FSCC Livestock Judging Camp June 11, 12

2019 Livestock Judging Camp

picture of a mentor observing a student who is judging the quality of sheep.

The Fort Scott Community College Livestock Judging Camp is designed to help students with livestock evaluation and oral reasons skills.

At the conclusion of this camp, students should not only be more comfortable in their presentation, but they should be provided with current transitions and phrases.

We will encourage students to improve on every set of reasons while also providing a fun learning environment.  This should be an enjoyable get away for campers.

*The sign-up deadline is June 1st* Please complete the attached information page with the names of the campers attending and send it back via mail or email.


Beginners’ Session: $50
Check In: Tuesday, June 11th @ 9:00 a.m.
Check Out: Tuesday, June 11th @ 4:00 p.m.
Check in Location: Ellis Fine Arts Center
The beginners’ session is meant for younger kids that need to start with the basic evaluation techniques.  This one day session should help kids to understand livestock selection criteria while also learning the basic oral reasons format.


Complete Session: $175
Check In: Wednesday, June 12th 1:00 p.m.
Check Out: Friday, June 14th 11:30 a.m.
Check In Location: Boileau Hall (Dormitory)
This session is intended for students who want to improve their oral reasons skills and terminology.  We will focus on format, presentation, voice, transitions, and phrases.  Campers will stay for 2 nights in the dorms with meals included.  They will need to provide general bedding (blankets & pillows).


To download the registration form, click here.


Blake Davis
Phone:  (870) 335-8449
Email: [email protected]
Location: 2108 S. Horton Fort Scott, KS 66701

City Office Closed May 27

The City of Fort Scott City Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, May 27th, 2019 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, May 28th, 2019.

The City’s tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 for the Memorial Day holiday. It will be open again on Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

New Bourbon County EMS Facility

The newly remodeled facility that was donated to Bourbon County EMS by Mercy Hospital, located northeast of Community Health Center at 405 Woodland Hills on May 13, 2019.


The new Bourbon County Emergency Medical Services Station at Woodland Hills is nearly complete.


“A new sign will be coming,” EMS Director Robert Leisure, “It will be seen from the street out front, Woodland Hills.”


“Mercy Hospital donated the building,” Leisure said. “The city runs the day-to-day operations. The trucks and facility are owned by the county.”


Inside the station is housed four EMS vehicles.


“Two duty and two transfer trucks,” Leisure said. “Two ambulances are at the Fort Scott Fire Department (on National Avenue).”


Paramedic Mike Kreiger consults with Bourbon County EMS Director Robert Leisure in the new facilities day room.

There is a dayroom to “relax and get off our feet in between calls,” Paramedic Mike Krieger said.

EMT Katelyn Harper works at the reporting station in the new EMS facility, it is adjacent to the kitchen area.

There is one large room that the main office, day room and kitchen are located in.

The kitchen area of the Bourbon County EMS Station at 405 Woodland Hills. In the background is the hallway to the laundry, sleep rooms, bathrooms and the director’s office.
There are separate bathroom facilities for male and female employees, complete with lockers and shower.
Paramedic Mike Kreiger and EMT Aide Chris Reed in the EMS station dayroom in between calls.
Each shift employee has a sleeping room at the EMS station.


There are four separate sleeping rooms for shift employees.


“The EMS schedule varies on which days are worked,” Leisure said.  “But the goal is two 24 hour’s  (shifts) per week or 48 hours per week.”

Laundry room facilities, with the dayroom/work station/kitchen area in the background.
Three of the four EMS vehicles located at the Woodland Hills Station.


EMS Director Robert Leisure indicated the new ambulance service is doing well.


For an earlier feature on the service, click below:

Bourbon County Ambulance Service Starts Today, April 1


“We’ve seen a month coming in…We started billing to Bourbon County in February…We are making money,” he said. The goal is to break even for the year.


“My operational budget will be in August,” Leisure said. “It was guesstimated using input from Mercy.”


City of Fort Scott Minutes of May 7



Minutes of May 7, 2019 Regular Meeting #8

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held May 7th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Adamson, Bartelsmeyer, and Nichols were present with Mayor Parker presiding. Commissioner Mitchell was absent.

