Category Archives: Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office

Unsolicited Seeds: Report Receipt to KS Dept. of Agriculture

KDA Asks Public to Report Receipt of any Unsolicited Packages of Seeds


Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin said he has been receiving questions on this and sent the following:

The Kansas Department of Agriculture has been notified that several Kansas residents have received unsolicited packages containing seeds that appear to have originated from China.

The types of seeds in the packages are unknown at this time.

The packages were sent by mail; some have been labeled as jewelry and they may have Chinese writing on them.

Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across the United States over the last several days.

If you receive a package of this type, please contact KDA’s plant protection and weed control program at 785-564-6698, via email at [email protected], or at the complaint reporting portion of the KDA website: report a seed complaint.

Please DO NOT plant these seeds.

If they are in sealed packaging, don’t open the sealed package.

If the package has already been opened, place all materials (seeds and packaging) into a zip lock bag and seal it.

If the seeds have already been planted, leave the seeds/plants in the ground.

Unsolicited seeds could be invasive species, could introduce diseases to local plants, or could be harmful to livestock.

Invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops.

KDA works to prevent the introduction of invasive species and protect Kansas agriculture.