Tag Archives: featured

Care 4 U Opens New Medical Equipment Store

Having provided in-home care for Bourbon and neighboring counties for almost six years, the owners of Care 4 U are now adding another business, Your Hometown Medical Equipment, which will sell medical items needed in the county, after other similar stores have closed.

Glen Pearson, Jr., and sister-in-law Rachel Pearson run Care 4 U and now the medical equipment store, after recently receiving the necessary licenses for the store.

Glen has been involved in aspects of the medical care field since serving at a nursing home when he was a teenager. Since then he has sold medical equipment in a prior business and then opened Care 4 U as a hobby, which has grown to include 50 employees who care for 45 clients, some for only a few hours a day while others require 24-hour care.

Most of those employees are from Fort Scott and must go through five background checks and screenings before they can help take care of Care 4 U’s clients. While the business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., they are also on call at any time. Care can be paid for through Medicaid or private pay.

“Here at Care 4 U, we do everything we can to keep you or your loved one at home,” Rachel said during a recent Chamber of Commerce event Thursday, saying they take care of their clients through medical care as well as house-cleaning and running errands.

Glen said through his time working with nursing homes, he often felt sorry for those who were taken there and then forgotten about or visited only rarely. In keeping them at home, Glen said the clients can be somewhere where they are more comfortable and where it is also more economical.

As Care 4 U continued to grow, Glen said he decided he wanted to get back into the medical equipment business as well, which led to Your Hometown Medical Equipment.

The store is to be open with the end of the long holiday weekend and can be found at the same location as the Care 4 U office, at 5 E. Wall Street.

Square Dancing Great Grandma Doesn’t Miss a Beat Because of Cancer

Submitted by Tina Rockhold, Mercy Hospital

At 70 years old, Roxine Poznich simply isn’t ready to retire or let a cancer diagnosis interfere with her plans. So when she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the square-dancing great grandma handled the do-si-do with the disease with determination.

Roxine with her dancing partner Ron Buhr at the 2014 National Square Dancing Convention in Little Rock.

The Diagnosis

Roxine’s cancer was diagnosed in late February.

“I wasn’t feeling bad, nor did I have any symptoms of any illness,” she said. “I’ve always been active and healthy so it never occurred to me I might have cancer.”

But she decided to take advantage of a heart and vascular screening that Mercy was promoting during National Heart Month.

“I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have that checked. When the radiology technician used ultrasound to check the arteries in my neck, ankles and abdomen for blockage, I certainly was not expecting her to find a softball-sized tumor just below my ribs.”

Roxine has worked as a level 2 histology technician at Mercy Hospital Fort Scott for 26 years.

“I see my co-workers in imaging services almost daily and I consider them my friends. Knowing that they were able to find the tumor makes me even more grateful for their expertise and the compassionate way they treat patients.”

Roxine with co-workers, friends and Mercy radiology technicians Leslie May and Kristen Rank. Photo Credit: Mercy Hospital

The Care Team

“Learning I had cancer was a shock. I was nervous about my treatment, so I wanted to be somewhere I knew the people caring for me. Plus, I wanted to stay in Fort Scott so I didn’t have the extra burden of traveling out of town.

“I knew I could count on the team at Mercy’s Cancer Care Unit of Hope to provide the best care available. Dr. Nassim Nabbout, oncologist/hematologist with Cancer Center of Kansas, took me under his wing and explained to me the process for surgery and treatment. He was kind, straightforward and honest – exactly what I needed to tackle the disease.

“I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Nabbout and the Mercy Cancer Care Unit of Hope nurses. The care is as good if not better than if I had traveled to a large hospital or bigger city. Our community is so fortunate to have this clinic at the hospital.”

The Outlook

Fortunately, Roxine’s form of cancer is slow growing and treatment success rates are high. She was even able to work throughout her eight weeks of treatment except for the actual days she received the drug rituximab.

Once her treatment was complete, she was released and back to dancing again.

The Privileges of Partnership

Mercy has partnered with Cancer Center of Kansas since 2008 to provide oncology/hematology services in Fort Scott. Through the Cancer Center of Kansas’ relationships with such well-known programs as M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., the program offers Mercy Fort Scott patients the most current cancer research in detection, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, control and quality of life. To learn more about the physicians and treatments available at Mercy Cancer Care Unit of Hope, call 620-223- 8589.

Fort Scott Shows its Patriotism

The Fort Scott National Historic Site began to celebrate Independence Day over the weekend with the Symbols of Sacrifice memorial displaying thousands of American flags placed in honor of every American soldier who died for the United States since the Revolutionary War.

Other demonstrations were also given to fort visitors Saturday by volunteers dressed in period clothing. Further events and demonstrations will be available for visitors throughout the day on Tuesday. See here for another FortScott.biz article for details on the schedule of events.

Volunteers from scout troops as well as families and other individuals placed the flags Thursday and the flags will remain in place through Sunday, July 9. Fort staff invites volunteers to help remove the flags Monday, July 10.