INVOCATION: Pastor Brian Rhoades, Grace Baptist Tabernacle, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, Rhonda Dunn, Michael Mix, Paul Ballou, Darrell Parker, Deb Needleman, Dave Bruner, Deb McCoy, Diana Morriss, Seth Simpson, Bobby Duncan, Max Daly, Brian Comstock, Teri Hulsey, Chris Rosenblad, Robert Leisure, Trace V. Evans, Jon Lowery, Shirley Graham, Grace Sweat, Billy Graham, Silas Taylor, Lindsay Lundberg, Emma Humble, Brian Rhoades, Peter Hinkle, Vickie Brausell, Randy Brausell, Burton Harding, Bobbi Kemna, Marlene Braker, Ed Cox, Jara Martin, Doug Scarborough, Clayton Miller and representing the press, Jason Silvers of the Fort Scott Tribune.


Recognition of Rhonda Dunn, Municipal Training Institute Graduate–Level 1 – Mayor Parker recognized Rhonda Dunn for completing Level 1 of the Municipal Training Institute offered by the League of Kansas Municipalities and presented her with a plaque.

Introduction of Burton Harding, City Attorney – Deb Needleman, Human Resource Director, introduced Burton Harding as the new City Attorney for the City of Fort Scott. He is replacing Bob Farmer who served as City Attorney for 43 years. Burton has an office in Mound City and has practiced law for around 10 years in this area.

Introduction of EMS Staff – Dave Bruner informed the Commission that the EMS staff has been extremely busy the last two weeks. They are finally in their building and are excited to have a home. He introduced Robert Leisure, RN/Paramedic, who is the new EMS Director. He replaces Christi Keating who is still assisting with the transition. He said that there are 10 full time EMS and 15 part time EMS employees. Their new address is 405 Woodland Hills Blvd. He had the employees introduce themselves: Teri Hulsey, EMT, with 8 years of experience; Chris Rosenblad, Paramedic, with 6 years of experience; Trace Evans, EMT, who started this year; and Jon Lowery, Paramedic, with 27 years of experience.

Mr. Leisure commended the City of Fort Scott for working with the County to make this possible.

National Nursing Home Week – May 12-18, 2019Mayor Parker read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 12-18, 2019 as National Nursing Home Week in the City of Fort Scott and urged all citizens to support quality of life in nursing facilities by visiting the residents.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of April 16th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1237-A totaling $544,014.48.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.




Ms. Angella Curran’s Fort Scott High School Class – The team made up of Lindsay Lundberg, Silas Taylor, and Emma Humble, presented a presentation on the installation on bike paths/lanes in the City, particularly on Margrave Street, 23rd Street, and Horton Street.

The Commissioners thanked them for their hard work on their presentation.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: City Manager asked for a 20 minute Executive Session for matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency and for Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property. There is no action anticipated. This is with the City Commission and City Manager only.

Parker moved to enter into a 20 minute Executive Session. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


Bartelsmeyer moved to come out of Executive Session at 6:31 p.m. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen)

Bobby Duncan – After the last Commission meeting that he attended, he challenged Ms. Dunn in saying you know what you did to us was wrong. After the meeting, he said he also challenged Mr. Nichols saying the same thing. Mr. Nichols said to him that he didn’t know that they were wrong. I asked him if he had even looked at the documents he had given him back in February. He said yes he did. He said and you can still say that’s there nothing wrong with what you did? His reply was nothing that can’t be fixed. Bingo Randy. Why didn’t you fix it? Why haven’t you fixed it? Why don’t you fix it? Two ladies exercised their constitutional rights by organizing and executing a petition. Mr. Nichols accused them of using lies and intimidation to obtain signatures. That is untrue and shameful behavior, Mr. Nichols. Mr. Martin said that the petition was against public safety. Last year Dave Martin said that we err on the side of public safety. Ms. Bartelsmeyer mimicked that same statement. I then said to Mr. Martin that when you’ve learned that you’ve erred, why don’t you do the honorable thing and make it right. Every desolate in history has used that same premise, along with fear, flaundry, decourse, and support for guarded thieves. Now the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Franco, Stalin, and Hitler said the Jews were committing getting disease and also responsible for failed economy. Extermination for safety and well being of the public – Jesus – If one’s citizen’s rights were aggravated, the rights of many will also be aggravated.

