American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 Rechartering This Evening May 2

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 is rechartering the Fort Scott Unit at 7 pm, May 2, 2019. This milestone event will take place in Fort Scott’s Memorial Hall.


The American Legion Auxiliary adheres to the following purposes: To support and advocate for veterans, active military and their families;To support the initiatives and programs of The American Legion; To foster patriotism and responsible citizenship; To award scholarships and promote quality education and literacy; To provide educational and leadership opportunities that uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy and encourage good citizenship and patriotism in government;To increase our capacity to deliver our Mission by providing meaningful volunteer opportunities within our communities; and To empower our membership to achieve personal fulfillment through Service Not Self.


Eligibility about who can join the American Legion Auxiliary can be confusing, but review the below information to determine your  Auxiliary eligibility.


Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, stepdaughters, granddaughters and spouses/widows of Veterans are eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary. There are a few exceptions, but if your Veteran died on active service or died after completing active service, you can join the American Legion Auxiliary.


In addition to the above list of females eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary, wives of current Legion members are also eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary.


If you are not sure about your eligibility to join the Auxiliary, come to the meeting on Thursday night and let’s review your status. 

If you are not able to attend the meeting, but would like to join the Auxiliary, just contact Myra Jowers at or call her at 620-215-1286  and she will arrange to meet you to complete the membership application.

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