Kansas Vietnam Era Medallion Awards Ceremony for local Veterans

Thompson-Harkey American Legion Post #25



Who: Kansas Commission on Veteran’s Affairs along with Thompson-Harkey American Legions Riders Post #25

When: November 10th, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a Reception for the Awardees starting at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Ceremony.

Where: Memorial Hall, 1 East Third Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701.

The General Public is encouraged to attend.


The Vietnam Era Veterans Medallion Program approved by the Kansas Legislature and signed by the Governor provides a Vietnam Era Medallion, Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation from the State of Kansas to veterans.

Since passage of the bill, the agency has honored over 5,400 Vietnam Era veterans, and participated in 33 medallion ceremonies.  The Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office continues to receive inquiries and applications from veterans and their families wanting to know how a Vietnam Era veteran or their surviving family members can apply for the medal, medallion and certificate provided for by the State of Kansas.



Contact: Jessica Allison, Commander, American Legion Post #25. 620-224-4733, [email protected]


Bo Co Coalition Minutes of Nov. 2

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


November 2, 2022



  1. Welcome:  Fifteen members and guests representing twelve agencies attended.  Billie Jo shared that there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors; any member is qualified to volunteer to serve a two-year term.  She also thanked Patty Simpson for chairing the October meeting.


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  • Lisa Robertson, CHC COPE: Lisa distributed a rough draft of a “Release of Information” seeking feedback from members. The form is to help with communication between agencies when assisting those in need.
  • Renee Ludeman, CHC SEK: She is working under a grant from KU to promote emotional and behavioral health in students; she will be working in all four USD 234 schools beginning November 9.
  • Star McClellan, Parents as Teachers: Star reminded members that she can work with parents in all of Bourbon County, not just USD 234 parents.
  • Michelle Stevenson, FSPSC: Her caseload is full for now.  She also shared that the Preschool Trunk or Treat event had been quite successful.  She did note, however, that they would probably move the event away from a Friday evening next year.
  • Ashley Reeder, SEK Mental Health: Ashley reminded members that they have been present in the school buildings for the past three years. She is able to help with any student having difficulty, not just those on case management.
  • Patty Simpson, Fort Scott Housing Authority: Patty noted that all 190 units are full at the present time with waiting lists for all size units.  Even though all apartments are full, she will continue to take applications.
  • David Gillen, Beacon: 2023 Sign-up is now going on during regular business hours at The Beacon; they are also taking applications for “Adopt a Family” and the Elks baskets.  In October, the Beacon assisted 291 families which included 689 children, and eleven new families were enrolled.
  • Allen Schellack, Compassionate Ministries and Salvation Army: The Compassionate Ministries has received a grant from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation to fund space heaters for needy families.  The organization is also working with KU to provide durable health equipment and they can assist clients with obtaining birth certificates and identification documents.  Office hours for Compassionate Ministries are 10:00am – 2:00pm, Mondays through Thursdays.  The Salvation Army red bucket bell ringing will begin on November 19 and run through December 24.  The red bucket campaign will be located at Walmart.  Allen reminded members that all monies raised in Bourbon County will stay in Bourbon County to assist those in need.  He can use many more volunteer bell ringers.
  • Elizabeth Schafer, CASA and Pioneer Kiwanis: These organizations are always in need of more volunteers.


  1. Program: Barb McCord and Janet Irvin: Fort Scott Garden Club

Barb and Janet gave a brief history of the garden club, reviewed the various ongoing and new projects they have around Fort Scott to help beautify the city, and encouraged members to participate both in the club and the new “Pocket Gardens” project.


The December program will be presented by Ronda Hassig from the Lowell Milken Center.


  1. Open Forum:

Nothing further came before the group.


  1. Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting will be December 7, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.

Uniontown City Council Agenda for Nov. 7

CALL TO ORDER AT ________ by _____________________________


___ Jess Ervin ___ Danea Esslinger ___ Josh Hartman ___ Amber Kelly ___ Bradley Stewart



Uniontown Ruritan Bathroom Project, Skeet George –






Charlene Bolinger – Financial reports



  1. Minutes of October 11, 2022 Regular Council Meeting
  2. Treasurers Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



Superintendent:  Bobby Rich



Codes Enforcement:  Doug Coyan



Clerk Report:  Sally Johnson  

SOS Donation

Lead and Copper Rule Revision

Public Hearing for trash service, December 13



Councilman Ervin –

Councilwoman Esslinger –

Councilman Hartman –

Councilwoman Kelly –

Councilman Stewart–

Mayor Jurgensen –



School Pond Project –


Placemaking Project –


American Rescue Plan Act update–




Motion by __________, Second by ___________, Approved _______ to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss performance of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at ­­­­___________.



