are many different ways to support small local businesses during the Holiday gift season. In 2010, American Express started the Small Business Saturday effort to help direct consumer’s dollars to local businesses. The nationwide holiday is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year Small Business Saturday falls on November 25th. Some ideas to help you shop local this holiday season may include:

  • Using a local print shop to see if they offer greeting cards or other unique gifts.
  • Support local flower shops by sending unique holiday arrangements that can be displayed throughout the holiday season.
  • Shop at local craft shows that showcase youth and Local Entrepreneurs. If your recipient likes to cook, buy a cookbook from a local fundraiser and attach dry ingredients to a new recipe.
  • Purchase from local grocery stores or farmer’s markets for ingredients in your holiday meals.
  • Purchase gift cards to local businesses, restaurants and businesses of interest.
  • Recognize your own talents that you may have as well to provide a heartfelt gift that may not necessarily be bought at a big box store.


By purchasing even a few gifts off of your list can make a huge difference to your local town. Keeping your money local helps your local government receive more tax revenue resulting in better public services that you use all year long. Supporting local business that often donate to local charities and youth events, also allows those businesses to provide family and neighbors with employment opportunities.


Another important aspect of a money saving Holiday is your budget and the amount of money spent on gifting.

  1. Set a Budget: Start by making a list of all individuals you plan to purchase a gift for. Decide on an amount that you wish to spend on each individual and don’t go over. Saving money over time and placing in a designated envelope with each recipients name, will give you time to think of items that will be in your budget to purchase for the recipient.
  2. Track your Spending: A lot of people spend like crazy come December and don’t check their budget as they are spending. It then becomes difficult when you loose track and get off budget to play catch up. Make sure to keep a running list of all expenses and where your budget is at to avoid overspending in the long run.


For more information, please contact me at [email protected] or 620-244-3826. To learn about additional programs we will be offering, visit!

Another Solar Farm Is In Initial Stage in Bourbon County

Courtesy of NextEra Energy Resources.

Another solar energy facility for Bourbon County is in the initial stages.

Earlier this year Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative put up solar arrays at 135th and Range Roads in the northern part of the county.

To view that story: Heartland Creates Solar Farm To Generate Energy For Local Members


The Devon Solar Farm, rural Bourbon County. Behind the fence are rows of solar energy collectors which help provide electricity for Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative members in the area.

On November 13,  during the Bourbon County Commission meeting, Bourbon County Counselor Justin Meeks presented the commissioners with four contracts with NextEra Energy to be signed for solar energy production in the southwest part of the county.

NextEra Energy is the world’s largest utility company, according to its website.

“For more than 20 years, NextEra Energy Resources has been investing in Kansas and is committed to continued renewable energy development,” said Laura Gies, NextEra Energy Resources Communication Specialist.

“Hinton Creek Solar, LLC, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, is a proposed photovoltaic solar energy facility for Bourbon County,” she said.  “The proposed project will have the capacity to generate approximately 400 megawatts of solar energy that is able to power about 50,000 homes.”

“The electric grid is made up of power generation assets, transmission lines, and distribution centers,” she said. “The grid constantly balances the supply and demand for the energy that powers everything from industry to household appliances. Essentially, the power generated from the Hinton Creek Solar site will be delivered to the electric grid and go where it’s needed. While the power goes where it’s needed, the benefits of Hinton Creek Solar always stay local.”
The development of the facility is a long process.

“Developing a solar project is a multi-year process, which includes assessing existing transmission infrastructure, landowner and county officials’ interest, as well as conducting environmental surveys among other considerations to determine whether this community is right for a renewable energy project,” she said. “Hinton Creek Solar is in the initial stages.”

“Renewable energy projects, like the proposed solar project, are attractive to local communities, as they provide numerous economic benefits, including good jobs and the potential for millions of dollars in additional tax revenue, which can be used to enhance schools, roads, and essential services,” she said.

“Hinton Creek Solar will create hundreds of construction jobs, and our goal is to hire as many qualified workers as possible from the local area,” she said.

Bourbon County Regional Economic Development Inc.(REDI) has been working on this project with NextEra, Commissioner Jim Harris said during the November 13 commissioners’ meeting.