Shirley Graham & Grace Sweat – Mrs. Graham said that they wanted to come tonight to talk about Margrave and 6th Street. There is a lot of traffic due to the grocery store and the church and the grade school. You can sit there for ten minutes and watch the traffic. She said she can guarantee that the people going down that street are not going 30 miles per hour.

Grace Sweat said she would like to have a four way stop.

Mrs. Graham said that if you sit before or after school starts and watch the intersection it will take you forever to get across. The traffic is horrible and the speed limit is not observed.

Ms. Sweat said that she lives at 6th and Hill and they almost saw an accident a couple of weeks ago.

City Manager said he would get with the Chief of Police and discuss the four way stop and get back with her.



  1. Consideration to use 2019 Joplin Toolbox for sewer repairs – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, said he was very proud of the 2018 accomplishments for the sewer rehabilitation program. He said you can’t manage what you can’t measure. In 2017, a map was developed which has helped greatly. He shared several videos of pipes and obstructions in the pipes and how they were corrected using the Joplin Toolbox for cleaning and repairing. In 2018, there was $250,000 allocated for the rehabilitation of the sewer pipe and the total amount was spent. This is a cooperation agreement between the City of Joplin and the City of Fort Scott. Last year it was approved for a two year agreement. He asked the Commission for approval for the amount of $300,000 to be spent in 2019.

City Manager said that this is a budgeted item from the sewer fund.

Parker moved to approve the allocation of $300,000 for the Joplin Toolbox for 2019. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of agreement with Schneider Electric for our Energy Grade Audit for all City facilities – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, introduced Peter Hinkle of Schneider Electric to discuss the Investment Grade Energy Audit.

Peter Hinkle informed the Commission that this audit will identify the needs on a building by building basis. They have identified 29 facilities. They look at all the scopes including mechanical, controls, electrical, plumbing and envelope. Their plan is to create a long term approach to energy efficiency and capital improvements to assist the City in saving money. The next step is an Investment Grade Audit. This will design and engineer turnkey solutions to current issues within your infrastructure.

City Manager said he believes this is a good investment for the City.

Commissioner Nichols said that he is excited about this company and they are very competent.

Nichols moved to approve the Investment Grade Energy Audit agreement with Schneider Electric in the amount of $63,000. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


Commissioner Adamson left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

  1. Consideration to allow the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to test City water for EMP vulnerability – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, informed the Commission that there is an excellent opportunity to receive testing on our existing, unhardened water system. On March 26, 2019, President Trump issued an executive order on national resilience on electronic-magnetic pulses (EMP). In response to this, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency has asked to come and take data from our electrical systems in our water and wastewater plants and using that data in the betterment of their threat prediction software. There is no cost to the City to allow this testing. He asked for approval for the DTRA to test the City of Fort Scott water utility for EMP vulnerability.

Nichols moved to allow the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to test the City of Fort Scott water utility for EMP vulnerability. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.

approved to allow the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to test the City of Fort Scott water utility for EMP vulnerability.

  1. Approve Work Order with Olsson Associates for Phase III Archaeological Survey – Seth Simpson, Airport Manager, informed the Commission that despite efforts to avoid a Phase III Archeology survey, it is necessary due to the FAA requirements for the safety area of 1000’. He asked for approval for the Master Agreement Work Order #8 in the amount of $53,400 to Olsson Associates. This will be funded through the KDOT Design and Planning Grant.

Parker moved to approve Work Order #8 with Olsson Associates in the amount of $53,400 for the Phase III Archeology survey at the Airport. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.

approved Work Order #8 with Olsson Associates in the amount of $53,400 for the Phase III Archeology survey at the Airport.

  1. Approval to solicit bids for electric vault building at the Airport – Seth Simpson, Airport Manager, informed the Commission that he appeared recently to share with them about the need for the electric vault building at the Airport. The plans are currently at the F.A.A. for review. He expects approval any day now. The estimated cost of this is $32,800.00.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve to solicit bids for the electric vault building at the Airport once approval is received by the F.A.A. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.

approved to solicit bids for the electric vault building at the Airport once approval is received by the F.A.A.