ADJOURN Time ____________ Moved by ______________, 2nd ___________________, Approved ___________


11-22 Informational Items

2022 Financials – November

Minutes of the Uniontown City Council for Oct. 11

Minutes are unapproved until the next meeting.

The Regular Council Meeting on October 11, 2022 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (7:02), Amber Kelly, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Raymond George (Uniontown Ruritan), Kyle Knight (Knight’s Tree Service), City Superintendent Bobby Rich, City Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.



Ruritan Bathroom Project, Raymond “Skeet” George – Painting is supposed to be finished, electrician should be in next week.  He is trying to get LACO to donate the guttering.  Hopeful to have it finished by next month.  Clerk Johnson asked what times they wanted to have the locks set to unlock/lock – during central standard time, 7am-5pm, during central daylight time, 7am-10pm.  Signage for the doors needs to be ordered.  Council directed clerk to order blue background with braille.


Kyle Knight, Knight’s Tree Service, suggested trimming tree canopy over Washington Street from First Street to Seventh Street, Sherman Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, and the one tree on Sixth Street west of Methodist Church.


Motion by Kelly, Second by Ervin, Approved 4-0 to get quotes for trimming canopy over Washington Street from First Street to Seventh Street, Sherman Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, and the one tree on Sixth Street west of Methodist Church to a height of 18’ and back from street to main trunk and to be able to start within 10 days, not to exceed $3,500.



East Coast Trip Fundraiser – a group of junior high students are raising funds to take a trip to Washington DC, Mount Vernon, and Gettysburg in July 2023.  They are asking for donations to defray the cost.  The City of Uniontown historically does not donate tax revenue to fundraisers except the Send Off Seniors after graduation party.



Treasurer Bolinger presented the September 2022 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $363,858.59, Receipts $42,963.45, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $35,368.83, Checking Account Closing Balance $368,427.21. Bank Statement Balance $369,935.26, including Checking Account Interest of $30.37, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $1,508.05, Reconciled Balance $368,427.21.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $30,127.37, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $18,621.26, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $28,406.10, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $445,581.94. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $269.90, and Utility CDs $253.30 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $523.20.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of September 2022, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  September Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, Total Transfers of $3,026.00.  Net Income for the month of September $4,568.62, Year-to-Date Net Income $44,683.71.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $86,225.64 (81.8%), Expenditures $82,163.60 (62.9%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $26,324.90 (73.7%), Expenditures $28,239.03 (68.9%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $105,077.39 (75.3%), Expenditures $111,413.74 (45.4%); General Fund YTD Revenue $127,710.65 (99.4%), Expenditures $109,019.30 (66.0%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $5625.70 (82.1%), Expenditures $7,768.61 (73.1%).  The October 2022 estimated payables in the amount of $33,126.10 were presented.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0, to approve Consent Agenda:

  • Minutes of September 13, 2022, Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing, Budget Hearing and Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



Lead and Copper additional sample results have been received.  KDHE has invalidated the first sample results from 601 Fifth St and replaced it with the new sample results.  They will not accept the two additional samples as they are not on our approved site sampling plan.  KDHE is hosting a Public Meeting for Public Water Supply Lead and Copper Rule Implementation.  Clerk Johnson asked if Superintendent Rich and she could attend on October 12, 2022 in Chanute from 1-3PM.  Council gave permission for both to attend.

The east rollup door at the barn will not raise – one of the overhead springs is broken and both springs need replaced.  Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan will forward some recommendations for making repairs.

Rich thanked the Council for the vacation time.


Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan reported Smith Estate demolition is progressing and he feels they should have completed by the end of the month.


Clerk Johnson reminded Council that the November regular meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 7PM.  Councilmember Ervin and Kelly will be unable to attend.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0 to reschedule November regular meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 7PM due to possible lack of quorum.


Clerk Johnson will post the rescheduled date and put in the newsletter and on the billing cards.

Bourbon County REDI Visioning Session II was rescheduled to October 12, 2022, 5:30PM, at Uniontown High School Commons Area.  RSVP by 10/10/22.  Jurgensen, Ervin, Stewart, and maybe Esslinger will attend.  Johnson will post the possible quorum attending and that no city business will be discussed.  She will also RSVP even though date has passed.



Councilman Ervin – his Midwest Fertilizer email is no longer valid as he has changed jobs.

Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing

Councilman Hartman – absent

Councilwoman Kelly – has anyone claimed the stray black/white collie mix?  Animal Control Officer has been trying to catch, but unable to get close enough.

Councilman Stewart – has some recommendations for outdoor exercise equipment.

