USD 235 Passes Resolution to Hold School Bond Election

PRESS RELEASE from Vance Eden, superintendent of USD235, Uniontown School District.


The USD 235 Board of Education approved a resolution Monday night to place a $1,250,000 bond election before voters during a special election held Tuesday, March 4.  The board of education went back to the drawing board after voters rejected two propositions in the November 2023 election.  This time around, the board of education reduced the scope of work and bond amount by 86 percent.

Following the election, the district surveyed its constituents to better understand its perspectives and priorities.  In that feedback we heard that the cost of the previous bond question was too high, and many patrons felt the scope of work included items that were not truly a need.  With that in mind, we have reduced the work to only include the three most pressing needs.  In doing so, the district is able to present a bond issue to the public that would have a no mill increase to taxpayers.

The scope of work will include 3 projects.  The largest expense will be for the replacement of the two modulars at West Bourbon Elementary School with one permanent structure that will house the preschool and small offices for school psychology and speech therapy services.  The bond will also include the replacement of the antiquated fire alarm system at the high school and will renovate the main entrance at WBE to be ADA accessible, as well as more secure.

The following bond proposal below will appear on the ballot.

Shall the following be adopted?


Shall Unified School District No. 235, Bourbon County, Kansas (Uniontown), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000 to pay the costs to construct, furnish and equip:  (a) replacement of the District’s Pre-K facility; (b) ADA and secure entry improvements at West Bourbon Elementary School; (c) fire alarm system improvements at the Uniontown Junior/Senior High School; and (d) all other necessary improvements related thereto (collectively the “Project”); and (e) to pay costs of issuance and interest on said general obligation bonds during construction of the Project; all pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 10‑101 et seq., K.S.A. 25‑2018(f), K.S.A. 72‑5457, and K.S.A. 72‑5458 et seq.?


The special election will take place on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

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