Category Archives: Bourbon County

Measles Are On The Rise: Vaccines Are Encouraged

Submitted by Becky Johnson, BSN-RN
Administrator/SEK Local Health Officer

Increase in Global and Domestic Measles Cases and Outbreaks: Ensure Children in the United States and Those Traveling Internationally 6 Months and Older are Current on MMR Vaccination

Health Alert Network logo.

Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network
March 18, 2024, 12:30 PM ET

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to inform clinicians and public health officials of an increase in global and U.S. measles cases and to provide guidance on measles prevention for all international travelers aged ≥6 months and all children aged ≥12 months who do not plan to travel internationally. Measles (rubeola) is highly contagious; one person infected with measles can infect 9 out of 10 unvaccinated individuals with whom they come in close contact. From January 1 to March 14, 2024, CDC has been notified of 58 confirmed U.S. cases of measles across 17 jurisdictions, including seven outbreaks in seven jurisdictions compared to 58 total cases and four outbreaks reported the entire year in 2023. Among the 58 cases reported in 2024, 54 (93%) were linked to international travel. Most cases reported in 2024 have been among children aged 12 months and older who had not received measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Many countries, including travel destinations such as Austria, the Philippines, Romania, and the United Kingdom, are experiencing measles outbreaks. To prevent measles infection and reduce the risk of community transmission from importation, all U.S. residents traveling internationally, regardless of destination, should be current on their MMR vaccinations. Healthcare providers should ensure children are current on routine immunizations, including MMR. Given currently high population immunity against measles in most U.S. communities, the risk of widescale spread is low. However, pockets of low coverage leave some communities at higher risk for outbreaks.

Measles is a highly contagious viral illness and can cause severe health complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), and death, especially in unvaccinated persons. Measles typically begins with a prodrome of fever, cough, coryza (runny nose), and conjunctivitis (pink eye), lasting 2 to 4 days before rash onset. The incubation period for measles from exposure to fever is usually about 10 days (range 7 to 12 days), while rash onset is typically visible around 14 days (range 7 to 21 days) after initial exposure. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with infectious droplets or by airborne spread when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes, and can remain infectious in the air and on surfaces for up to 2 hours after an infected person leaves an area. Individuals infected with measles are contagious from 4 days before the rash starts through 4 days afterward.

Declines in measles vaccination rates globally have increased the risk of measles outbreaks worldwide, including in the United States. Measles cases continue to be brought into the United States by travelers who are infected while in other countries. As a result, domestic measles outbreaks have been reported in most years, even following the declaration of U.S. measles elimination in 2000. Most importations come from unvaccinated U.S. residents.

Measles is almost entirely preventable through vaccination. MMR vaccines are safe and highly effective, with two doses being 97% effective against measles (one dose is 93% effective). When more than 95% of people in a community are vaccinated (coverage >95%) most people are protected through community immunity (herd immunity). However, vaccination coverage among U.S. kindergartners has decreased from 95.2% during the 2019–2020 school year to 93.1% in the 2022–2023 school year, leaving approximately 250,000 kindergartners susceptible to measles each year over the last three years. Thirty-six states plus the District of Columbia (DC) had less than 95% MMR coverage among kindergartners during the 2022–2023 school year. Of states with less than 95% MMR coverage, ten reported more than 5% of kindergartners had medical and nonmedical exemptions, highlighting the importance of targeted efforts at increasing vaccine confidence and access.

Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

  • Schools, early childhood education providers, and healthcare providers should work to ensure students are current with MMR vaccine.
    • Children who are not traveling internationally should receive their first dose of MMR at age 12 to 15 months and their second dose at 4 to 6 years.
  • All U.S. residents older than age 6 months without evidence of immunity who are planning to travel internationally should receive MMR vaccine prior to departure.
    • Infants aged 6 through 11 months should receive one dose of MMR vaccine before departure. Infants who receive a dose of MMR vaccine before their first birthday should receive two more doses of MMR vaccine, the first of which should be administered when the child is age 12 through 15 months and the second at least 28 days later.
    • Children aged 12 months or older should receive two doses of MMR vaccine, separated by at least 28 days.
    • Teenagers and adults without evidence of measles immunity should receive two doses of MMR vaccine separated by at least 28 days.
  • At least one of the following is considered evidence of measles immunity for international travelers: 1) birth before 1957, 2) documented administration of two doses of live measles virus vaccine (MMR, MMRV, or other measles-containing vaccine), or 3) laboratory (serologic) proof of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease.
  • Consider measles as a diagnosis in anyone with fever (≥101°F or 38.3°C) and a generalized maculopapular rash with cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis who has recently been abroad, especially in countries with ongoing outbreaks. When considering measles, then:
    • Isolate: Do not allow patients with suspected measles to remain in the waiting room or other common areas of a healthcare facility; isolate patients with suspected measles immediately, ideally in a single-patient airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) if available, or in a private room with a closed door until an AIIR is available. Healthcare providers should be adequately protected against measles and should adhere to standard and airborne precautions when evaluating suspect cases, regardless of their vaccination status. Healthcare providers without evidence of immunity should be excluded from work from day 5 after the first exposure until day 21 following their last exposure. Offer testing outside of facilities to avoid transmission in healthcare settings. Call ahead to ensure immediate isolation for patients referred to hospitals for a higher level of care.
    • Notify: Immediately notify state, tribal, local, or territorial health departments (24-hour Epi On Call contact list) about any suspected case of measles to ensure rapid testing and investigation. States report measles cases to CDC.
    • Test: Follow CDC’s testing recommendations and collect either a nasopharyngeal swab, throat swab, and/or urine for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a blood specimen for serology from all patients with clinical features compatible with measles. RT-PCR is available at many state public health laboratories, through the APHL Vaccine Preventable Disease Reference Centers, and at CDC. Given potential shortages in IgM test kits, providers should be vigilant in contacting their state or local health department for guidance on testing.
    • Manage: In coordination with local or state health departments, provide appropriate measles post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as soon as possible after exposure to close contacts without evidence of immunity, either with MMR (within 72 hours) or immunoglobulin (within 6 days). The choice of PEP is based on elapsed time from exposure or medical contraindications to vaccination.

Recommendations for Health Departments

Measles is an immediately notifiable disease. State, tribal, local, and territorial health departments have the lead in disease investigations and should report measles cases and outbreaks within 24 hours through the state health department to CDC ([email protected]) and through NNDSS.

  • Establish measles case reporting from healthcare facilities, providers, and laboratories to public health authorities.
  • If measles is identified, conduct active surveillance for additional (secondary) cases and facilitate transportation of specimens immediately to confirm diagnosis.
  • Record and report details about cases of measles, including adherence to recommended precautions and facility location(s) of index and secondary cases.
  • Enhance outreach and communications to under-vaccinated communities through trusted messengers.

Recommendations for Parents and International Travelers

  • Even if not traveling, ensure that children receive all recommended doses of MMR vaccine. Two doses of MMR vaccine provide better protection (97%) against measles than one dose (93%). Getting MMR vaccine is much safer than getting measles, mumps, or rubella.
  • Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting infected when they travel internationally. Before international travel, check your destination and CDC’s Global Measles Travel Health Notice for more travel health advice, including where measles outbreaks have been reported.
  • Parents traveling internationally with children should consult with their child’s healthcare provider to ensure that they are current with their MMR vaccinations at least 2 weeks before travel. Infants aged 6 to 11 months should have one documented dose and children aged 12 months and older should have two documented doses of MMR vaccine before international travel. Depending on where you are going and what activities you plan, other vaccines may be recommended too.
  • After international travel, watch for signs and symptoms of measles for 3 weeks after returning to the United States. If you or your child gets sick with a rash and a high fever, call your healthcare provider. Tell them you traveled to another country and whether you or your child have received MMR vaccine.

For More Information

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protects people’s health and safety by preventing and controlling diseases and injuries; enhances health decisions by providing credible information on critical health issues; and promotes healthy living through strong partnerships with local, national and international organizations.

