The Value of One
“And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15
How much is one human life worth?
That is a question I have asked myself for the past week ever since I had an encounter with a young woman.
Last Sunday, our church joined with other churches in Fort Scott to stand for life as part of the annual “Life Chain.” Over 170 believers in Jesus Christ stood in solidarity for the unborn. The “Life Chain” is a pro-life Christian event where thousands of people across the United States and Canada stand and pray to end abortion. Each participant holds a sign that says, “Abortion Hurts Women,” or “Life – The First Inalienable Right,” or “Abortion Kills Children,” or “Adoption – The Loving Option.” Last Sunday, I stood with a sign that read, “Jesus Forgives and Heals.”
I stood on the corner of Highway 69 and National Street when I looked up and saw a young woman. As she turned onto National, she stopped at the red light. She looked out her driver’s side window and our eyes locked.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her face twisted in a look of agony. To me, it appeared as if her emotional pain was so intense she actually felt physical pain.
We only looked at each other for just a moment before she reached up and put her hand to her face and intentionally blocked her view. She turned away from me just as the light changed, and she drove off.
All week, I have played that moment over in my mind. What caused her such pain? Was it because somewhere in her past she had an abortion? Was she reminded of that heart-wrenching decision?
The issue of abortion has divided our nation between those who are “pro-life” and those who are “pro-choice.” Personally, I can’t stand the term “pro-choice.” If you are pregnant, the “choice” was made when you decided to do the act that led to the conception. “Pro-life” and “pro-death” are my preferred terms.
I understand I will receive hateful, angry emails and letters from those who hold a different opinion. Go ahead. Send them. They will not silence me. God has called me to be His mouthpiece and the Bible says life begins at conception. The Bible says each person on earth has value – that every individual man, woman, and child, even the unborn child, should be treasured.
How much is one human life worth?
Jesus died for all. Jesus said it was because of God’s love for the world that the Father sent His Son to die on the cross. If Christ gave His life so each person could be forgiven through faith in Him – and He did – then each person is more valuable than we could ever imagine.
The point is: When Jesus died for all, He died for each person. Through the cross, He showed us the value of one – even the one who made the decision to terminate a pregnancy.
If I could speak to the young lady who locked eyes with me last Sunday, I would tell her, “Jesus heals and forgives. He loves you. He died for you. He believes you are valuable. He is waiting for you to call out to Him.”
How much is your life worth?
Jesus says, “You are worth it all.”
James Collins is the senior pastor at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. He can be reached through the website www.thepointis.net or by email at [email protected].
Thank you so much for this! You inspire me every time I read one of your articles. I had a very premature son 40 years ago. He was very sick and I gave him to the Lord. Today he is in the ministry and so very gifted . I got to see those babies in that neonatal ward and they are very much babies. Not just a mass of cells. Thank you for what you do!