Category Archives: Bourbon County

Improved Walking Trail In The Making For Uniontown Community


Old asphalt is coming off the Uniontown Walking Trail this week. This view is in the back of the high school. Two residents, Brian Stewart and Jason Koch are donating their time and resources to demolish the current asphalt trail.
An improved walking trail around the USD 235 Campus is in the making. The trail is an oval around the two school buildings in Uniontown and is used by many in the community.
 Work began on March 11 to dig up the old asphalt.
Everything that was asphalt will be replaced with concrete,” said Uniontown Schools Superintendent Vance Eden.  “The new path will be 5 feet wide and ADA compliant.”
Vance Eden, superintendent for USD 235. Photo from the school district’s website.

“Excavation/demolition is being donated by Brian Stewart and Jason Koch.” Vance said.  “The  (concrete) replacement is being done by Tri-state  Building of Pittsburg.  The project was bid by several contractors and they had the winning bid.”

The major part of the community improvement project is through the Recreational Trails Program by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, he said.

The district will cover its portion through in-kind donations and also our Capital Outlay Fund,” Eden said.  “Donations of the excavation by Brian Stewart and Jason Koch, a gravel donation of 800 tons by Mary and Don Pemberton of Bandera Stone, and a donation of the rock hauling by Bourbon County (Public Works Department) all help us minimize the district’s cash portion.
The old asphalt is coming off in preparation of the improved walking rail in Uniontown. This view is on Clay Street looking east to the West Bourbon Elementary School playground.
The project should be completed by late April or early May.
“Spring weather could be a factor but we are planning on it taking around 6 to 8 weeks,” he said.
The Uniontown Walking Trail looking south on 75th Street in January 2024.
The Uniontown Hiking Trail looking north on 75th Street on January 2024.

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of March 4

March 4, 2024                                                                              Monday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Bonnie Smith, Steve Fortenberry, Michael Hoyt, Patty Ropp. Clint Walker, Rachel Walker Jason Silvers, Debra Martin, and Brent M. Smith were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim opened the meeting with the flag salute.


Chairman Harris read a statement outlining protocols of meetings going forward. Jim stated they want audience participation; however it needs to be polite and professional and the interruptions must be stopped. Jim said if an individual is interrupting, they will receive one warning then a motion will be made to ask the individual to leave.


Nelson made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 2-26-24. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.


Clint Walker said he read an article about the Pittsburg State University skills program who did tuck pointing and masonry work on shelter houses and suggested someone contact them to see if they would be interested in having their students work on the shelters at Elm Creek. Clint also said the road and bridge crews have been hauling gravel and doing a good job.


Thomas Russell stated he is here representing the Bourbon County Republican party and said they looked over resolution 04-24 that was presented by Nelson last month and they agreed to take the phrases “churches and religious organizations” out of the resolution. Thomas presented a revised copy of resolution 04-24 for the Commissioners to review. Jim stated that what he asked Trevor Jacobs to remove has been removed. Jim made a motion to approve resolution 04-24 a declaratory resolution opposing the entry, transportation, employment, and settlement of illegal immigrants in Bourbon County, Kansas. Nelson seconded the motion and Clifton opposed. The motion passed 2-1.


Nelson made a motion to remove healthcare sales tax ballot language from the agenda. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.


While waiting on the 6:00 conference call discussion was held with the audience with Thomas Russell commenting that he recently traveled and saw an 8-bed hospital and emergency room and suggested the Commissioners check into something like that. Jim stated that we are working on the healthcare situation and Justin and Clifton are working 24/7.

Jim said he had a friend question the duties of the Chairman, so Jim clarified that he is to conduct the meeting in an orderly manner and does not have any authority over Clifton or Nelson.

Brent Smith spoke about the new facilities being constructed for Saint Martin’s Academy near 120th Street and Hackberry Road and asked if there was something that could be done about the road when the project is complete. Mr. Smith stated the additions of a church, housing, and multiple buildings will cause a lot of traffic on that road.

Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, spoke about a few topics while waiting on the conference call. Jennifer stated the Clerk’s office is filing homestead claims for residents until April 15.

The Clerk’s office is still working on trying to connect Bourbon County residents with unclaimed property they have sitting at the State Treasurer’s office. Jennifer stated that they have been able to help residents claim over $100,000 of unclaimed property so far.

Early voting for the Presidential Preference Primary election will begin on March 11th and run Monday through Friday from 8:30 am -4:30 pm. Early voting will also be available on Saturday, March 16th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm and on Monday, March 18th from 8:30 am-12:00 pm. Residents will be able to vote on Tuesday, March 19th from 7:00 am-7:00 pm at their normal polling place.

Matt Quick, County Appraiser, reminded individuals that they have 30 days to dispute their valuation notices that were sent out. Matt stated that it is a simple process and to contact their office and a time will be scheduled to meet and discuss the property.


Mike Dallman, Property Valuation Division Field Staff Supervisor, called in to review the 2023 Substantial Compliance Report with the Commissioners and Matt Quick. Mike stated the reason for conducting a conference call is it is mandated now per KSA 79-1404(b). Mr. Dallman went over the report outlining each section and explained the weighing process the use for the classifications of residential and commercial properties. Mike stated that the commercial properties are in compliance and the residential properties are only out of compliance by 0.07 of a point. Mike went over the process of sales validations and stated the Property Valuation Division has their own department who performs the validations and the county performs their own sales validations.


Jim and Clifton did not have any comments this evening. Nelson stated he did not understand most of what was discussed during the conference call and stated he doesn’t think most people do.

Nelson questioned what portion of taxes go towards welfare and stated that program is very abused. Nelson said he wants to work to change the situation and not just complain about it and that you have to dig in your heels and figure out a way to change. Nelson also said a prayer during his Commission comment time.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:39. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.





___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                   ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

3-11-2024                         Approved Date


Bourbon County Arts Council 2024 Fine Arts Exhibit Awards Announced


The Bourbon County Arts Council congratulates the winners of its 32nd Annual Fine Arts Exhibit, held at the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center.

Local corporate sponsors contribute award monies for the First-Place prize winners in each category.  The Arts Council provides prizes for the Second-Place awards, the Peoples’ Choice award, and also Best in Show,  in 2-D and 3-D categories, in memory of E.C. Gordon, who provided an Endowment to the organization in 2011.

Award winners for each category, and its sponsor, are as follows:


1st (Ward Kraft) – Al Letner – “Lidded Jar”

2ndDaria Claiborne – “Metamorphosis”


1st (Landmark Bank) – Whitney Powell – “Dirty Nails & Fairy Tales”

2nd – Ripp Harrison – “Winter Bug”


1ST (State Farm Insurance) – Nancy Kreibach – “Let Your Light Shine”

2nd – Millie Karleskint – “Shabby Chic”


1st (Edward Jones/ Armstrong) – Carleen Shatto – “Thin Vessels”

2nd – Cynthia Allen – “Tribute”


1st (Citizens Bank) – Nicole Meyer Foresman – “Organic Brooch & Stand”

2nd – None




1st (Lyons Realty) – Eric Doucette – “Grasshopper”

2nd – Anita Wilson – “On Fire”


1st (Union State Bank) – Henry Kreibach – “Gold Rush”

2nd – Tom Altenburg – “Barnyard Royalty”


1st (Mid-Continental Restoration) – Rick Bushnell – “Autumn Statis”

2nd – Emerson Grisier – “An Autumn Drive”


1st (The Artificers) – Linda Teeter – “Reflections – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”

2nd – Maggie Brenner – “Building Blocks”


1st (Osage Timber) – Rick Bushnell – “Cottonwood Autumn”

2nd – Rylee Coulter – “Eyeball Kid”


1st (H & H Realty) – Mayumi M Kiefer – “Shoulder to Shoulder”

2nd – Mark Denton – “Anagama Hare”