  1. Director Updates: None

  1. City Commission:

Nichols He said he would say what he read last time. I’m sorry that Deb McCoy felt like she was personally attacked at the last meeting. I talked to her last time about this. The contact I had was the information I went by. I was in no way accusing you all of giving false information. The conversation he talked about you and I having was, we walked out of the meeting and talked about what a constructive meeting it was. You all had come with the information about the fire trucks and about looking forward, and how to save money. You will probably remember it, Deb. Completely off the mark about that conversation was introduced about the idea had I read his information. I assured him I had read the information, which I will add one thing. This has gone on a long, long time and there’s lots of details, and at some point in time the public really needs to hear from a different perspective. The header on the information he sent me said, “All public buildings should have a code footprint.” That’s the header from the Fire Marshal and the information that I was sent. Then I read all the other supporting information I was sent. Just so you know and I think you need to know that. The issue was the code footprint and a couple of potential errors in it. We could never get to the point to meet. We as people trying to advance the community, and trying to support industry, the economy, and local businesses, it’s beyond his scope of thinking that we can’t get together and correct what minor flaws are in this code footprint and move forward so they can move forward with their business. That’s pretty much the kind of conversation that Deb and I had. You were there and I’m sorry but I’m not sure where all this came from. The part that said that this thing can be corrected, but yes, let’s sit down together as adults and go through this process and find a solution to the code footprint moving forward as opposed to just saying out of hand that it has to be rejected. We can’t reject the codes of the community. I’m obviously frustrated but I would love to move forward with that conversation. Let’s set down and look at it and see what errors there are and correct them and do what we can to move this forward. I think a lot of the issues in the community right now stem from that very fact and if we can get that one thing to resolution a lot of other things might fall into place that would allow us to move forward in the community to do the things we need to do. As I’ve said before, we aren’t all going to agree. We’re never going to agree. We don’t always agree. You asked me and I never know when to shut my mouth. I would love to see us sit down and find a resolution about this and move forward.

Deb McCoy said that they have asked for a peaceful resolution to do that. We sat down at a meeting.

Dr. Nichols said that we were both there and I’m sure we all see the same meeting from different views. If that’s a problem let’s get together again. Let’s try to come at it from a different angle. I don’t have the answer. I just have the frustration. To get accused of not analyzing the information and then I’m thinking, Hitler, I guess I don’t really feel very good about that part of it. Let’s just be adults and move forward with this discussion.

Doug Scarborough – Asked if he could address the meeting. He moved back into town as he is now retired. They needed to be able to survive. Fort Scott has a low income place that they can rent comfortably as they are on benefits. He said he did not begrudge Fort Scott a new fire truck. I don’t begrudge Fort Scott the upgrades to the buildings and such. As far as I’m concerned, the fire truck is a positive thing for Fort Scott because Fort Scott is not going to be standing alone with two story buildings for long if they expect to reach out to bring industry to town. You don’t do that with antiquated equipment. You don’t do that with antiquated infrastructure. That’s why I’m here is his concerns with the infrastructure in Fort Scott. He said he lives in Ironquill Apartments. After the last three to four months, he has had two cones blocking the right lane at the intersection of Beech and Emmert. That has not been addressed in Fort Scott. They are sitting right in front of a police officer’s house. The thing that is upsetting to me is it takes out the right turn lane for anyone going into Ironquill Apartments. He’s not sure but with the traffic that parks along the street if there is enough room for an ambulance to get through there. The cones are going to get trashed for whatever they are trying to protect. Someone is going to end up running over them. The other thing he would like to address is that he’s a disabled Veteran. He uses a mobility chair in a lot of instances. He has a mobility lift on the back of his vehicle. He parked out front in the handicapped area and got out of his car and stepped to the curb and there were a lot of disorderly bricks that he had to step around to get in here. Handicapped parking and accessibility should be a number one priority especially into City Hall. Another concern is the drainage ditch on Emmert Street which needs looked into.

City Manager said he would check into it.

Adamson – Not present.

Bartelsmeyer Stated that she concurred with Randy. It is frustrating and we need to move forward.

Mitchell Not present.

Parker – Said that she agrees with Randy and that we need to move forward and work through this.