“We’re thrilled to announce an $800 Million Solar Development coming to our region,” Bourbon County REDI Director Rob Harrington said. “REDI played a crucial role in making this happen. Construction is set to begin in late 2025 or early 2026.”
Harrington thanked Hinton Creek Solar LLC. for selecting
Bourbon County for this monumental project, he said.
“This is the largest single development project that Bourbon County has ever received, and we are delighted they chose to bring this large development to our community,” Harrington said.


The site will be in the southwest part of the county, with 27 community members agreeing to put a portion of the solar facility on their properties.

The following are the signed agreements as provided on the county’s website:





Here is a brief look at parts of two of the agreements:

 Development Agreement

The development agreement document signed is made between the Board of County Commissioners for Bourbon County and Hinton Creek Solar, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, whose address is 700 Universe Boulevard, Juno Beach, FL 33408, according to the document provided by the county.

The developer, NextEra Energy, intends to construct one or more project companies or phases and operate a solar project, commonly referred to as the Hinton Creek Solar Project, to be located on privately-owned land within the county and includes photovoltaic solar panels, battery storage, inverters, solar monitoring equipment, substations, collection lines, access roads, temporary construction areas, operation and maintenance facilities, and other infrastructures relating to the solar project, according to the document.

The developer has or will enter into lease agreements, easement agreements, and forms of landowner consent documents with the participating landowners within the solar project area.

The county intends to consider the orderly development, construction, operation, and maintenance of the solar project.

The county acknowledges and agrees that all permits and approvals required for the solar project have been granted and substantial amounts of work have been completed, according to the signed agreement.

Contributions Agreement

According to Kansas law, property used to produce and generate electricity using renewable energy resources (including solar) is exempt from all property or ad valorem taxation for ten taxable years immediately following the taxable year in which construction or installation of such property is completed and upon the filing of such application for exemption, according to the contributions document provided by the county.

The developer shall make the following contributions to the county:

One initial payment of $1,000 per megawatt of installed photovoltaic capacity of the project made within 30 days after the start of construction. If the project is constructed in more than one phase, each phase shall make separate initial payment.

An annual contribution of $1,500 per megawatt of installed photovoltaic capacity of the project by January 15 of each year…and continuing through the 9th anniversary of the initial contribution date, for a total of 10 annual contributions. If the project is constructed in more than one phase, each phase shall make separate annual contributions.











Christmas on the Bricks Festival: Nov. 30-Dec.3

Join us for the Inaugural

Christmas on the Bricks Festival

in Downtown Fort Scott!

First weekend of December

November 30th to December 3rd

See below for details!

Some activities require

pre-registration, so visit the

landing page on for info. so you don’t miss out!

Also, Like & Follow the Festival

Facebook page to stay informed.


A limited quantity of event sweatshirts are still being offered for ordering, to be picked up on December 1st, click here for info.

The festival will be packed full of holiday cheer, events, shopping, and activities for all ages with aspirations to be a destination for an Old-Fashioned Christmas.

The weekend will kick off with the

“Candy Land Christmas” Parade of Lights

on Thursday, November 30th at 6pm,

followed by the Lighting of the Mayor’s Christmas Tree, Music by St. Mary’s School Choir,

Holiday Fireworks, and Pictures with Santa inside

Be the Light Boutique at 12 N. Main St.

Click here to enter the parade by 1pm on 11/27!

Events taking place on BOTH Friday and Saturday,

December 1st and 2nd, include:

• 42nd Annual Candlelight Tours, Fort Scott National Historic Site, Fri. 6:30-9pm, Sat. 5-9pm

• Downtown Business Christmas Tree Decorating Contest, cast your vote @ the Courtland, your vote will also enter you in a drawing for prizes!

• The Artificers 7th Annual Christmas Show, Fri. 5-9pm, Sat. 10am-9pm, Sun., 12-5pm

• Downtown Stores Open Late for Shopping, until at least 8pm each night

• Crooner’s Outdoor Patio decorated for photo opportunities, open to the public Fri.-Sun.