Department of Health and Human Services

HAN Message Types

  • Health Alert: Conveys the highest level of importance about a public health incident.
  • Health Advisory: Provides important information about a public health incident.
  • Health Update: Provides updated information about a public health incident.

This message was distributed to state and local health officers, state and local epidemiologists, state and local laboratory directors, public information officers, HAN coordinators, and clinician organizations.

HBCAT Receives Sunflower Foundation Capacity Building Grant

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team located on North National Avenue.

Fort Scott, Kan. – The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team recently received a $23,212 capacity building grant from Sunflower Foundation through an initiative to support the core operating capacities of nonprofit organizations across the state that are working to meet the critical health needs of their communities. This Request for Proposals (RFP) process was one of the most competitive in the foundation’s history, attracting almost 300 applications.

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team was one of 65 organizations to receive a Sunflower Foundation capacity-building grant. These grants are designed to provide nonprofits’ needed flexibility and the necessary time to determine how they might strengthen their internal capacity to realize their missions, better serve their communities, and bolster their impact. The grant program also provides The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team with opportunities to attend high-caliber learning collaboratives and skill-building workshops supported by Sunflower.


“This grant will allow us to hire accounting and grant administration assistance to expand both HBCAT efforts locally and Rural Community Partners regionally.” States HBCAT’s President and CEO, Jody Love.


This grant funding opportunity focused specifically on organizations serving diverse populations and those that provide a wide range of services, including health care, housing supports, community safety, economic development, education, food security, social cohesion, social justice, and transportation. Applicant organizations were prioritized to receive funds based on need, the organization’s focus on underserved communities, and those organizations with more limited access to resources.


“Nonprofits are the lifeline of our communities,” said Sunflower Foundation President and CEO Billie Hall. “We are honored to call these organizations partners in our mission to improve the health and wellbeing of all Kansans and look forward to working with them in the future.”


A diverse team of experts representing the fields of public health, mental health, economic and rural development, health care, health equity, and aging, among others, provided in-depth reviews of each application. To learn more about the capacity building program and see a full list of this year’s grantees, go to the Capacity Building Grants web page.




ABOUT The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team’s mission is to increase access to healthy food and physical activity, promote commercial tobacco cessation, enhance quality of life and encourage economic growth. The problems of health inequity and social injustice are complex in nature and inextricably linked to key economic indicators. A healthy workforce is a prerequisite for economic success in any industry and in all cities. Our solution to building healthy communities is by transforming power, building trust, and encouraging community participation. Comprehensive strategy for change includes local organizing, strategic communication, community research, creating systems, and environmental changes.

Spark Wheel Receives Kansas Dept. For Children and Families Grant

DCF announces 2Gen Kansas program grantees

Kansas to invest nearly $11.5 million to reduce intergenerational poverty to stabilize and empower families

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) today announced a new approach to improving the health, social, and economic outcomes of the next generation. By utilizing $11.5 million of the agency’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding, DCF is launching 2Gen Kansas.

The two-generation (2Gen Approach), led by Ascend at the Aspen Institute, works to end intergenerational poverty by supporting children and their parents or care providers – as a family unit – to move the whole family forward. Ten organizations will receive funding.

“We believe this approach will build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives,” said DCF Secretary Laura Howard. “This support will increase opportunities for families to become stable, connected and empower them to progress towards their personal, educational and career goals.”

The agencies will serve as an access point by assisting families in applying for programs such as Food Assistance, also known as SNAP, USDA Commodity Programs, Child Care Assistance, Low Income Energy Assistance Program, and Vocational Rehabilitation Services. They will be required to participate in ongoing training and collaborative meetings and recommend one parent being served by their organizations to serve on a statewide 2Gen parent advisory council.

“It will result in coordinated access to systems and structures that are necessary for families to thrive economically and socially,” she continued.

“Kansas DCF joins a growing number of state agencies implementing 2Gen approaches to unlock the potential of children and their families together,” said Marjorie Sims, Managing Director of Ascend at the Aspen Institute. “Adopting this family-centered mindset not only boosts the well-being of children and their parents, but it also offers a model to better integrate the systems of support for these communities. We are energized by DCF’s investment in families, which is a culmination of years of work from family-serving organizations across the state and country.”

