A little over a year ago, Caleb Kasper, 15, created a business to meet a need.
He repairs damaged and broken Apple cellular products, such as iPhones and tablets.
“I started to repair iPhones because a couple of years ago I broke a brand new iPhone I had just received,” Kasper said. “I started to look around for a non-expensive way to repair it. After looking for several days, I realized there should be an easier and more affordable way to simply get your phone in good working condition again.”
He is the son of Natalie Taylor and Teddy Kasper.
” With help from my dad, and some specialized training, I taught myself to repair many aspects of an iPhone,” he said.
His mom helps with marketing.
“My mom has helped me with advertising using Facebook and other social media apps,” he said.
“Now, that I’ve repaired iPhones for several people, who have been pleased with my work, they have recommended me throughout the community,” Kasper said.
Rhonda Pinkerton was one of his recent customers and nominated Kasper for the feature.
“I feel like it is a good service that is not offered here in town and could benefit a lot of people,” Pinkerton said. “He fixed a broken phone screen for me… He was great to work with and made it quick and easy.”

He can be reached to set up an appointment and get a quote by phone/text at 620-215-4706 or
by email at calebedkasper123@gmail.com.
Prices vary between the type of repair and model of the product.