• Nativity Showcase, First United Methodist Church, Fri. 5-8pm, Sat.10am-2pm

• Holiday Market Booths at Wall & Main St., Friday 6-10pm, Saturday 12-10pm

• Carriage Rides departing from the Depot, 6-10pm each night

• Firepits with S’mores on Skubitz Plaza, 6-10pm each night

• Live Nativity by Bethel Church, 1st St. & Scott Ave., 5:30-8:30pm each night

• Pictures with Santa, Be the Light Boutique, Fri. 5-8pm, Sat. 12-2pm & 5-8pm

• Historical Trolley Tours from the Chamber & Visitor’s Center, Fri. 11am-2pm, Sat. 10am-2pm

Friday-only events include:

• Outdoor Movies at Lowell Milken Park, 6pm until over

• Live Music by Holly Crays 6:30-7:30pm & Morgan Rohr 8-9pm, Heritage Pavilion, 1st & Main St.

• Christmas Karaoke at Sharky’s North Pole Pop-up Christmas Bar (3rd floor), 9pm-1am

Saturday-only events include:

• Gingerbread House Making Contest, Brickstreet BBQ, 10am

• Candy Land Adventure, Museum of Creativity, 10am-4pm

• Christmas Paint Party at Pizza Republic, 1-3pm

• Christmas Cookie Decorating and Storytime, Hedgehog.INK!, 2pm

• Chili Feed by FSPD & FSFD, Empress Event Center, 5:30-8pm

• Bourbon County Revival live band, Empress Event Center, 6-8pm

• Late-night SINGO, Memorial Hall, 8-11pm

Sunday-only events include:

• Cohn’s Cafe Holiday Family Style Brunch, 10am-2pm, reservations strongly recommended, call or text 620-418-6209

• Floral Centerpiece Making Class by Sunshine Boutique, 1pm

Be sure and look for the Christmas cutouts throughout

Downtown for photo opportunities with your friends and family, being made by Mike & Danyell Miles.

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce and City of Fort Scott express sincere thanks to ALL the sponsors, volunteers,

and staff who are making this event possible, including:

Event Chairperson and Chamber Board Member, Diane Striler

Chamber President & CEO, Lindsay Madison

Communications & Events Coordinator Emily Clayton

Locals and visitors are encouraged to make plans to enjoy this

FUN weekend on the bricks of the Downtown Historic District!

Contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at

(620) 223-3566 or [email protected]

for questions or more information.

See full event flyer below,

or click HERE for a PDF printable copy.

We would appreciate you sharing with

your family & friends!

Special recognition & appreciation to the Festival sponsors displayed below.

This event simply would not be possible without all of the support!

If you would like to be added to the final sponsor promo, signage, and printed handouts for the event, you may still make a charitable contribution to the Fort Scott Area Chamber Foundation by

1pm Monday, November 27th. Click here for more info. on sponsorship levels & payment info.

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Click on the individual flyers below for more details on each event!

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below for their premium support of the Chamber year-round!

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Perry’s Pork Rinds and Country Store Black Friday Sale Has Started

Sending on Behalf of Chamber Member

Perry’s Pork Rinds and Country Store…

Perry’s Pork Rinds & Country Store is having a .89c SALE!

Sweet Potatoes .89c/LB

Russet Potatoes .89c/LB

Yellow Jumbo Onions .89c/LB

Don’t Forget their Black Friday sale is going on NOW, online or in store!

Buy 5 Get 1 Free on Pork Rinds + Free shipping on ALL orders!

Head over to 702 Pine St. Bronson, Kansas

Monday-Friday 7am-7pm

Saturday 9am-5pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Key Clothing Sale Starts November 18

Some of the merchandise that is for sale at the upcoming warehouse sale.

Key Apparel has been a local business for over a hundred years.

“Key has been in business in Fort Scott since 1908 and was founded on bib overalls,” said Brenda Brown with sales support and merchandising for the business.

Key Industries, Inc. in Fort Scott is having its 15th Annual Warehouse Sale from Saturday, November 18 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., then from Monday through Wednesday, November 20-22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The sale continues on Friday, November 24 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then Saturday, November 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“We have first quality products,” Angie Carr, Key’s Operation Project Coordinator, said. “We also use the sale to sell discontinued styles or colors, and irregulars-say for instance where a stitch is not completed and didn’t pass inspection but we can go ahead and closeout. That will be noted  to the customer, we will specify why it is irregular.”