The 10 contracts will be in place from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026, with an optional renewal of one additional two-year grant. DCF received 24 proposals and has awarded the grants to the following community partners:

Recommended Agency

Counties Served

Award Amount

International Rescue Committee



Mental Health Association of South-Central Kansas, Inc.

Barber, Butler, Cowley, Elf, Greenwood, Harper, Kingman, Pratt, Sedgwick, Sumner


Kansas Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs

Atchison, Brown, Douglas, Geary, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Montgomery, Pottawatomie, Reno, Riley, Sedgwick, Shawnee


FosterAdopt Connect

Johnson, Wyandotte, Cherokee, Bourbon


Mirror, Inc.

Shawnee, Jackson, Jefferson, Osage, Douglas, Wabaunsee, Pottawatomie


KVC Behavioral Healthcare, Inc

Chautauqua, Montgomery, Labette, Cherokee, Crawford, Neosho, Wilson, Woodson, Allen, Bourbon, Linn, Anderson, Coffey, Osage, Franklin, Miami, Douglas, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Pottawatomie, Jackson, Marshall, Nemaha, Brown, Doniphan, Atchison, Jefferson


Connections to Success

Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Johnson


Children First



O’Connell Children’s Shelter



SparkWheel (formerly known as Communities in Schools)

Bourbon, Butler, Crawford, Douglas, Finney, Ford, Franklin, Labette, Lyon, Marshall, Montgomery, Neosho, Shawnee, Wilson, Wyandotte




International Rescue Committee, Community Connections: The goal of Community Connections is to help close the gap in accessible, sustainable poverty reduction services by providing primary prevention and early intervention services to 120 families with children under the age of 18 in Sedgwick County within a two-year period. While the program serves all families who meet eligibility criteria, it specializes in serving families who have experienced forced displacement and trauma and who may not be able to be served by other organizations due to low or no English language literacy. Community Connections uses 2Gen approaches that provide child-centered, family-based programming that meets the needs of all family members and that is coordinated and complementary to existing resources in the community. The program will use specific trauma-informed strategies to increase stability, grow social connections, decrease maltreatment risk, and move families toward personal and family goals.

Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas, Inc: Service provisions will include familial case management, family mentoring, parental and familial education utilizing the Strengthening Families curriculum, and access to mental health/or substance use treatment. The organization will track outcomes for children and caregivers simultaneously, as well as goals focusing on the entire family; to offer comprehensive wrap-around services designed to empower families to make progress towards eliminating the cycle of poverty. Youth will receive mentoring and leadership skills training to propel them forward, while parents will receive parent training, prosocial skills, and assistance with job seeking. The entire family will receive mental health services, education in communication and boundaries, and mentoring support.

Kansas Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, BGC Statewide 2Gen Project: The Alliance will provide subgrants to 13 partner Boys & Girls Clubs who will, together with 27 partner organizations, expand opportunities for low-income children and families to increase their economic stability, make progress on their educational goals, deepen their social connections, and improve their health and well-being. The Alliance will focus on the Child-Parent approach. Performance measures for youth include on-time grade progression, career exploration, financial literacy, improved social adjustment, and social-emotional skills. Performance measures for adults include increased knowledge of strategies to support their children’s learning, increased economic stability, increased confidence in raising healthy children, and increased knowledge of how to access health insurance for themselves and their children.

FosterAdopt Connect, Kinship Navigator Program: The program will combat intergenerational poverty by supporting relatives and kin taking placement of children who would otherwise be placed in non-kin foster homes. The proposed project aims to take advantage of the surging population of relatives and kin providing care to non-biological children (including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other kin) in Kansas and maintain the placement of children in these households by providing Kinship Navigator services and financial assistance.

Mirror, Inc., Work for Success Program: Work for Success will support the formation and maintenance of two-parent families through healthy relationship skills training, parenting connections training, prosocial leisure, and educational activities for families, as well as Personal and Professional Development (PPD) courses. PPD will assist unemployed or underemployed parents with employment, achieving financial independence, and providing stable homes for their children.

