All posts by Submitted Story

Uniontown City Hall Reopens May 18

Uniontown City Hall will reopen to the public on May 18. The office has been closed because of the COVID 19 Pandemic, according to City Clerk Sally Johnson.

People are asked to used the south door in the alley to enter the office. Wearing a mask and social distancing will be maintained.

The community center and library will remain closed until phase three of the reopening of the state.

The playground on the square will reopen as soon as disinfectant arrives and as soon as the signage is posted, Johnson said.

“Use the equipment at your own risk, ” Johnson said. “Bring your own sanitizer and use before and after using the equipment.”


On The Go by Pastor James Collins

On The Go

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Lois is a secretary. She was recently laid off. She worked for a business that shut down because the government said it was “nonessential.” Because she lost her job, she can barely make ends meet. Her husband left her. She has a son in rebellion. Her life is spinning out of control. She cries out for help. We don’t hear.

Stan works in a local factory. Even though he has a job and is surrounded by people, he feels alone. The mask that his employer requires him to wear makes him feel even more isolated. He longs for a friend. We are deaf to his cries.

Ed owns a gas station in town. His wife died last month. Because of COVID-19, the family couldn’t even have a funeral. Ed has struggled with depression since his wife passed away. His eyes echo his loneliness, but we don’t see. He misses her listening ear. If only there were someone who would talk to him, but our ears are closed.

Hattie lives in a local assisted care facility. She has lived through so much in her eighty-five years, but she has never seen anything like what is happening in the world today. For the past two months, she has felt like a prisoner. Hattie has been locked away in her room. Even her meals are brought to her. The only people she sees are the nurses and orderlies that come by two or three times a day. At first, a few family members and some friends from church called to check on her, but those calls have stopped. Secretly, Hattie longs for death, but we don’t care.

We saw our neighbor, Lois, sitting on her porch across the street, but we didn’t say, “Hello.” We saw Stan at work, but because of “social distancing,” we didn’t even speak. We filled up the car at Ed’s gas station, but we were in too much of a hurry to chat. Hattie is our grandmother, but who has time to call. We had to hurry home to have the “perfect” ending to our self-centered day. So, we kick back in our chair with a bag of Doritos and binge-watch “Tiger King” on Netflix as we pat ourselves on the back for “staying home and staying safe.”

Jesus told us to, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to everyone.” However, we are in such a hurry to “go,” that we miss the very ones whom God brings into our path. All around us there are hurting people who are longing for a “cup of cold water” in Jesus name.

You see, this world has a problem that is much worse than the coronavirus. This world has a sickness called sin. Sin has a one-hundred-percent mortality rate. Each of us has this disease and it is killing us. However, there is a cure. God was “socially isolated” in heaven where there was no sickness, but He came to earth in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus entered a pandemic – a sin-sick world. He was crucified and died on an old rugged cross. His dead body was buried, but three days and nights later, Jesus rose from the dead. And the cure for sin-sickness is the gospel – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The point is: If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are to “go” and share the gospel, but you don’t have to be a missionary overseas. Open your eyes to the people God has put in your path. Speak to your neighbor. Be a friend to that guy at work. Pay attention to the man behind the counter. Call your grandma.

You could be the person God uses to change a life, forever.

James Collins is the pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. For more information on his ministry, go to the website

Relief For Motor Carriers During Pandemic

Governor Kelly announces executive order extending relief to motor carriers during COVID-19 pandemic


Governor Laura Kelly today issued a new executive order as part of her administration’s comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Executive Order #20-33 will extend temporary relief for motor carriers from certain rules and regulations until rescinded, on June 15, 2020, or until the statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires, whichever is earlier. It is an extension of measures put in place by Executive Order #20-22.


“The executive order issued today will continue to ease the burden on the workers who are critical to our state’s response capabilities,” Kelly said.


The order lifts certain weight restrictions and permitting requirements to allow needed medical supplies, food shipments and other items to move through Kansas as quickly as possible. These exceptions apply only to motor carriers actively participating in COVID-19 response effort.


To view E.O. #20-33, click here.




