Category Archives: Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office

Reaching Out to Community: Law Enforcement’s Faith and Blue Event This Weekend

At the Fort Scott High School Football Game and the Uniontown High School Volleyball Tournament this weekend, one might think there is a crime being investigated.

But that thinking would be wrong.

Both Fort Scott Police and the Bourbon County Sheriff Officers will be there to mingle with people to “meet the community and let the community know us,” said Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office Chaplain Bob Jackson.

The Fort Scott Police Department from its Facebook page.

The events are part of an organization called Faith and Blue.

“Nation-wide, after the George Floyd deal, things started spiraling downhill for law enforcement,” said Jackson.

Last year following the civil unrest, an organization called Faith and Blue was started nationally.

The following is the organization’s purpose, according to its’ website: Faith & Blue: Partnering for stronger, safer communities (

“Communities are stronger and safer when residents and law enforcement professionals can relate as ordinary people with shared values, hopes, and dreams. The partners who are a part of National Faith & Blue Weekend believe we can find ways to work together around our many commonalities instead of being divided by our differences.”

The Faith and Blue weekend nationally is Oct. 8-11, according to Jackson.

Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office Chaplain Bob Jackson. Courtesy photo.

The law enforcement officers will be at Frary Field this evening, Oct. 8, on the campus of Fort Scott High School starting about 5 p.m. to “pass out popcorn and give away tickets to the concession stand,” Jackson said.

Then on Saturday, the officers will be at West Bourbon Elementary School for the Uniontown High School Volleyball Tournament from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There, they will be giving away food too, with the help of local food truck (The Sunshine Shack) owners, Shayla and Kyle Knight.

“They are going to set it up inside the school cafeteria,” Jackson said.

The officers are hoping to get to know those they serve a little better in the mingling and also let the community get to know them.

He is hoping the event will be a positive one, he said.

“It will not be to hear complaints,” Jackson said. “But it’s to get to know you and you know us.”

The event is a collaboration of some local churches and the FSPD and the BCSO.

In Fort Scott, Community Christian Church, Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene, Trinity Lutheran and the Seventh Day Adventist Church have provided funds for the event.

In Uniontown, the Uniontown Missionary Baptist Church, along with the Bronson, Hiattville, and Uniontown United Methodist Churches have contributed to the event.