KVC Behavioral Healthcare, Inc., 2Gen Program: KVC will provide one-on-one, in-home, virtual, and group interventions to families with essential resources and referrals, ultimately addressing the underlying risk factors contributing to poverty. A Family Navigator will assess the entire family and provide or connect with various services that meet the family’s needs. In conjunction with the family, the Family Navigator will create an individualized service plan to assist the family in reducing risks associated with poverty, improving overall stability, and strengthening protective factors.

Connections to Success 2Gen Program: Connections to Success offers a range of services that align with the 2Gen model. Services include evidence-based Personal and Professional Development Training for parents/caregivers (accompanied by individualized coaching/case management from Life Transformation Coaches, linkages to career training and education, and placements in jobs paying above the minimum wage); best practices in building social capital (through community connections, mentoring, and peer support activities); the evidence-based Strengthening Families program, plus academic enrichment programming, and social-emotional skill-building provided by Heartland 180; resources and services (by referral) for housing, transportation, child support, legal assistance, health care, and behavioral health services, and opportunities for parents/caregivers and adolescents to participate in human trafficking prevention education.

Children First: The program will impact both parents and children who are living in poverty through a three-generation approach and a combination of services using activities that are evidence-based or evidence-informed and other supports. Senior citizens serving in a “grandparent role” will mentor, encourage, and follow families through their journey out of poverty. Priority will be given to families experiencing or in danger of experiencing a housing crisis and families experiencing poverty.

O’Connell Children’s Shelter, Generations Program. The program will function as One Complete Solution for Douglas County families at risk of encountering the child welfare and juvenile justice systems by providing whole-family services aligned with the evidence-based Homebuilders program model. Homebuilders is a home- and community-based intensive family preservation services treatment program designed to avoid unnecessary placement of children and youth into foster care, group care, psychiatric hospitals, or juvenile justice facilities.

SparkWheel (formerly Communities in Schools): SparkWheel strives to break the cycle of generational poverty by placing staff to work full-time daily inside schools to partner with teachers, mobilize the community, and offer extra help for students to thrive. The program will target family members and students in pre-K through college attending 43 schools in 15 geographically diverse counties across Kansas in both rural and urban settings.


The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) mission is to protect children, strengthen families, and promote adult self-sufficiency. DCF’s more than 35 service centers across the state offer a wide range of support services, including food, utility, child care assistance, child support services, and employment education and training. DCF also partners with grantees to provide foster care services to children, including case planning, placement, life skills, and foster parent recruitment and training. DCF works in partnership with organizations, communities, and other agencies to support families, children, and vulnerable adults, connecting them with resources, supports, and networks in their home communities.

City of Uniontown Council Special Meeting Agenda for March 19

CALL TO ORDER AT _________ by __________________________________________


 ____ Jess Ervin ____ Danea Esslinger ____ Amber Kelly ­­____ Mary Pemberton  ____ Bradley Stewart


Motion by _____________, Second by  __________, Approved ______, to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to interview applicants of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at ____________.