  1. City Manager: Dave said that he wanted to again say that we never shut down Mr. Duncan’s business. We tried to work with them on the code footprint. We’ve never been able to get past that. We did not shut him down. He decided to shut down. The meeting that Mr. Duncan came and talked with Deb and Mrs. Morriss, he remembered going around to each person after they read their letter and shaking their hand. When he got to Mr. Duncan, he said, admit you’re wrong on the code footprint and all this goes away as far as the public safety and the fire truck. I told Mr. Duncan that’s not the way it works. I agree with Randy and I think a lot of this, although I applaud the petition, but we did listen and we will move forward on getting the trucks. We will go a different way. From a City perspective, we have spent two years looking at this. It does no good for us to lose a business. The Beaux Arts Center was a good business for us. We are still open, but we have never been able to resolve this. It should never have been involved in the fire truck purchase and public safety.

Deb McCoy asked if she could make a correction to that. She said that one did not have nothing to do with the other.

Dave said that is what Mr. Duncan said to him.

Randy said that folks have some valid concerns. We need to come to a resolution about this.

Cindy Bartelsmeyer said that the City is willing to make corrections to the code footprint. We are not going to rescind it, but we are willing to correct it. She has a code footprint on her building downtown.


Bartelsmeyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:21p.m. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on May 21st, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.




G & W Spotlighted by Ks. Department of Commerce

Awards Spotlight Kansas Businesses


Topeka, Kan. – The Kansas Department of Commerce is proud to announce the beginning of Business Appreciation Month by announcing several award winners, including the finalists for the Governor’s Award of Excellence.

The Kansas Department of Commerce’s Business Appreciation Month program has been in place since 1995 and serves as a statewide tribute to Kansas businesses for their contributions to our state. Individuals and organizations are invited to nominate businesses that contribute jobs and support their local communities.

Businesses are nominated in one of four categories:

  • Service
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing/Distribution
  • Hospital/Non-Profit

One winner in each category is chosen from each of the seven designated regions of the state by a panel of judges from the business and economic development community.

Once regional winners are determined, the judges select the top nominees as the finalists for the Governor’s Award of Excellence, which is the highest award given to a business by the state of Kansas.

Before the judging team makes its final recommendation for the winner of the Governor’s Award of Excellence, the finalists are given a chance to make presentations to the panel of judges. This gives the finalists an opportunity to expand upon the information that was submitted in their nomination.

The following companies are finalists for the Governor’s Award of Excellence:

  • Leeway Franks of Lawrence, KS
  • Mi Rancho Tequila of Kansas City, KS
  • Morningstar Care Homes of Fredonia, KS
  • ColdPoint Logistics of Edgerton, KS

The official selection for this award will be announced at the Team Kansas Awards Banquet on June 4 at the Kansas State University Alumni Center in Manhattan, KS.

Alongside the Award of Excellence, the Department of Commerce is announcing awards in the Regional and Merit categories.


The following companies are this year’s Regional Award Winners:

  • Backroad Atlas
  • Clay County Medical Center
  • CleaverFarm and Home
  • Courser Lap Clinical and Family Services
  • Cumbernauld Village
  • Florence Corporation
  • Fox Home innovations, LLC
  • Gella’s Diner and LB. Brewing Co.
  • Genco Manufacturing, Inc.
  • Guardian Home Health, LLC
  • Kimbroy’s Properties
  • Kowpoke Supply
  • Pars Consuting/ Pars Bioscience
  • Prairie Horizon Agri-Energy, LLC
  • Rooks County Health Center
  • Standard Beverage Corporation
  • The Building Center
  • Union Bank & Trust
  • Wichita State University and Innovation Campus Expansion


The following companies are this year’s Merit Award Winners:

  • 6th Avenue Boutique & Bronze
  • Arthur’s Pizza and Mexican Foods
  • Artistic Works by Lu
  • Atchison Community Health Clinic Inc.
  • B-Hive
  • BlackHawk Development
  • Bourbon & Baker
  • Brant’s Market
  • Caney Drug
  • Chestnut Ave Venue
  • CK Pharmacy (Moundridge, McPherson & Peabody)
  • Clorox (M&M Manufacturing)
  • Coast to Coast Title company
  • Crop Service Center-Beverly
  • Downs Community Garden
  • Downtown Hays Development Corporation
  • Driscoll Law Office
  • E & K Retail Inc
  • Elite Physicals
  • Ernest-Spencer Metals, Inc
  • Flame Engineering
  • Forte Products
  • Fredonia Outdoor Equipment
  • G & W Foods
  • Harvest Video
  • Heartland Hay
  • Hiawatha Ford
  • Insurance Smart
  • Irsik & Doll Feed Services, Inc
  • J&J Precision Machining LLC
  • JenRus Freelance
  • Kansas Barbed Wire Collectors Association, Inc
  • Kansas Country Store
  • Kanza Mental Health and Guidance Center
  • KC Hemp Co.
  • KJ’s Pizzeria
  • LaHarpe Communications
  • Land Pride (division of Great Plains Manuf.)
  • Mcarty Office Machines, Inc
  • Melby’s Home Center
  • Midland Marketing
  • Monroe 816
  • Moundridge Communications Network
  • Muir Law Office
  • Old 40 Bar and Grill
  • Outback Guidance Division of Hemisphere GNSS(USA) Inc
  • Pine Village
  • Porto do Sul
  • Potwin Store/ Nuser Foods
  • Prairie Land Gamebirds
  • Pratt Glass Enterprises LLC
  • R and R Manufacturing
  • Regeena’s Flowers and Events
  • Rejuvv Spa
  • Republic County Hospital
  • Russell Food Bank
  • Ryan Disbrow State Farm Agency
  • Saint John Hospital
  • ServPro of Leavenworth & NW Wyandotte County
  • Silly Swedes Cycle Source
  • SKOL South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad
  • Solid Rock Café
  • Soul Sister Ceramics
  • State Farm (Hiawatha)
  • The Bean Coffee Company
  • The Bradbury Group
  • The Closet Boutique
  • The Depot
  • The Hideout Coffeehouse
  • S. Stone Industries
  • Village Lines
  • World’s Largest Things
  • Young Sign Co. Inc



Ryan Brinker

Public Information Officer

[email protected]


Kansas Department of Commerce

1000 SW Jackson St. Ste. 100

Topeka, KS 66612-1354

Phone: 785-296-4931

Cell: 785-276-9723





Lowell Milken Center Celebrates 75th D-Day Anniversary on June 6

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes invites you to attend the 75th D-Day anniversary events throughout the day of June 6th.
The Center will honor unsung hero, Andrew Jackson Higgins with the following events:
8 am Chamber Coffee
10 am  The unveiling of the new Higgins children’s book by author, Cathy Werling
3 pm Question and Answer with Skipper Higgins
4 pm Wine and Cheese.
All events are at the Center, 1 South Main Street in Fort Scott.
Hope you can attend!

Fort Scott Commission Agenda For May 21




MAY 21, 2019

6 p.m.




III. INVOCATION: Student Minister Ian Johnson, Community Christian Church


Recognition of Blake Hudson, Municipal Court Judge – 43 years of service

Introduction of Tiana McElroy, City Prosecutor

Introduction of Adam Harrison, Codes Enforcement Supervisor

Buddy Poppy Day Proclamation – May 24, 2019


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of May 7th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1238-A totaling $469,110.17.

  1. Good Ol’ Days Parade Request Form

  1. Approval to allow alcohol at Memorial Hall on May 31st and June 1st, 2019 for concerts.

  1. Approval to allow alcohol at Memorial Hall on May 25th, 2019 for a wedding reception.

  1. Resolution 7-2019 – Notice of Hearing With Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure and Accessory Structure located at 15 S. Crawford – Public Hearing Date – July 2nd, 2019 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 8-2019 – Notice of Hearing With Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 602 S Heylman – Public Hearing Date – July 2nd, 2019 – 6:15 p.m.



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)



  1. Consideration of 2019 Asphalt Program
  1. Consideration of purchase of five (5) Police Radar Units
  1. Consideration of Resolution 9-2019 – Adopting the Kansas Homeland Security Region H Hazard Mitigation Plan


  1. Director Updates: Larry Gazaway

Deb Needleman

Rachel Pruitt/Allyson Turvey

  1. Commission:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


Have You Lost Something? By Pastor James Collins

Pastor James Collins

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 1:8-9

I have discovered that one of the main reasons to stay married to is to help each other find stuff. Whenever I lose something, my wife Amanda, always asks me, “Where did you have it last?”

Where are my keys?”

Where did you have them last?”

Where’s my wallet?”

Where did you have it last?”

Where’s my phone?”

Where did you have it last?”

Where’s my nose hair trimmers?”

Where did you have it last?”