1st (City State Bank) – Tom Altenburg – “Traveling a Dusty Road”

2nd – Eric Doucette – “A Day at the Office”


1st (Buerge Studio) – Henry Kreibach – “Flower Tower”

2nd – Kaitlynn Sampson – “Peaceful View”

BEST OF SHOW 2D – Henry Kreibach – “Gold Rush”

BEST OF SHOW 3D – Al Letner – “Lidded Jar”

PEOPLES’S CHOICE – Addison Smith – “Orchid






Bo Co Democrats Meet March 17

The general meeting of the Bourbon County Democrats will be held on Sunday, March 17th at 2:00 p.m. in the Meeting Rooms of the Ellis Center on Fort Scott Community College campus.
The guest speaker will be Representative Mari-Lynn Poskin, a member of the House Committee on Education.
For information, text with your name or call 620 215 1505.  Please join us!
Submitted by

Carol MacArthur
Chair, Bourbon Co. Democrats
620 215 1505
Please like us on Facebook
“Serving Bourbon County’s Registered Democrats”

Amended Agenda for the Bourbon County Commission on March 11

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832


Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701


March 11, 2024 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes 3/4/2024
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $307,076.65
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $406,928.16
  1. Public Comments
  2. Don George-Elm Creek Dam Grant Status Report
  3. Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
    1. BlueMark Energy Agreement
    2. Cintas Rental Service Agreement
    3. KCCA Conference
    4. Real Property Relief Applications
  • Healthcare Sales Tax Ballot Language
  • Clifton Beth-Public Safety
  1. Commission Comments
  2. Adjourn Meeting



Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.

The Bourbon County Commission Agenda for March 11

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832


Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701


March 11, 2024 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes 3/4/2024
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $307,076.65
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $406,928.16
  1. Public Comments
  2. Don George-Elm Creek Dam Grant Status Report
  3. Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
    1. BlueMark Energy Agreement
    2. Cintas Rental Service Agreement
    3. KCCA Conference
    4. Real Property Relief Applications
  • Clifton Beth-Public Safety
  • Commission Comments
  1. Adjourn Meeting

Accounts Payable 3-8-2024

Payroll 3-8-2024


Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.

Uniontown City Council Agenda for March 12

The Uniontown City Council will meet at 7 p.m. at city hall for its regular monthly meeting.

CALL TO ORDER AT ________ by _____________________________


___ Jess Ervin ___ Danea Esslinger ___ Amber Kelly ___ Mary Pemberton ___ Bradley Stewart



Pond project – Don George, KDWPT –








Charlene Bolinger – Financial reports



  1. Minutes of February 13, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and February 27, 2024 Special Council Meeting
  2. Treasurers Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables


Motion by ____________, Second by ______­­­_______, Approved ________ to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss job duties and review applications of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at _______.



Superintendent:  Bobby Rich

Water valve replacement –


Codes Enforcement: 


Clerk Report:  Sally Johnson  

2023 Financial Audit




Councilman Ervin –

Councilwoman Esslinger –

Councilman Kelly –

Councilwoman Pemberton –

Councilman Stewart–

Mayor Jurgensen –



Pickleball court project –


Warehouse refurbishing –





ADJOURN Time ____________ Moved by ______________, 2nd ___________________, Approved ___________



2024 Financials – February

03-24 Informational Items

Uniontown City Council Meeting Minutes of February 27

The Special Council Meeting on February 27, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 6:30PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting was City Clerk Sally Johnson.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 5-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss job duties, benefits, and employee handbook of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 7:00PM


Clerk Johnson included in session, open meeting resumed at 7:00.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to extend executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 4319(b)(1) in order to discuss job duties, benefits and employee handbook of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 7:35PM.


Johnson still included in session. Open meeting resumed at 7:35PM.