Catholic Convent Coming to Rural Bourbon County In April


The interior of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.
After Easter, in April 2024, a group of 17 Catholic Sisters will be moving to a rural Bourbon County property to make their home.
“We Sisters were invited to make our home on a piece of property near St. Martin’s Academy, by Dan Kerr and by the organization Ave Philomena,” said Mother Maria Regina, a spokeswoman for the Sisters “We have obtained the property we will live on to serve as a place to support the spiritual life of the students, faculty, and families at St. Martin’s Academy. If all goes well, we hope to come very soon after Easter.”
Submitted photo.
“Our present convent home is in Minneapolis, Minnesota,” she said.  “While we have been grateful to live in Minnesota, we needed a larger place, as we had outgrown our home there.  Also, we have longed to live in a more rural area, which is more conducive to our lifestyle.”
The name of the new Catholic establishment is St. Joseph Convent on Hackberry Road, southwest of Fort Scott.
Submitted photo. This photo is the housing for the Sisters, located at St. Joseph Convent, rural  Bourbon County. Each cottage is 16 ‘ by 20 ‘ with two sleeping quarters and a shared bathroom in between.
The name of this group of Sisters is Filiae Laboris Mariae, which means “Daughters of the Work of Mary.”
“We are a group of Catholic religious Sisters, who dedicate our lives to prayer and to service,” she said.  “We are a rather new community.  We were founded in 2017, and most of our Sisters are still rather young–the large majority in their 20s and 30s.”
The 5,300 square-foot chapel is flanked by the Sisters’s cottages on the left in this photo.
“Our primary purpose is to dedicate our lives to prayer and that is the reason that the largest building for our new convent is the chapel,” she said.  “We Sisters give our lives entirely to God and live in community: praying together, working together, recreating together each day.  In addition to our life of prayer, we also intend to serve the community by organizing events that will foster the spiritual life for various groups of persons.  We have heard that there are nursing homes in Fort Scott and would very much like to make regular visits to the residents of the nursing homes.”
Submitted photo of the Sisters.
They are a community of 17 Sisters.
  “Nuns is the term for those Sisters who serve the world exclusively by their prayer and sacrifice.  Since we also have some external service to others, we are called Sisters,” she said.
“For those who become Sisters, there are stages of formation,” she said.  “The first stage is called the postulant and we have one postulant.  The next stage is that of the novice (you can tell a novice because she wears a white veil), and we have eight novices.  The last stage is that of a Sister who has professed the vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The professed Sisters wear a blue veil, and there are eight professed Sisters. “
Submitted photo. The  Novice wears a white veil.
Submitted photo. A blue veil is worn by a Sister.
About the build
Steve McTavish, Olathe, is the project manager for Ave Philomena, the owner of the project. The 160-acreage was purchased from Delbert and Darla Crays.
“We started last August,” he said. “April 2 is the scheduled move-in.”
The current phase of the build is the 5,300 sq. ft. chapel,  16′ by 20 ‘ residence cottages, a 2,000 sq. ft. community center, a 4,000 sq. ft. dining, kitchen, sewing laundry center,  and a small cottage for meetings.
The future phase is for three other buildings for community and additional lodging, and a replica of the House of Loreto with courtyards,  McTavish said.
Almost all of the work on the St. Joseph Convent project has been done by local tradesmen.
The people who have helped with the build are Advantage Building and Remodeling-Fort Scott; R2 Construction-Fort Scott; Geiger Plumbing-Fort Scott, H2 Painting-Fort Scott; Wes Davis Drywall, Kelly Electric-Uniontown,  5M Restoration, LLC-Prescot; George Collinge (road and land clearing work); Bar/Rose Custom Wood Designs-Fort Scott; C.D. L. (HVAC); Aegis (fire protection); Rural Water District #2; Heartland Electric Coop; Harris Propane, Invictus Roofing, Mike the Carpet Man (flooring) and Winvent/Extrusions (windows).


AD: Kansas Recovery Institute Hiring For All Positions!

401 Woodland Hills Blvd. Kansas Renewal Institute, a behavioral healthcare treatment center will open soon.

The Kansas Renewal Institute, located at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd. in Fort Scott, is a pioneering behavioral healthcare center specializing in treating adults and adolescents.

Our mission is to provide exceptional, accessible behavioral health services across Kansas, fostering resilience and renewal in our communities.

Kansas Renewal Institute offers full-time, part-time, and per-diem employment for all persons wishing to become a part of an exciting team of behavioral health professionals.

We need dedicated, responsible, caring individuals who have a passion for assisting others throughout their treatment process.

Join Our Team!
If you have a passion for helping others, join Kansas Renewal Institute to be part of a team that is saving lives! Our team provides compassionate treatment for children, adolescents, and adults who are struggling with their mental health and/or substance
use concerns.

We work to meet each patient’s unique needs to help them achieve mental wellness so they can live happier lives full of hope.

Located in Fort Scott, our residential treatment programs provide modern, safe, and patient-friendly environments that encourage positive interactions conducive to health, hope, and healing.