A while back, I was cutting up a couple of old dead trees for firewood. I had my chainsaw, bar and chain oil, gas, saw file, and a scrench. What’s a scrench? A scrench is a tool that is a combination of a screwdriver and a wrench. It is used to adjust the tension on your chainsaw blade.

So, I was out cutting firewood. I noticed the chain on the chainsaw needed to be tightened. I looked down and saw the gas, oil, and file. However, I couldn’t find the scrench.

I started to look for the scrench. I looked under the gas can. I got down on my knees and crawled around looking for it in the grass. Then I thought, maybe I left it in the tool shed. I went to the shed and I looked and looked. I tore the shed apart. When I finished looking, it looked like a bomb had gone off in the shed. But I still couldn’t find it. I was getting frustrated.

Earlier, I had gone into the house to get a drink. Did I leave it in the house? I went inside.

I looked in the laundry room. I looked in the living room. I looked in the kitchen. I even went in the bedroom and I tore the covers off the bed just in case the scrench was somehow in the covers.

After I looked for about an hour, I remembered my wife’s words, “Where did you have it last?” I thought, “I am pretty sure that I had it out by the old dead tree.” So, I went out to where I had been working earlier. I looked, and I looked, and I looked. I could not find the scrench. I was mad at this point.

Amanda came outside and said, “Are you still looking for that screwdriver thingee?” I said, “Yes, and it’s called a scrench.” She smiled at me and said, “It’s right there sticking out of your back pocket.”

The point is: If you have lost something, the best place to look is the last place you had it. Do you know where I found that scrench? Right where I left it? Do you know where your joy is? Right where you left it? Do you know where your peace is? Right where you left it? Do you know where your passion is? Right where you left it? Do you know where your fire is for Jesus? Right where you left it?

Jesus is right where you left Him. Come back to Him today.

Pastor James Collins serves at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. He can be reached at (620) 223-2986 or through the webpage www.thepointis.net.

Obituary of Joe Erie

Joe “Pete” Erie, age 82, a resident of rural Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Thursday, May 16, 2019, as the result of a fire at his home.

He was born May 29, 1936, in Stotesbury, Missouri, the son of Henry John “Skeet” Erie and Winifred Marie Sheehy Erie.

Pete married Nina Lou Buck on September 9, 1956, at the Buck family home in Dadeville, Missouri.

Pete was employed by Key Industries for twenty-three years. He later worked as maintenance supervisor for the U-234 School District for twenty-thee years. Pete was instrumental in founding the Bourbon County Rural Fire Department; he remained active with the fire department for many years. He also maintained his own cattle herd.

Survivors include his son, John Erie, and wife, Terry, and his daughter, Sondra Ruhl, and husband, Nick, all of Ft. Scott; seven grandchildren, Brian Bolin, Ron Bolin (Brooke), Dawn Bryant (Micheal), Wendy Budd (David), John Erie, Jr. (Stephannie), Anita Vaugh (Daniel) and Bethany Thompson (Ray); and thirteen great-grandchildren, Codee Budd, Caden Bolin, Andy Bryant, Coree Budd, Aleana Erie, Dylann Bolin, Mia Bryant, Koby Erie, Alex Thompson, Raegan Bolin, Payton Bowling, Willow Vaughn, and Kanyon Vaugh with two more great-grandchildren on the way. Also surviving are two sisters, Peggy Cowan, of Ft. Scott, Pat Hoskins and husband, Frank, of Hillsboro, Missouri; a sister-in-law, Edna Erie, of Ft. Scott, and several nieces and nephews.

His wife, Nina, preceded him in death on November 26, 2017. He was also preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Mike Erie, and a brother-in-law, Gene Cowan.

Rev. Virgil Peck will conduct funeral services at 10:30 A.M. Thursday, May 23rd at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Burial will follow in the Evergreen Cemetery.

The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 P.M. Wednesday at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Memorials are suggested to the Scott Township Fire Department or the Ft. Scott Church of the Nazarene and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

Larned Suspends Visitation at Correctional Facility Because of Increased Drugs

Visitation Cancelled at Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility


Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility has been experiencing an increase in the presence of contraband drugs in the facility.  This has resulted in one offender death and several offenders being hospitalized as a result of drug use.  Contraband interdiction efforts have been increased.  As a result, all visitation with offenders has been suspended this weekend, May 18 – 19, 2019.



Bourbon County Local News