Mental Health For Veterans

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to Fort Scott Community Green Zone Advocacy Training, April 12th 8:30-2:30, at The Ellis Family Fine Arts Center in Fort Scott.

Green Zone, is a program designed by Loran Osborn with Four County Mental Health Center, Inc. (CCBHC) Service Members and Veteran Families Navigator Office and Dr. Alan Parsons former Director of ICC’s Veteran Student Success.

Our speakers for the day will be Loran Osborne, Mike Feiveson – Kansas Department of Commerce, SSG Farra McChesney – 1011th Quartermaster Co. Operations NCO (USAR), Jeremy and Dana Tompson – Team Rubicon Southeast Kansas Field & Ops, Jason Owens – Veteran and Insurance Representative and Dan Miller – Wounded Warrior.


Some of the topics covered will be basic communication & interaction, questions not to ask, military culture familiarization & public-friendly terminology, best practices for forming community partnerships, Veterans returning to school, volunteering with Vets, how an employer can best utilize Veteran skill sets, Veteran healthcare & insurance types, getting a Veteran to seek help & where to send them, and a few others.


This is a free event open to anyone in the community, with free lunch.  We will have snacks, drinks, and door prizes throughout the day!


I am including the link to register for the event



Submitted by:

Shelly Kelley (She/Her/Hers)
MHFA Project Director

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center

How Little is Enough? By Patty LaRoche

Do you remember when “one” was enough?  When razors had only one blade, a single bathroom met a family’s needs, and one, shared car got us where we needed to go?  If we misplaced our eye- glasses or hair clips or pens and pencils, too bad.

Televisions entertained us with three stations. A handful of singing groups dominated radio stations, and we could name the dozen, famous movie stars by sight.  Closets held very few items of clothing, and we had two pair of shoes: one for school and one for church.  There were slim pickings for restaurants, and French was the only salad dressing available.  Simple was the only thing we knew.

No more.

Now, it’s all about amassing.  Bigger and better. Onward and upward.  More and more and more and more and more.

A while back, Dave and I were invited to a couples’ home for the evening. They are fun, caring, adventurous and love the Lord.   I was given a tour of their magnificent house and was astounded at the number of massive rooms devoted to “stuff.”  The wife said that she never could downsize because she wouldn’t know where to start to get rid of things that mean so much to her.  When her husband spoke of the dozen Christmas trees they put up each year, his wife claimed there weren’t “quite” that many.

On our way home, Dave, freshly inspired to declutter our lake cottage, commented on how we should start with our kitchen.  So, while he played pickleball this morning, I tackled the cabinet that holds our water bottles.  Check it out to the left.  This is the stash I removed from one cabinet…just in case, I guess, the water bottle fairy comes knocking and we, having the most in the universe, win a million dollars.

Removing the unnecessary ones was easy.  They were Dave’s.  I placed them in the “giveaway” pile.  Dave put them back and removed my “Grandma” one and my “Thanks for coming to my wedding” one and my “Apparently we’re trouble when we’re together…who knew?” one.  This was not going well.

In the end, we compromised.  Dave gave in, and so did I (somewhat).

Luke 12:15 tells us that Jesus spoke to his listeners, addressing how we hold on to our possessions: “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”         

“More is better” seems to be the mantra for our country.  One more drink.  One more donut.  One more snort.  One more lost pound.  One more dollar.  One more eyelift.  One more trophy. One more hour on our phone. One more accolade.                                                           

Readers, take Jesus’ words to heart.  It’s not about how much.  In the end, maybe it’s about how little.