Behavioral Health Technicians Needed: A Great Career Starter
Helping children as a Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) could be your calling! No experience, certification, or college degree is necessary – we will train you on the job! Applicants must be 20 years or older with a high school diploma or GED. As a BHT, you will provide care and support to patients ages 6 to 18 who are
struggling with their mental health. We invite you to be their bridge to better health!

Masters Level Therapist (must be licensed in Kansas or eligible for licensure):
Monday- Friday (days).

Case Manager: Monday-Friday (days).

Behavioral Health Technician providing direct care for Patients. Day, Night, and Weekend Shifts are needed.
(Applicants will be subject to a Drug Test and Background Check if hired)

If interested, please send an Inquiry to Jessica Allison @

The beginning date is 03/25/2024.

Taking Care of Our Team

The heart of our work is helping people. That means offering our employees a robust benefits package that ensures they’re able to care for themselves and their families, while they help children in need. Benefits include:
 Competitive pay for the industry
 Medical plans with generous employer contribution
 Tuition, CEU and licensure reimbursement
 Generous paid time off
 A strong focus on promoting internally
 Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

**Must be at least 20 to apply.

If interested, please send an Inquiry to Jessica Allison @

AD: Kansas Renewal Institute Is Hiring For All Positions!

401 Woodland Hills Blvd. Kansas Renewal Institute, a behavioral healthcare treatment center will open soon.

The Kansas Renewal Institute, located at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd. in Fort Scott, is a pioneering behavioral healthcare center specializing in treating adults and adolescents.

Our mission is to provide exceptional, accessible behavioral health services across Kansas, fostering resilience and renewal in our communities.

Kansas Renewal Institute offers full-time, part-time, and per-diem employment for all persons wishing to become a part of an exciting team of behavioral health professionals.

We need dedicated, responsible, caring individuals who have a passion for assisting others throughout their treatment process.

Join Our Team!
If you have a passion for helping others, join Kansas Renewal Institute to be part of a team that is saving lives! Our team provides compassionate treatment for children, adolescents, and adults who are struggling with their mental health and/or substance
use concerns.

We work to meet each patient’s unique needs to help them achieve mental wellness so they can live happier lives full of hope.

Located in Fort Scott, our residential treatment programs provide modern, safe, and patient-friendly environments that encourage positive interactions conducive to health, hope, and healing.

Behavioral Health Technicians Needed: A Great Career Starter
Helping children as a Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) could be your calling! No experience, certification, or college degree is necessary – we will train you on the job! Applicants must be 20 years or older with a high school diploma or GED. As a BHT, you will provide care and support to patients ages 6 to 18 who are
struggling with their mental health. We invite you to be their bridge to better health!

Masters Level Therapist (must be licensed in Kansas or eligible for licensure):
Monday- Friday (days).

Case Manager: Monday-Friday (days).

Behavioral Health Technician providing direct care for Patients. Day, Night, and Weekend Shifts are needed.
(Applicants will be subject to a Drug Test and Background Check if hired)

If interested, please send an Inquiry to Jessica Allison @

The beginning date is 03/25/2024.

Taking Care of Our Team

The heart of our work is helping people. That means offering our employees a robust benefits package that ensures they’re able to care for themselves and their families, while they help children in need. Benefits include:
 Competitive pay for the industry
 Medical plans with generous employer contribution
 Tuition, CEU and licensure reimbursement
 Generous paid time off
 A strong focus on promoting internally
 Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

**Must be at least 20 to apply.

If interested, please send an Inquiry to Jessica Allison @

Florida Strawberries Are Coming To Bronson

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member Perry’s Pork Rinds & Country Store…


Perry Pork Rinds is partnering with Hill Top Farmz to bring you the PERFECT treat! These strawberries are picked at the perfect time placed in an open flat, immediately put into a refrigerator truck and brought to their store directly from Florida!

Reserve your flat just in time for Easter!

Each flat is $25 and approximately 12lbs each.

Click here to fill out the form and to reserve your spot. They accept payment upon pick up.

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below!
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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Bourbon County Commission Will Not Meet on March 18

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832

Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701





There will not be a Commission meeting held on Monday, March 18.