Fort Scott Public Library News

Fort Scott Public Library Plans for Next Week
Submitted by Valetta Cannon
Book Bags
Miss Val has hand-picked book bags, each containing 10 books, especially for your kids to enjoy! There are bags for kids in each topic for Birth – 1st Grade and for 2nd – 5th Grades, so be sure to specify both the topic and age range you need when requesting a bag. As is always recommended, be sure to peruse the books personally before offering them to your child, and choose what age range your child is most ready for. Parents know best! To suggest topics, message, email, or call the library. The broader the subject, the better. Message the library through Facebook or call (620)223-2882 during business hours to reserve a bag.
Current topics available: Boys’ General Interest, Classics, Community Helpers, Dinosaurs, Disney Stories, Fantasy, Farm, Girls’ General Interest, LEGO, Silly Stories, Sports, Spring, Superheroes, Star Wars, Vehicles, and Zoo Animals. For most topics, books are available in both the Birth – 1st Grade and 2nd – 5th Grades age ranges.
Volunteers Needed for Summer Reading
Volunteer Readers & Crafters Needed for this year’s virtual summer reading program! If you are interested in reading or doing craft demonstrations, please fill out this online form OR email Miss Val at [email protected]. The library can work around virtually any schedule, so long as you are able to pick up books or craft supplies at the library and you have a device with a camera and internet access. Anyone interested is encouraged to contact Miss Val, but the library is especially looking for educators (active or retired), authors, artists, and anyone who loves telling a good story. The library also plans to offer “How to” craft videos to pair with craft packets, so if you have a great idea you’d like to demonstrate that goes with this year’s fairy tales, mythology, or fantasy themes (something simple enough kids or teens can do it and we can easily buy and prep the necessary supplies in bulk), let Miss Val know. Simple food craft ideas are also welcome! Information on summer reading registration and programs will be announced soon.
May 19: 10 am Flight Storytime on Zoom
               11 am Flight Storytime on Facebook Live
Join Miss Val online for virtual storytime! The library will use the Zoom platform for the 10 am storytime and Facebook Live for the 11 am event. This should remain the schedule until the library reopens, but stay tuned to Fort Scott Public Library’s Facebook page for all event updates. To attend the Zoom meeting, you will need to message the library for the meeting link, unless you have attended in the past. You may receive the link by one of two methods:

Message Fort Scott Public Library through Facebook or email Miss Val at [email protected] before the start (10 am Tuesday) of storytime, and they will send you the link. The same link will be used for all future Zoom storytimes. Zoom now also requires a password, so contact the library for that as well.

Zoom can be accessed on any pc with a camera and headset, smartphone, or tablet with online access. The application will allow families to see and interact with one another, in addition to being a part of storytime. Zoom Storytimes will no longer be recorded and posted. You will have the option of turning your video and audio on and off anytime during the meeting.
This week’s books: “The Noisy Airplane” by Mike Downs, “Flying” by Donald Crews, and “Fairy Friends”
This week’s craft: Fairy Garden & Paper Airplane
Materials Needed: For the garden: small bowl or cup, enough soil to fill the container 3/4 full, small rocks or marbles, materials to make a simple fairy (ribbon, marker, clothespin, pine cone, or etc. – see our Pinterest storytime board for ideas), and seed or seedling (you can transplant a cutting from another plant as well). For the paper airplane, just bring a sheet of paper or two and your imagination!
This week’s snack: Banana or Apple Plane
Materials Needed: A banana sliced in half lengthwise, with one half cut again into two smaller strips, or five apple slices.
For activity suggestions and more see the library’s Storytime Pinterest board.

Reserve and check out books related to the theme through the new curbside pickup service. See this list for suggestions. An active FSPL library card is required.
Read digital books related to the theme at Sunflower eLibrary or Hoopla ( account required) or eBooks for Kids (for residents of Kansas only).