The sale this year is at a new location at 2400 S. Main St. Suite 200,  between Hibbets and T-Mobile in the strip mall.

The annual Key Warehouse Sale has moved to the space between Hibbets and T-Mobile in the strip mall on Fort Scott’s south side.

“Previously, we were at the former Gordman’s Store space under a short-term lease,” said  Carr.”We have the same amount of merchandise (in the new space) as in previous years.”

Key Apparel is an official clothing sponsor of the Kansas State Fair and to commemorate that designation, Ike, the Bison, a collectible toy, will be sold.

“They make ideal stocking stuffers,” Carr said.

Ike the Bison will be sold at the annual Key Warehouse Sale.

Payment of cash, Visa, Mastercard, or Discover will be accepted during the sale.


To shop year

Be The Light Boutique Owners Receive E-Community Loan

HBCAT partners with Chamber to help small business owners apply for loan and grant funding


For five years, Susan and Eddie Townley sold antiques, vintage finds, and home decor in booths at markets in Louisburg and Overland Park. This year, they were ready to open their own business in a historic building in downtown Fort Scott.

They just needed a bit of capital to seal the deal. And to get that capital, they had to prepare paperwork.

For help, they turned to The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team’s Center for Economic Growth. And on Nov. 2, their dreams were realized when the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce cut the ribbon on Be the Light Boutique at 12 N. Main, just across the street from the Fort Scott National Historic Site.

The boutique, which is open Thursday through Sunday, provides shoppers in Fort Scott as well as visitors to the area with a choice of unique clothing, home decor, antiques, and vintage finds.

“We are so excited for them because we have been with them step by step since the beginning of their business endeavor,” said HBCAT Executive Director Rachel Carpenter.

As a result of assistance from the HBCAT’s Center for Economic Growth, the Townleys were able to apply to the Fort Scott Chamber for an e-community loan, an initiative started by Network Kansas in 2019.

“Network Kansas provides us funding that we can then loan out to businesses for start-up, expansion, or any other type of needs they have,” explained Lindsay Madison, Chamber president. “A business will work with the staff at The HBCAT and another of their partners, the Pittsburg State University Small Business Development Center, to determine cash flow projections, market research reports, and other documents.”


The applicant then makes a brief presentation to the loan committee and awaits approval or a request to go back to the drawing board. If approved, the applicant might receive anywhere from $5,000 to $45,000 at 4 percent interest for 10 years.


For Be the Light Boutique, it was a critical piece of new business ownership.

“We needed funds to purchase some final inventory and provide a cash flow to continue with improvements to a building built in 1895,” Susan said. “My husband and I have done all the work on it to date.”

“The HBCAT helped us develop a business plan and loan documents that would serve as a basis for all of these grants,” she said. “We gave them our information, and they assisted with the creation of it. It was a beautiful thing.”

For more information on e-community loans, visit

About The HBCAT

The mission of The HBCAT is to increase access to healthy food and physical activity, promote commercial tobacco cessation, enhance quality of life and encourage economic growth. The problems of health inequity and social injustice are complex in nature and inextricably linked to key economic indicators. A healthy workforce is a prerequisite for economic success in any industry and in all cities.

Learn more at Find HBCAT on Facebook at

What’s Happening in Fort Scott November 10 Issue

What’s Happening in Fort Scott! November 10th Weekly Newsletter



Fort Scott National Historic Site

Daily Guided Tours: 10am & 1pm

Special activities all this weekend! See link below.

Visit your National Park!

Trolley Tours of Fort Scott

50-minute narrated historical tour

Every Friday & Saturday on the hour

Fridays 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

Saturdays 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

$6 adults, $4 12 & under, leaves from the Chamber

BINGO hosted by the American Legion Post 25 every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month unless it falls on a holiday. Doors open at 6pm and Bingo starts at 7pm at Memorial Hall.

