March 25, 2022 Friday at 2:00 P.M.
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with two Commissioners and Jim
Harris by phone and the County Clerk present.
Anne Dare, Mike Houston, Christi Keating, Randy Nichols, Jason Silvers, Tim
VanHoeke, Katie Harrington, Mary Pemberton, Jennifer Wiggans, Trace Evans, and
Austin Bahr were present for some or all of the meeting.
Clifton stated that with the news of what is happening in Missouri with a couple of
Noble Health Hospitals, we need to make a statement. Clifton stated that we paid
for a feasibility study and we fully expect to get that study. It is in existence, I’ve
seen parts of it and Noble Health will be here Tuesday of next week. There are
rumors on Facebook circulating that Noble Health is not what they presented
themselves to be. Comments have been made by some that don’t know what they are
talking about. What happens in Missouri doesn’t affect us at all. We paid
$1,000,000.00 for a study and that’s what we will get. The study is 99% completed
and they will be here Tuesday to deliver a little bit of it. Jim stated that he wants
the public to understand that the funding for this study came from the federal
government and were for healthcare improvements only and that money for the study
that we are receiving did not go to Noble it went to the folks doing the study. Clifton
stated that the commissioners have done their homework. They owe us a study and
they are going to deliver that study in the coming weeks. I feel sorry for what is
happening in Missouri. I hope they can reorganize. Instead of being negative and
calling Noble Health all kinds of names, we should be praying for those communities.
Jim stated the feasibility study can be taken to any hospital if Noble Health doesn’t
open a hospital. Jim continued stating that we haven’t spent one penny of taxpayer
money. This is all federal money that had to be spent on healthcare or send it back.
Clifton stated that we have not transferred the building to Noble Health. We haven’t
given Noble Health any more money. Two or three weeks ago we were going to
transfer the building and Noble Health said no. They said they potentially have some
issues and we are not going to take the building or money from you right now. Again,
we paid for a feasibility study and that’s what we expect to receive. Jim stated that
Noble Health is the first company in four years that have shown any interest. Clifton
stated that Tuesday will be a normal meeting and Noble Health will be here to share
parts of the feasibility study.
At 2:09pm, Clifton made a motion to adjourn. Lynne seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner

“Jim continued stating that we haven’t spent one penny of taxpayer money. This is all federal money that had to be spent on healthcare or send it back.” Where do you think that federal money comes from? It comes from TAXPAYERS! You used taxpayer money to conduct the feasibility study, plain and simple. This continual harping on we aren’t spending money because we are getting grants, etc., plays us for the fools you think we are.