Teens & Tweens:
Due to a lack of participation this week, the library will host an identical teen program next week. Join Miss Val for a virtual crafternoon on Wednesday, May 20 at 4 pm. Dragon crafts are the theme of the day, so bring along a few sheets of paper, scissors, and drawing/coloring tools and/or Sharpies and clear marbles (with or without a flat side) for the second craft.
The library would like to know what days and times work best for you! Please take this poll to help decide the future of this virtual program.
The same Zoom link will be used for each meeting. If you did not attend, to receive the link, message the library or Miss Valetta on Facebook, or send an email to [email protected] Zoom meetings require a device that has a camera and microphone, such as a smart phone, tablet, or laptop. You may choose to disable your video or audio at any time, and feel free to use a free Zoom background (just do a search and lots of them will pop up, along with instructions) if you don’t want everyone seeing your real life background. You may want to install the Zoom app before the meeting starts to make things easier. It is available on Google Play, Apple, and on their website. This event is for middle and high school students only. #FSPLFighters

Food Waster Reduction/Community Compost Projects

USDA Announces Cooperative Agreements for Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction

WASHINGTON, May 11 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the availability of $900,000 for local governments to host a Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction (CCFWR) pilot project for fiscal year (FY) 2020. The cooperative agreements will support projects that develop and test strategies for planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food waste reduction plans. The agreements are offered through USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production.

Food waste shouldn’t end up in landfills when options like food recovery and composting are available,” Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey said. “Such options not only benefit communities and the environment, they can also provide farmers and urban gardeners with exceptional, nutrient dense planting material.”

We are tapping into the creativity of communities across the nation to rethink the lifecycle of food in ways that minimize waste and maximize use.” said Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach. We look forward to highlighting the innovative practices of selected pilot projects.”

Key Dates

USDA will accept applications on until midnight June 26, 2020.

Projects should span two years with a start date of October 1, 2020 and completion date of September 29, 2022.


Cooperative agreements support projects led by local governments that: 1) generate compost; 2) increase access to compost for agricultural producers; 3) reduce reliance on, and limit the use of, fertilizer; 4) improve soil quality; 5) encourage waste management and permaculture business development; 6) increase rainwater absorption; 7) reduce municipal food waste; and 8) divert food waste from landfills. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service will provide assistance for conservation related activities.

Priority will be given to projects that anticipate or demonstrate economic benefits; incorporate plans to make compost easily accessible to farmers, including community gardeners; integrate other food waste strategies, including food recovery efforts; and collaborate with multiple partners.


A webinar, which will be held on June 4, 2020, from 2 to 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, will provide an overview of the cooperative agreements’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic requirements for submitting an application. Information on how to register and participate in the webinar, or listen to the recording, will be posted at

More Information

Comments can be sent to [email protected] within 90 days, with the subject line “Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction Project.”

Questions about this cooperative agreement opportunity can be sent to [email protected].

The Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production was established through the 2018 Farm Bill. It includes representatives from many USDA agencies, including Farm Service Agency and Agricultural Marketing Service, and is led by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Its mission is to encourage and promote urban, indoor, and other emerging agricultural practices, including community composting and food waste reduction. More information is available at

Additional resources that may be of interest to urban agriculture entities include AMS grants to improve domestic and international opportunities for U.S. growers and producers and FSA loans.


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

Farm Loans For Farmers

USDA Offers Farm Loans for Farmers Facing Covid-19 Related Challenges

Manhattan, Kansas, May 14, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers that FSA offers farm ownership and farm operating loans to agricultural producers who may not find success obtaining loans from their traditional financial institutions because of COVID-19. Farmers who cannot obtain commercial credit from a bank can apply for FSA direct or guaranteed loans.

Farming and ranching is a capital-intensive business and FSA is committed to helping producers maintain their agricultural operations during this time of crisis,” said David Schemm, FSA State Executive Director in Kansas. “FSA loans are designed to assist beginning and historically underserved farmers and ranchers, as well as those who have suffered financial setbacks from natural disasters or economic downturns. Producers may find that an FSA loan is the best option for them if they cannot qualify for a loan with their traditional financial institutions or other financial institutions because of COVID-19.”

USDA offers a variety of loans to meet different production needs. Direct loans are made to applicants by FSA. Guaranteed loans are made by lending institutions who arrange for FSA to guarantee the loan. FSA can guarantee up to 95 percent of the loss of principal and interest on a loan. The FSA guarantee allows lenders to make agricultural credit available to producers who do not meet the lender’s normal underwriting criteria.