Pizza Republic Wednesdays – 10% of sales go to FSHS Tiger Booster Club every Wednesday from 5pm to 9pm

Christmas on The Bricks T-Shirt and Sweatshirt Orders NOW until November 10th, Adult Sizes only-unisex sizing, click here for pricing and to order!

Candlelight Tour Tickets are on sale NOW, contact FS National Historic Site 620-223-0310 to purchase!

Dolly Hollyday Christmas Light Trolley Tours 12/8-12/23, tickets are $8/adult or $5/kids or reserve the Trolley for your friends and family for $125! Contact the Chamber 620-223-3566 to reserve your spot!

11/7-9&11 ~ FSHS Performing Arts Presents Guys and Dolls, a musical fable of Broadway, $8/adults and $6/students & children, click here for tickets and more information!

11/10 ~ US Marine Core Birthday Celebration at Pizza Republic, all are welcome, official

cake cutting ceremony will begin at 7pm, click here for more info!

11/10 ~ Vienna Boys Choir at Fort Scott Community College, 7:00pm, tickets are $45 with general admission seating, click here for more info and to order tickets!

11/11 ~ Bake Sale Fundraiser at First Southern Baptist Church, 7:00am-6:00pm, all proceeds go to building fund.

11/11 ~ Veterans Day Program at National Cemetery No. 1, 11am, organized by the VFW. All are welcome to the VFW after the ceremony for ham & beans!

11/11 ~ Veteran’s Day Appreciation at Fort Scott Munitions, all Veteran’s will receive a free box of ammo with no purchase necessary, 10am-6pm

11/11 ~ Outlaw Jim and the Whiskey Benders at Pizza Republic, a concert to celebrate Veterans

and their sacrifices made for our freedom, $5 cover charge, 8-10pm, click here for more info!

11/10-11/12 ~ Veterans Day Appreciation Special at Kansas Rocks Recreation Park, all military personnel/active or veteran/first responders can come out and ride at NO CHARGE with ID card, click here for more info!

11/12 ~ St. Anne’s Altar Society Fall Festival Turkey Dinner and Kennedy Gym, adults $10.00 children 11 & under are free, come out and enjoy the feast and fellowship, 4-6pm, click here for more info!

11/14-15 ~ SEK Housing Conference in Independence, all welcome to attend! Click here for info.

11/15 ~ Paint Party at Papa Don’s hosted by 2 Southern Ladies, $35 per person, 6-8pm, click here for more information.

11/16 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by USD234 at Fort Scott High School, 1005 S. Main, 8am

11/16 ~ Bourbon County Senior Citizen Health Fair presented by HBCAT at the Scott View Apartments in the Conference Room, 9am-12pm, click here for more information!

11/16 ~ The Fort Scott Community College Theatre Department presents “Santa ‘Claws’ is Coming to Town”, admission is free as a holiday gift to the community, 7pm, see flyer below for more info!

11/18 ~ Almost KISS Tribute Band LIVE at Memorial Hall, 7pm, click here for tickets!

11/19 ~ 27th Turkey Shoot at BRCC, K-8th + a partner, fee:$2.00 per team, see flyer below.

11/18-25 ~ Annual Key Warehouse Sale, one week only, NOT ON THANKSGIVING, closeouts on men’s, ladies, and kids apparel, click here for hours and more information!

11/20 ~ FSMS Extravaganza sponsored by the FSHS Swim Team, 5-8pm, see below for the list of vendors that will be at this event!

11/20 ~ Washington Workshop Pulled Pork Dinner at Fall Extravaganza, $10, pulled pork/chips/drink/homemade dessert, 5-8pm

11/21 ~ Holiday Sweets Auction hosted by Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, come out and get your desserts for Thanksgiving, 5:30pm, if you plan on donating baked goods or other food items please bring them to the Village before 3pm that Tuesday, click here for more info!

11/23 ~ NO Chamber Coffee – Happy Thanksgiving!

11/23 ~ Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the Elk’s Lodge, 11:30am-1:30pm, free will donation, click here for more information!

11/29 ~ Crooner’s Tree Lighting, doors/kitchen/bar open at 5pm, live music, tree lighting & champagne toast at 7pm, make reservations at, click here for more info!