Mayor Jurgensen –USD 235 has some surplus chairs that they are giving away.  He had Rich get all he could for the Community Center, 54.  We will check to see if there is going to be any more available, then decide what to do with the metal folding chairs we currently have.



School Pond Project – Per Don George, KDWPT, we do not have to send out for bids again.  Two quotes were received for the placement of riprap – Eden Landscaping, $20,540, and Mix Contracting, $9,360.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0 to award contract to Mix Contracting, $9,360


Timing of starting will have to be coordinated with Bourbon County Public Works (supplying 4”-6” rock) and Mix Contracting.


Placemaking Survey – Mayor Jurgensen has formed a committee for selecting outdoor exercise equipment and will be meeting soon.


American Rescue Plan Act update – no other quotes were received for the ADA restroom upgrade at City Hall.  Clerk Johnson will reach out to French Plumbing to see if he is still interested in submitting a quote.


Trunk or Treat is scheduled for October 31.  Clerk Johnson purchased three bags of mini tootsie pops.  Amber Kelly will distribute on behalf of the City.  Flu Shot Clinic, Monday, October 17 at Community Center.  November 1, KMU will conduct a water training on Lead and Copper Revised Rule and Surface Water Treatment.





Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0, to adjourn at 8:43PM

FS Commission To Meet Nov. 7 To Consider Financial Services Agreement

There will be a Special Meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission held at 12:00 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7th, 2022.  This meeting will be to consider the agreement of financial services with BakerTilly.


This meeting will be held at 123 S. Main Street in the City Commission meeting room and will be broadcast on the City’s You Tube channel.   This meeting is open to the public.

Veteran’s Day “Mobile” Parade


Who: Thompson-Harkey American Legions Riders Post #25

What: School Parade drive by

When: November 11, 2022, at 9 a.m.

Where: Memorial Hall, 1 East Third Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701. Parade will drive by the USD234 Preschool, Winfield Scott Elementary School, Fort Scott High School, Eugene Ware Elementary School, and end at the Fort Scott National Cemetery prior to the Veteran’s Day Ceremony.



The more participants, the better.


Media Contact: Tom Metcalf, Jr. American Legion Riders Post #25, Director. 620-224-7951, [email protected]


Cody Tindill Extradited To Fort Scott For Attempted Murder/Robbery

On Saturday, 9/24/22, at around 4:23 am, Fort Scott Police, along with EMS personnel, responded to an address in the 400 Blk of Andrick, for a report of an adult male that had been discovered laying in the grass with multiple injuries. The victim has been positively identified as being Kenneth Bevins, 39, of Fort Scott. Bevins was transported by EMS personnel to a hospital in Kansas City.


As of October 10, 2022, four (4) subjects have been taken into custody. Michael Sheriff, (23) of Fort Scott, and Tavin Eisenbrandt (20) of Fort Scott are currently being held at the Bourbon County Jail.  Two (2) juveniles are also being held in custody for the following offenses:

1) Attempted Murder 1st Degree

2) Aggravated Robbery


On October 18, 2022, FSPD investigators applied for and received an arrest warrant for a 5th subject in connection with this case.  That subject, is Cody Tindill (23) of Fort Scott.  Tindill was subsequently located and arrested out of state.


Yesterday, November 2, 2022, Mr Tindill was extradited back to Fort Scott by the Bourbon County Sheriff’s office where he was booked into the Bourbon County Jail.  Tindill was booked for the following offenses:

1) Attempted Murder 1st Degree

2) Aggravated Robbery


All persons are presumed innocent until found otherwise in a court of law.


The victim, Mr. Bevins, remains in critical condition.

Submitted by:

Fort Scott Police Department Public Information Team

Bill Downey Jr, Administrative Sergeant 


Leon Perry: God Led Him Through the Fire

Leon and Carol Perry. Submitted photo.

A seven-year-old boy and his family were traveling through Fort Scott in 1952, when a fire in the motel they were staying in killed his parents and baby brother.

His whole life people have been telling Leon Perry, 78, he should write a book about his life.

In March 2021 he published it.

His story is one of  a terrible tragedy that turned into a life full of random acts of kindness given to him that he feels are miracles from God.

And the first part of his story includes many familiar places in Bourbon County.

In 1952 Leon was moving with his family from Parsons, Kansas because their farm had experienced a severe flood and  the family had lost all their belongings.

The family of five, the two parents and three brothers, stopped in Fort Scott.