The direct and guaranteed loan program offers two types of loans: farm ownership loans and farm operating loans.

Farm ownership loan funds may be used to purchase or enlarge a farm or ranch; purchase easements or rights of way needed in the farm’s operation; build or improve buildings such as a dwelling or barn; promote soil and water conservation and development; and pay closing costs.

Farm operating loan funds may be used to purchase livestock, poultry, farm equipment, fertilizer, and other materials necessary to operate a farm. Operating loan funds can also be used for family living expenses; refinancing debts under certain conditions; paying salaries for hired farm laborers; installing or improving water systems for home, livestock or irrigation use; and other similar improvements.

Repayment terms for direct operating loans are scheduled from one to seven years. Financing for direct farm ownership loans cannot exceed 40 years. Interest rates for direct loans are set periodically according to the government’s cost of borrowing. Guaranteed loan terms and interest rates are set by the lender.

For more information on FSA’s farm loan programs, please contact your local FSA office or visit


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

What’s Happening in Fort Scott May 15

What’s Happening

May 15, 2020

15 – Fort Cinema serving Curbside Concessions Cruise Night concessions from 5 to 7pm, click here for Facebook event.
16 – Fort Scott Farmers’ Market on Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort, 8am to noon.  See below for vendors & offerings.
16 – Fort Scott Livestock Market, sale starting at 9am, expecting 2000 head: Consigned: 40 cows, 20 w/calves, balance springers, mostly blk, running ages; 60 blk hfrs 750-800#, replacement kind, no implants; 3 loads hfrs 750-800#; 4 loads strs 900#; 70 blk strs & hfrs 500-700#, several nice bunches of calves.
16 – Perry’s Pork Rinds & Blue Spoon Pop-up, Tractor Supply parking lot, 10am-7pm, click here for Facebook event.
16 – FSHS Senior Cruise Night, 7pm, see below for info. or click here for Facebook event.
17 – Team Trivia at Boiler Room Brewhaus w/social distancing, 5-7pm, teams of up to 4.
19 – Virtual Storytime by Fort Scott Library, 10-11am, click here for Facebook event.  Flight Zoom Edition!
June 12-13 – Town-wide Garage Sale, register your sale online here for only $10!  Business ad spaces also available for $25/$35, call us at 620.223.3566 for more info!
July 24 – Chamber Golf Classic 4-Person Scramble
Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue
Calendar of Events
Cruise Night
Farmers’ Market
Sunshine Boutique Expands
THANK YOU Booster Members!
Join Our Mailing List!
Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support!  Interested in joining the Chamber?  Click here for info.

Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?

Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!

Seeking a job/career?  

We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.

Many opportunities available!

Housing needs?

Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.

Click here for our rental listing.

Join Our Mailing List!


Saturday, May 16th
Starting at 7pm
Seniors will follow a route that will be led by School Resource Officer Mike Trim.
Senior students are asked to arrive at the
high school by 6:45 p.m.

The line up will be starting in the southwest corner of the FSHS front parking lot, and the line will proceed to the east, on the south side of the high school, and will weave into the east parking lot.


Farmers’ Market Current Offerings
Saturdays 8am to noon, Tuesdays 4 to 6pm
Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort
Vendor: R and B Produce (Ronnie & Beverly Brown)
  • Nuts
  • Nut Breads (pumpkin, banana, poppy seed, apple nut)
  • Caramel Rolls
  • Jelly
  • Salsa
Vendor: Ponderosa Farm (Chet & Linda Bower)
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Radishes
Vendor: Locust Hill Lamanchas (Sue Reinecke & Family)
  • Goat’s Milk Products
    • Soap
    • Lotion & Body Cream
    • All-Natural Deodorant
    • Candles
Vendor: Micki’s Crafts (Micki Kraft)
  • Fabric Facemasks, 3 sizes children-adult, $3 each
  • Aprons, Kitchen Towels & Hot Pads
  • Kid’s Aprons w/Crayolas
  • Kitchen Scissors w/Holder
  • Dish Rags w/Scrubber Built-in
  • Microwave Potato Bags
And, more vendors not mentioned!