Bourbon County Garden Club Activities Start March 21: No Experience Necessary

This is the club selling plants at the May 2022 Fort Scott Farmers Market, annual event for the club. From its Facebook page.
The Bourbon County Garden Club sells plants on the opening day of the Fort Scott Farmer’s Market. Club member Paula Blincoe is in the visor. Photo from 2022.

The Bourbon County Garden Club started in 2003 and gives time and talent to the community through public garden care.

The Bourbon County Garden Club will open its season on Thursday, March 21, with a meeting at 6 p.m. at the Lowell Milken Center in downtown Fort Scott, at Wall and Main Street. The club meets once a month from March until October.

“New members bring new energy and new ideas,” said Martha Jane Gentry, co-president of the club in a press release.  “Learn how you can contribute to Bourbon County Garden Club activities for the coming season by attending the March 21 meeting.”

“Garden experience is not necessary for participation,” said Gentry,  “The club offers opportunities for learning and for community service.”

“The Garden Club started in 2003 and has grown in membership since then,” she said. “There are now about thirty members representing different ages, interests, and areas of the county.”

Membership is free, with the club’s activities financially supported by one fundraiser.  The annual plant sale occurs on the opening Saturday of the Downtown Farmers’ Market, this year on May 4.

“The club partners with Tri-Valley Developmental Services to sell a wide variety of plants, all of which are geared to our area’s growing conditions,” she said. “Club members offer plants freshly dug from their own gardens, and Tri-Valley provides plants and hanging baskets from the agency’s greenhouse.”

About one-third of the members have chosen to further their gardening knowledge by taking the K-State Master Gardener course through the K-State Extension Service.

“The class is offered via Zoom in the fall, with occasional in-person meetings,” she said. “Master Gardeners are required to share their knowledge through area activities, and the local club offers some of those opportunities.”

Many Projects

In addition to increasing in number, the number of community projects has increased.

The partnership with the City of Fort Scott has been vital for many of these projects.

The club sets new plants in place at the Heritage Park. Submitted photo.
There are four pocket gardens at the intersection of 8th and Crawford. The one that is most established is at the corner of 801 S. Crawford. Submitted photo.

“The city installed the watering system for Heritage Park (at First and Main Street) which members designed and planted in 2006,” she said. “That garden features a mix of annuals and perennials and is a colorful backdrop for Friday night concerts, photo shoots, and downtown gatherings.”

Club members Paula Blincoe on the left, Sheryl Bloomfield on the ladder, and Judy Wallis on the right. Submitted photo.

“Later, the city added a watering system for the downtown hanging planters and for the island gardens at the pool,” Gentry said.” In addition to those projects, the club has planted, cared for, and watered gardens in the North Main area.”

This garden at the north end of downtown Main Street is one of projects of the Bourbon County Garden Club. From the club's Facebook page.
The garden at the north end of Main Street is planted and cared for by the Bourbon County Garden Club.

“A recent project is the island garden at Riverfront Park, a collaboration with the Fire Department and Riverfront volunteers,” she said.

The newest project is outside the downtown area.

Residential pocket gardens were expanded last year through the club. Several members had already planted corner/pocket gardens, and the club decided to expand the project. Two local homeowners won free gardens from drawings through the club’s Facebook page and at the plant sale.

A pocket garden. Submitted photo.

“A pocket garden is a small planting plot or large pot tucked into a convenient corner of your property,” according to>articles>pocket-gardens.

“I do the four corners at 8th and Crawford as part of the pocket garden project,” she said. “There are bulbs currently blooming”

A pocket garden. Submitted photo.

A  club committee collaborated with those homeowners in the fall, before planting the garden.

“Look for Garden Club Pocket Garden signs throughout Fort Scott to see what can flourish in small areas with challenging conditions,” she said. “For all gardens, the plant selection focuses on choices that are drought. Both the city staff and club members are committed to minimal water usage.”

The officers of the club are:
Barbara McCord and Martha Jane Gentry – co-presidents
Austin Bollinger – vice-president
Ronda Hassig – secretary
Sheryl Bloomfield – treasurer

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