11/30 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Sunshine Boutique, 18 E. Wall., 8am

11/30 ~ “Candy Land Christmas” parade hosted by Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, 6pm


12/1-12/3 ~ First Annual Christmas on the Bricks in Fort Scott Downtown Historic District, horse-drawn carriage rides/candlelight tours at the Fort/gingerbread house making contest/Christmas paint party at Pizza Republic/Floral Centerpiece Making Class at Sunshine Boutique and SO MUCH MORE! Click here for a complete listing of activities that will be happening that weekend!

12/16 ~ Wreaths Across America Ceremony at Fort Scott National Historic Site, 10am-11:00am, click here for more info.



Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!

Click here for Chamber member

specialty shopping & other retail in

Downtown & other areas of the community.

Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue

Calendar of Events

Special Event Features

THANK YOU Chamber Champion members!!

Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.

Holiday Open House Shopping Event Downtown and Around, continues Friday & Saturday the 10th & 11th!

U.S.M.C Birthday Celebration at Pizza Republic!

And, Outlaw Jim & the Whiskey Benders Sat. Night!

Kansas Rocks Veterans Day Appreciation Special November 10th through November 12th!

Christmas on the Bricks memorabilia sweatshirts & t-shirts are now on sale, pre-order by Nov. 10th!

Santa Claws is Coming to Town!

27th Annual Turkey Shoot @ BRCC!

The Artificers Holiday Open House Shopping Event!


The Artificers Holiday Open House Shopping Event!

We are offering 10% off all Gallery, and 20% off select artists as well!

Come in and see us for our open house! We will have holiday snacks and savings!


Enter to win one of two free Walk-in Ornament Class tonight!!

(One adult class, and one kids class vouchers)

Come in and personalize ornaments in one of our Walk-in Classes!

Adult walk-in Class is November 16th and ends at 8pm! The kids walk-in Class is the 18th and goes from 11am-5pm!

Mark on your Calendar…

Annual Christmas Show Event

Made in Kansas Program Showcases Products

Commerce Announces First ‘Made in Kansas’ Participants

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced 13 manufacturers have been accepted into the department’s Made in Kansas program. Made in Kansas is sponsored by the Kansas Department of Commerce to help promote Kansas manufacturers to customers across Kansas and around the globe.

The Made in Kansas program is designed to showcase Kansas-made products and provide those companies with a verified stamp of assurance for use in promotional activities. Participation is free. To join the Made in Kansas program, a business must utilize manufacturing in the production process and meet one additional criterion:

  • More than half the components come from Kansas
  • Final assembly takes place in Kansas
  • Kansas-headquartered company includes design and/or engineering functions

“Some of the finest products in the world are made right here in Kansas, but the world might not know that yet,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “This initiative highlights first-class manufacturers that contribute significantly to their local communities as well as the overall state economy.”

Commerce established the program to create a tangible means for companies to communicate that their products are made in Kansas. Certified program partner manufacturers have access to the exclusive Made in Kansas seal to feature on packaging, products and promotional materials.

“Having a Made in Kansas logo on products lets customers know they are purchasing excellence, reliability and consistency,” Program Manager Corrie Ann Campbell said. “Our manufacturers embody the Kansas work ethic, which is honed by more than 160 years of pioneering spirit and commitment to workmanship.”

The first manufacturers that have been accepted as Made in Kansas Program participants are:

Kansas manufacturers are encouraged to take advantage of the program and proudly display their entrepreneurism and ingenuity for the rest of the world to see. For more information about the Made in Kansas program and its partner companies, click here.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and was awarded the 2021 and 2022 Governor’s Cup by Site Selection Magazine.


Looking For Art: Artificers in December



The Artificers In December!

December is almost here!

Check out the calendar below for all events happening this next month!

December Events Here!

Annual Christmas Show!

December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd we are having our 7th Annual Christmas Show!

Friday night will kick off three days of shopping and socializing with the array of featured artists setting up shop here in the gallery and studio. Come in and get all your holiday shopping done early and support local downtown businesses!

Annual Christmas Show Event (RSVP HERE)

Call us at 913-574-7741 for reservations!

We have catering connections for stress free party planning!

Community Event Coming Up!

Be sure to visit us during the Christmas on the Bricks Event!