Chamber Member Perry’s Pork Rinds
@ Tractor Supply Parking Lot
Saturday, May 16th, 10am-7pm or until sold out!
Click here for message from Kelly Perry!
With festivals being cancelled small businesses have to stick together we absolutely love the blue spoon and the blue spoon loves us so what could be better than BOTH!!!!

$8 each or 4/$30
All 9 flavors of rinds available. First come first serve. We are so thankful for all of you and cant wait to see you!

Now is as good of time as any to start working out as fitness centers reopen in Fort Scott! Options to choose from include Buck Run Community CenterI AM Rehab + FitnessSmallville CrossFit, and Up Dog Yoga Studio! Group classes are being offered virtually in most cases for now, but facilities are beginning to reopen for
individual health & wellness.
Visit their Chamber member listings here on our website.

Recently we have been hearing from local realtors that people are choosing to move to Fort Scott from states near and far ~ there’s just something about Bourbon County and this community! We’ve heard Kansas City, New York, Colorado & more!
Here are a couple of quotes shared from local realtors:
“Roots grow deep”–I have a young couple with 3 children returning to Fort Scott from Florida after being gone from here for 6 years. They left for job opportunities, but now both of them have companies who do “remote work from home” with only occasional flights to the home office. They ask employees to be within 2 hours of an airport. Said they want to get back to a simpler life and smaller school system for their children. Anxious to welcome them home when they close on their new purchase in a few weeks.
Retired man moving to Fort Scott later this month from Illinois. His daughter attended FSCC, rodeo department, several years ago. When he visited for college rodeos, etc., said he was always impressed by how friendly people in Fort Scott are. In retirement he wants an affordable property with small acreage for his horses. We found it for him!
Check out our Chamber member realtors on here.
View local properties for sale on

Sunshine Boutique expanded and now
offers apparel & accessories!
Come check it out, corner of Wall & Main St.,
Downtown Fort Scott.

   Since we don’t have our bi-monthly Table Tents out yet due to ever changing event schedules & restrictions, we would like to recognize our advertisers here for May & June!
La Hacienda, celebrating 10 years!
Paint Creek Realty
Bill Martin, Bourbon County Sheriff
K-State Research & Extension, Krista Harding, Horticulture



New Executive Order From Gov. Kelly

Governor Kelly signs new Executive Order as part of ongoing COVID-19 response effort


Governor Laura Kelly yesterday signed Executive Order #20-32 as part of her administrations comprehensive, ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order provides temporary relief from certain restrictions concerning shared work programs.


Shared Work is an alternative for employers faced with a reduction in workforce and allows an employer to divide the available work or hours of work among a specified group of affected employees in lieu of a layoff. Shared Work allows the employees to receive a portion of their unemployment insurance benefits while working reduced hours for their employers.


Executive Order #20-32 expands flexibility for Kansas employers, so they can take advantage of the existing federal programs.


“We want Kansas employers to be able to keep as many people on payroll as they can, and decrease the need for unemployment.,” Kelly said. “This is all about providing further support to people facing financial hardship and employers dealing with tough decisions right now.”


The order waives a provision in the law that prohibited a contributing negative account employer (an employer that has paid more in unemployment benefits to its employees than it has contributed to its unemployment insurance account with the state) to participate in a shared work plan.


Under the federal “CARES” Act, the federal government will reimburse 100% of any state unemployment insurance benefits paid through a “short-time” or “shared work” unemployment program, through the end of 2020.


Executive Order #20-32 can be found here.

Fort Scott City Commission Special Meeting Minutes of May 14



Minutes of May 14, 2020 Special Meeting #4

A special meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held May 14th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Kevin Allen, Pete Allen, Randy Nichols, Lindsey Watts, and Mayor JoLynne Mitchell presiding.



  1. Approval to apply for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program – Susan Bancroft, Finance Director, informed the Commission, that she and Chad created a spreadsheet and a handout for the Commission to review for the two proposed projects. The totals including sidewalks/trails, bicycle paths, crosswalks/striping, utility additions if needed, signage, and curb and gutter: Horton Street – 6th Street to Lakin – Total costs $569,322.20 – If including 6th Street also with the Horton project $858,955.40; National Avenue – 13th to 18th – $89,032.20.