Motion by Pemberton, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to have Clerk Johnson post City Clerk position with appropriate publications and organizations


Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to amend Section 2.9.0 with the statement that full-time employees hires on or after March 1, 2024 will not be eligible for this benefit and add Section 2.11.0 Health Insurance Benefit effective for all new full-time hires on or after March 1, 2024


Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 7:36PM

Uniontown City Council Meeting Minutes of February 13

The Regular Council Meeting on February 13, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, City Superintendent Bobby Rich and City Clerk Sally Johnson.






Clerk Johnson reported that Shane Kober requested speed bumps in front of his residence.  After discussion, Council does not wish to put speed bumps on Sherman Street.  Clerk was asked to advise him to followup with the Sheriff’s department for information on how to proceed.



Treasurer Bolinger presented the January 2023 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $235,479.20, Receipts $85,918.56, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $24,988.18, Checking Account Closing Balance $293,383.58. Bank Statement Balance $293,816.11, including Checking Account Interest of $54.56, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $432.53, Reconciled Balance $293,383.58.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,083.20, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,153.58, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $38,862.06, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $390,482.42. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $54.56, and Utility CDs $0 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $54.56.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of January 2023, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  January Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00 for Total Transfers of $3,026.00.  Net Income for the month of January $57,904.38, Year-to-Date Net Income $57,904.38.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $8,044.20 (6.5%), Expenditures $6,943.58 (4.3%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $2,715.90 (7.3%), Expenditures $2,136.25 (5.1%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $17,162.10 (11.7%), Expenditures $10,531.03 (5.9%); General Fund YTD Revenue $52,382.78 (31.9%), Expenditures $8,403.32 (4.2%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $1,987.58 (27.4%), Expenditures $0 (0%).  The February 2024 payables to date in the amount of $36,872.84 were presented.


Clerk Johnson explained the new report for current payables and the difference between the two presented.  She asked the council which report they preferred – Claims Report by Department, by Fund was chosen.



Motion by Esslinger, Second by Ervin, Approved 4-0, to approve Consent Agenda as amended:

  • Minutes of January 8, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



City Superintendent Rich had nothing to report.


Clerk Johnson reported several notifications of insurance renewal conditional provisions from EMC.

Website hosting price increase of $2.50/month.

Municipal Court Clerks conference is March 1, in Wichita.  She will not attend this year.

CCMFOA Conference is March 20-22, in Manhattan.  She will not attend this year.

CDL storm siren maintenance agreement should renew in March.  She will have a new agreement for action at next meeting.

gWorks was used for accounts payable this month and end of month procedures will be done on gWorks.  She has a training on Thursday for bank reconciliation, deposits, and reports.  She will then get all deposits for the month entered, process penalties, and mail delinquent notices.

Bourbon County Job Fair is February 22.  She asked is they wanted a booth to try to recruit a clerk and maintenance worker.  Not at this time.

She did order a 2024 labor law poster.



Councilman Ervin – wished to recognize Clerk Johnson and thank her for all her work in the software conversion.

Councilwoman Esslinger – absent

Councilwoman Kelly – nothing

Councilwoman Pemberton – nothing

Councilman Stewart – nothing

Mayor Jurgensen – the school contacted the City to see if they could stage rock on the right of way for the walking trail project. The rock is being hauled by the county.  He told them yes.  Superintendent Rich stated that there is a gas main just south of the sidewalk by the medical clinic.  Mayor Jurgensen also asked Rich to get fescue and seed the ditches that were worked on Third St.



Rabies Clinic – tentatively scheduled for March 23, 1:30-3:00PM.


Mayor Jurgensen asked if the Council wanted to reskin the warehouse and put in the ramp and rollup doors to use as public works building.  We will need to determine specs and request bids for the metal siding/roof, the ramp and rollup doors, and the installation.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss job duties and benefits of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 8:47PM


Clerk Johnson called in at 8:22, open meeting resumed at 8:47.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to call a special meeting on February 27, 2024, 6:30PM for the purpose of executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 4319(b)(1) to discuss job duties, benefits and employee handbook of non-elected personnel.


Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0, to adjourn at 8:48PM