Core Community Has New Liaison and A New Fall Farm Fest In the Works

Deana Betts. Submitted photo.

There is a new community liaison with Core Community, a local helping organization that has a mission to engage the community to lift families out of poverty.

Deana Betts, the new Core Community Liasion, moved to Fort Scott this summer and began work with Core Community on July 8th.

Betts moved to the area after her husband accepted the pastor position at Lifetrack Church in Frontenac.

In discovering the organization and the opening for a liaison, she learned Core Community is a faith-based organization that helps people out of poverty.

“I liked that they are leading themselves out of poverty, with support. It’s more than just a class, it’s a pathway.”

The mission statement of the organization is “Engaging the community to lift families out of poverty.”

Classes for this second year of the organization in Bourbon County start on Tuesday, September 10 at the Nazarene Church, 1728 S. Horton Street with 16-17 people enrolled.

See their Facebook page at:

Betts explained the evening.

Every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. will be a family-style meal provided by different organizations in the community. Following this, children will be directed to the childcare area with Angie Trim, the childcare coordinator and the people from last year’s classes will meet with the coach, Janice Lamb. The new class meets with teachers, Amy Harper and David Goodyear. The evening finishes at 7:30 p.m.

The first class graduated in May of this year.

Getting Ahead In A Just Get By World by Ruby Payne is the book that is worked through, in the 20-22 weeks of the classes.

Fall Festival

Larry and Vickie Shead have agreed to open the Shead Farm on Saturday, October 19 for a fundraiser for the Core Community organization. The farm has an annual community spring festival that has grown larger each year.

Vickie and Larry Shead, 2020, from her Facebook page.

“Our childcare coordinator Angie Trim helped the Sheads with their spring festival. I met with them and they said it’s the Lord’s farm. I asked them to pray about it, and they did and said yes,” she said.

The event is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the farm located at 2468 Calvalry Road, Garland, south of Fort Scott.

The cost is $5 per person, for families with over five members it’s $25 and there will be food, vendors, games, and raffles to entertain the family.

To learn more about Core Community or the Fall Fest, contact Betts at [email protected] or 785.488. 8411.



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