“The Salvation Army got us a motel in Belltown,” he said. “That night… a propane gas explosion blew the roof off of the cabin. The (Fort Scott) police department came to rescue us. We lost my step-father, mother and baby brother. I have no recollection of the event, but the chief of police said ‘you wouldn’t have been burned so bad if you hadn’t gone back in to get your brother’. My half-brother Ernie and I were taken to Mercy Hospital.”

“I had severe burns on my face, shoulder, arms and hands,” Perry said. “My brother wasn’t burned as bad. The Mercy people told me I about died a couple of times.”

He had numerous surgeries from that time until he was 15 years old.

They were placed Goodlander Home, an orphanage on the old Fort Scott site, and remained there until he was 10 years old.

The orphanage was a good experience.

“It was a good experience,” he said. “Even though they were difficult times. I was in the hospital a lot and also to Children’s Mercy in Kansas City several times for skin grafts.”

Over and over, Perry has experienced miracles he said.

Leon was blind and heard a doctor tell a nurse that he wouldn’t see again, and even though he had skin grafts around his eyes, he could see perfectly in a few months.

Eventually he and his brother were adopted by a local farm couple, Ancel and Marguerite Perry, in Bourbon County, near Devon.

This was another miracle.

The  couple, who weren’t young, had a large ranch and had no other children, he said. They were instrumental in his physical and emotional recovery from the trauma of the fire.

After moving to the farm he began to regain strength and overcome some of his handicaps.

“She was a wonderful cook… I was undernourished even though under a doctors care,” he said.

As he strengthened, he began to help on the farm with chores: milking cows, driving a tractor, herding cattle.

“I showed cattle at the county fair,” he said. “I loved it all.”

He had been in the hospital so much he was behind in schooling, which was in Berlin Elementary School,  and then the Mapleton Elementary School.

Marguerite helped Leon with his assignments.

“Everytime I said ‘I can’t’, she said ‘You will,'” he said. “It made the difference.” It was a turning point in his life, he said. Her determination showed Leon he COULD learn and helped him believe in himself.

His adoptive parents were supportive of him being involved in extra activities outside of farm and school, which included 4-H projects and showing cattle.

“I had to come out of my shell and become more active,” he said.

He attended Uniontown High School and went on to become an FFA state officer, graduating with the class of 1963. He then went on to Fort Scott Junior College and was StuCo President, and on the honor roll. He was also on the honor roll at Pittsburg State University that he later attended.

Perry went on to get four college degrees and was a teacher, coach, athletic director, assistant principal and principal.

Perry became a believer in God, and said his faith has allowed him to see the miracles in his life.

“There is always people willing to help…and you can look forward to the future…with faith,” he said. “Always look for the miracles of God in your life.”

Perry and his wife, Carol have two grown children, LeAnn Perry and Ty Perry and one grandson.

Funds from the book entitled God Led Through the Fire and Filled My Life With Miracles, will go to their church youth organization. They attend the First United Methodist Church, Monett.

The Leon Perry book cover.

To purchase a book, email: [email protected] or mail $10 per book to Leon Perry,  8 Appleblossom Lane, Monett, MO 65708.




Creation Experience Museum Speakers Coming Nov. 13


Get Answers!

How old is the Earth?  What are the facts about Dinosaurs?  Has science proven Evolution to be true?  Does science confirm the Bible?

Creation Experience Museum is coming to your area soon with answers to these questions.  Come and hear Curtis and Sherry Baker share the truth about creation.  You’ll be amazed to see how the scientific evidence matches the Bible’s claims.

These are issues that affect everyone.  Evolution teaches us there is no need for a God and that science is all there is.

The Bible gives a very different picture of the nature of these things.  In these presentations, you will learn how the scientific evidence, when properly understood, confirms the details of the Biblical account.


To find out more:


Date:    Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Time:   10:50 am – Digging up the truth about Dinosaurs

6:00 pm – Why Genesis is important

Venue: First Southern Baptist Church

1818 S N Main St, Fort Scott, KS.   (620) 223-2986

Lowell Milken Center Announces Grant from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation

The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation has awarded the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes a grant for $2,500.  The grant will fund “Unsung Heroes of the Stars: A Community-wide Stargazing Project.” The monies will purchase a telescope that will be used at the Lowell Milken Park for young and old alike to learn about special unsung hero astronomers.  Not only will the project include stargazing but special guests will be invited to teach about space and the people that spent their lives trying to reach it!



About the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation: “The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation hosts individual charitable funds created by donors who have a passion for giving back to their community. Grants from these funds assist people throughout Fort Scott and Bourbon County. Call the Foundation at 620-224-6500 with questions about the Community Foundation.”



About the Lowell Milken Center: The Lowell Milken Center is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) that works with students and educators within a range of diverse academic disciplines, to develop projects focused on unsung heroes.