Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition General Membership Meeting Minutes  

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


August 7, 2024



  1. Welcome:  Fifteen members representing eleven agencies attended.  Billie Jo will be finalizing pool pass numbers with Kathi Hall and will give a final report in September.  We do have a vacancy on the Coalition Board; we could use a volunteer!


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  • Lea Kay Karleskint, K-State Research: She will have news quite soon on SNAP and the Farmer’s Market – wait patiently.  Create Better Health class will be beginning in Fulton at the Community Center September 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for six weeks; the flyer will be forwarded to the membership.
  • Shelby Moore, Families Together: Shelby coordinates the FAST (Family Advocacy, Support, & Training) program. If parents have concerns about their ability to care for their child’s needs, education, and access to community support, they should contact Shelby at 785-233-4777 or .
  • Janelle Tate, Early Childhood Block Grant, Greenbush: Janelle is now serving on the board for the Keyhole; she would welcome ideas on how to increase participation and use of the facility.
  • Rachel Carpenter, HBCAT: Rachel will be sending a flyer outlining the latest project for HBCAT.
  • Amy Sawyer, Small Business Development Center: Her office is located at HBCAT; she will help with questions and processes involved in a small business.
  • Cherri Walrod, K-State Extension: Cherri is now the K-State community health worker; she will help families navigate health care and social services.
  • Megan Rogers, Safehouse Crisis Center in Pittsburg: She works with shelter groups as the children’s advocate.  Safehouse shelters people and helps them get the services they need.
  • Lacey Morando, Spark Wheel: Lacy makes connections in the community to ensure children get the proper resources.  She will be involved with the Pittsburg, Fort Scott, Uniontown, and Parsons school districts.  In USD 234, Spark Wheel has been working at FSHS and FSMS for several years.  Lacey works with the site coordinators in each location.
  • Teresa Amershek, Safehouse Crisis Center: Teresa is the Director of Child Exchange and Visitation.  Due to various factors such as number of visitations, space, etc., visits are limited to one hour at the present time.
  • Tammy Alcantor, Crawford County Health Department: Tammy continues to offer classes for Teen Pregnancy and Baby and Me Tobacco Free.  She is excited to announce that she will now be able to do prenatal classes in Bourbon County starting August 19 through Zoom!
  • April Jackson, SEK Recovery Resources through Thrive Allen County: April’s program is now covering nine counties. Since its inception, 35 men have been served through the Recovery House in Iola.  The initial grant will end this month; they now will partner with Drug Endangered Children.  The program is focused on anything to prevent substance abuse; the goal is to get resources before they are needed.  Congratulations to April who is now a certified community health worker!
  • Lora Wilson, CHC: Lora helps with resources and is in charge of the Tobacco Cessation program for CHC.
  • Clayton Cook, CHC: Clayton shared that Mount Carmel Hospice provides services in Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Miami, and Neosho counties.  Their team will address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of both their patients and their families at the end of life by providing care in the patient’s home.  For more information, call 620-264-6550.


  1. Program:  Rachel Carpenter and Lisa Robertson shared updates at HBCAT and with the COPE program.  Rachel shared that the COPE grant has been extended for one additional year; Lisa will continue in that leadership role.  Rachel leads the Local Health Equity Action Team (LHEAT) which has a vision to create lasting solutions to improve the quality of life in Bourbon County.  LHEAT has been able to implement a county wide transportation program, offer free laundry services, and assist 137 individuals find safe housing.  Lisa provides services by starting wherever the client is to help with health care, housing, transportation, food assistance, insurance, mental health, utility assistance, and anything else that will help that client.  COPE now works with 157 partners to provide these services.  In the two short years the program has been in existence, they have served over 400 clients!


  1. Open Forum:  Janelle Tate reminded members that the Nazarene Church has a “Celebrate Recovery” program that meets on Mondays from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.



  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be September 4, 2024.

Janelle Tate has volunteered to fill the vacant spot on our board and has also secured our September program.  The program will be presented by Judy, the board chairman for the Keyhole.  Please note:  We will hold our September (September only) meeting at the Keyhole.  I will send the exact address later but the Keyhole is located at the corner of Main and 10th. Streets – across from the south end of the Fort Scott High School.  Plan to be at the Keyhole on September 4.





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