Kevin Allen said that he went on Horton and agrees that 6th to 10th on Horton needs replaced. He believes that from there on south is good.

Chad said that utilities will also be updated from 6th to Lakin on Horton.

Lindsey said that part of the reason for this street is the sidewalk area towards the college and the downtown area.

Kevin said that there are 27 businesses on National that would like that street upgraded. He asked if this could be added to the Horton project.

Susan said that KDOT will not combine two different projects. KDOT was involved in our Highway 69 Corridor Plan and they would like to see us utilize that plan.

Discussion was held regarding the curve at 18th and National and if they wanted to do that improvement.

Susan said that KDOT would like in the future to design a road behind the business to keep traffic flowing on Highway 69. This project would include land acquisition and was estimated at $2.2 million. She informed them where the proposed improvement would be on 18th which would be called Judson Street. Part of that area the City owns but part of it would include land acquisition. There is access management and geo-metric grants that we could apply for with this project next year.

Pete Allen said that the City has done no planning. He said he made Staff aware of this program in January and now it is May, and nothing has been done. He compared this to a shot-gun wedding. He said that the chances of the City getting a grant was 20%. He said last year there were 22 grants issued by KDOT. He said that there is a summer grant program available. He said that this should be tabled. It needs to be well thought out and have the Street Advisory Committee meet. There is no common goal in his opinion. He said he does not know where Horton Street comes into play with our projects. He asked Commissioner Watts where she lived.

Lindsey Watts said that she has heard that there have been discussions on Horton Street for many weeks. She reminded him that he and Kevin were both in discussions on this.

Mayor Mitchell asked that we all calm down and be respectful to each other.

Lindsey Watts said that City staff has provided lots of information to them. Cost estimates for the three projects have been gone over numerous times.

Pete Allen made a motion to table this grant knowing full well that as of May 18th we can apply for summer grants, that a thorough study is conducted, the Street Advisory Board Committee is involved, the community involved, and figure out a plan that is best for all members of the committee and not just a select few.

Randy Nichols asked if there was any reason to get the City’s name in the que for this current grant cycle.

Susan said yes.

Randy said that the implications of where we live have nothing to do with this grant submission and the implications of that is really ugly.

Pete said that he thinks it is coincidental maybe but all three of you live right off of Horton Street.

Mayor Mitchell said that Pete’s motion died for lack of a second.

Kevin asked if it will hurt our chances for another grant if we don’t go for this grant.

Susan said no. She said that she does not feel that project this was thrown together. Statistics were brought back to the Commission. The Horton project was very thought out and it was in our 2020 plan. That was not a fair statement. We are trying to get funding to help cover the costs. National could still be accomplished with our capital outlay dollars.

Kevin said that he hasn’t been as heavily involved in these discussions as Pete has. He said he would appreciate being treated as his own person and as his own individual. He believes we should go for the grant. He may differ on what we go for, but we should move ahead.

Susan said that we have always been told by KDOT they had to be shovel ready and she asked that specific question and they said no. That’s why this project was brought before them. The other two grants – access management and geo-metric will have to be engineered before submission.

Pete said that he was told yesterday that the grant will only cover asphalt. It will cover sidewalks also.

Susan said that it will cover sidewalks also and said that yesterday.

Pete asked if we would spend all of our capital improvement funds on this one project.

Susan said that she would suggest going out for temporary notes and bond this $600,000 for ten years.

Kevin says that he feels like we should go for the grant, but he feels like the National project should be looked at.

Lindsey said that her opinion differs due to the work that City staff has brought to them. This is a far larger project that we will have to put far less City dollars into.

Lindsey Watts made a motion to approve Horton from 6th Street to Lakin Street and also from 6th Street from Judson to Horton. She also added if City Staff deems to add the sidewalks down to the Community College or even the Golf Course to be included in this project to be submitted for the KDOT Cost Share Grant. Randy Nichols seconded. Randy Nichols, Lindsey Watts, and JoLynne Mitchell voted aye. Pete Allen voted no. Kevin Allen abstained. Motion carried.

approved Horton from 6th Street to Lakin Street and also from 6th Street from Judson to Horton. She also added if City Staff deems to add the sidewalks down to the Community College or even the Golf Course to be included in this project to be submitted for the KDOT Cost Share Grant

City Manager said that Staff has worked hard on this project. The City still won’t know what we have to spend due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be a year of planning, but we may not be able to complete due to funding.

  1. Approval to use Olsson Associates for engineering if needed for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program – Susan Bancroft, Finance Director, informed the Commission that Olsson Associates is familiar with our community. They would only be needed if technical questions were needed to be answered in submitting this application.

JoLynne Mitchell made the motion to approve Olsson Associates for engineering if needed for submission of the KDOT Cost Share Grant. Lindsey Watts seconded. K. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. P. Allen abstained. Motion carried.

approved Olsson Associates for engineering if needed for submission of the KDOT Cost Share Grant.


R. Nichols moved to adjourn the special meeting at 10:38 a.m. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on May 19th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.





Fort Scott City Commission Special Meeting Minutes of May 13



Minutes of May 13, 2020 Special Meeting #3

A special meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held May 13th, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Kevin Allen, Pete Allen, Lindsey Watts and President of the City Commission Randy Nichols presiding. Mayor JoLynne Mitchell was absent.



  1. Approval to apply for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program – Susan Bancroft, Finance Director, informed the Commission, that she, Chad, and Dave Martin met with Pete Allen and Randy Nichols yesterday regarding the three different projects that could possibly be submitted for this grant. Those projects are Horton – 6th Street to 23rd Street; Wall Street – West to Highway 69; and National – 13th Street to Highway 69. Susan went over the scoring basis for the grant which will be used when K.D.O.T. is looking to award grants. They are as follows: The project should: Support Economic Growth; Aid in the retention or recruitment of business; Add value to a KDOT project; Improve safety; Improve access or mobility; Improve condition or relieve congestion; Bicycle/Pedestrian; Investments that provide benefits and are not eligible for other KDOT programs; Entity of business involved in the project – private investment; Regional significance; Impact to State highway; Impact to local road system; and Other KDOT funding available. She referenced the Highway 69 Corridor Study which was completed in 2010. Susan said that she and Dave talked to Darin Petrowsky of K.D.O.T. in regard to these projects. There is additional KDOT funding that would assist with Wall Street. There is funding in the City’s capital improvement program to pay for the overlay on National.

Chad Brown, Public Works Director, informed the Commission that he put some numbers together on the three projects. The cost of milling and asphalt on National would be approximately $89,000. That is with a 2” overlay from 13th Street to Highway 69. The cost on Horton Street from 6th Street up to the City’s golf course would be about $1.5 million which would include 8” of asphalt. Wall Street would be approximately $500,000 for improvements.

Susan reminded them that this grant is just for asphalt resurfacing and storm or sewer improvements is not included. These costs include sidewalks also.

Discussion was held regarding the three proposed projects, the costs, the Highway 69 Corridor Study Plan, if 6th Street could be included with Horton Street, and the availability of additional funding in the fall through KDOT.

Pete said he talked to some of the Street Advisory Board members and they all wanted the National Avenue project.

Randy Nichols moved to approve the Horton Street project to be submitted for the KDOT Cost Share Grant Program. Lindsey Watts seconded. Kevin Allen and Pete Allen voted no. R. Nichols and L. Watts voted aye. Tied 2-2.

Discussion was held whether the Mayor was available to call in. City Manager called the Mayor, but she had only been able to listen in on the last 20 minutes of the meeting, so she could not vote.

Discussion was held to meet again tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. and see if the Mayor can be present for this meeting. Susan will also contact KDOT for additional answers to some of their questions. Chad will get additional costs on these projects also.

  1. Approval to use Olsson Associates for engineering if needed for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program – Susan Bancroft, Finance Director, informed the Commission that this will be discussed tomorrow.


Kevin Allen moved to adjourn the special meeting at 11:24 a.m. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.


The next Special meeting is to be held on May 14th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