KSU Extension: Summer Plant Problems Emerging

Submitted by Krista Harding

Summer is officially upon us now, and it has brought some common plant problems with it. We have had plenty of moisture and to date, our plants haven’t really had to be “tough” yet this growing season. Now that the temperatures have risen and we are not getting rain quite as often, some plants are starting to show environmental stress.

I have started getting calls about Walnut and River Birch trees having problems. The trees have yellow leaves scattered throughout the canopy and some are dropping leaves. How do you know if this is a serious problem for a tree? Generally speaking, it depends on the tree species and if the leaves stay attached to it. If leaves have fallen from throughout the tree and resulted in a general thinning of leaves, this is not a serious problem. Trees will often set more leaves in the spring than they can support during the summer. Heat and drought stress will cause the tree to lose leaves that it cannot support with the available soil moisture. Remember that our plants haven’t had to be “tough” yet. We can have green leaves drop that appear perfectly healthy. As long as the leaf drop results in a gradual thinning of the leaves, this is not a serious problem and the tree should be fine.

Sometimes, virtually all of the leaves drop. Certain trees, such as hackberry, can drop all of their leaves and enter summer dormancy. We are a bit early in the summer for this to occur, but it may happen soon if we turn off really hot and dry. If trees are affected by summer dormancy, they should still have supple twigs and healthy buds. Usually the effect on the health of the tree is very minor and the tree leafs out normally next spring. However, if the buds die and the twigs become brittle, at least part of the tree is dead.

Trees that have leaves that die and remain attached to the tree is a serious problem. Sometimes this happens in what seems like just overnight. In a case like this, the tree couldn’t keep up with moisture demands and died quickly. I have seen one case of this already. I believe it was due to the cold snap last December 18, when we got very close to zero temperatures. Damage to underlying tissues is the root cause of this problem.

Another problem that is starting to appear this time of year is two tomato leaf-spot diseases. Septoria leaf spot and early blight are both characterized by brown spots on the leaves. Septoria leaf spot is characterized by small dark spots whereas early blight spots are much larger and have distorted “target” pattern of concentric circles. These diseases usually start at the bottom of the plant and work up. Mulching, caging or staking to keep plants off the ground will make them less vulnerable to diseases by providing better air circulation so the foliage can dry quicker. Mulching also helps prevent water from splashing and carrying disease spores to the plant.

In situations where these diseases have been a problem in the past (or even this year), rotation is a good strategy. Obviously it is too late for that this year. Fungicides are often helpful. The active ingredient Chlorothalonil is a good choice to use. It can be found in numerous products including Fertilome Broad-Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide; Ortho Garden Disease Control; Bonide Fungonil and others. Be sure to start protecting the plants when the disease is first noticed. It is all but impossible to control these diseases on heavily infected plants. Read labels for harvest waiting periods.

Don’t forget that most of the Extension services are free of charge! If you are experiencing plant problems, don’t hesitate to give me a call for diagnosis.

Krista Harding is a K-State Research and Extension Agricultural agent assigned to Southwind District. She may be reached at 620-244- 3826 or [email protected]

East Side Liquor opens in Fort Scott

Fort Scott welcomed a new business to town in the past month with the opening of East Side Liquor store at 1516 E. Wall Street.

After a soft opening about a month ago, the store had a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony Saturday morning to celebrate the work of Lyle Brittain, Liz Monteil and their families to open the new store in the empty building.

“I think it’s incredible that a young couple would invest in an endeavor like this in Fort Scott,” Mayor JoLynne Mitchell said during the event. “I could not be more proud of this young couple and their dedication.”

City Manager Dave Martin said he admired the entrepreneurial spirit of the couple and is happy to see more young people decide to stay in Fort Scott.

“Congratulations,” chamber of commerce Executive Director Lindsay Madison said, adding she is glad to see another empty building put to use. “We’re excited to officially have you open.”

The store’s doors will be open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

“We are super excited,” Monteil said about their store opening.

Patty LaRoche: In God’s Image

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:26,27 (ESV)

If you skimmed this passage and missed its point, here it is: we are created in God’s image. Think about that. We matter. Last week I shared about my visit with “Greg,” a sex trafficking expert with “Deliver Fund,” who described what happens to girls taken into bondage. It made my skin crawl. He said that there is NO community unaffected by this crime. Surely he wasn’t serious. Nevada? Fort Scott? Where everyone knows who’s dating whom, what kind of surgery they’ve had and if they go to church or not? That’s just nuts.

Apparently not, because, well…let’s face it—we might know the latest gossip, but we pay little attention to what goes on right around us. Remember Ariel Castro, the man who for ten years imprisoned three women in his boarded-up, Cleveland, Ohio, home? Not one neighbor took the time to put the clues together that something was amiss…and there were plenty.

I asked Greg what people like me can do to help. Most importantly, he said, we need to pray for eyes to see. Greg knows that not everyone can be involved to the extent he is, but there are too many who just want to “scratch-their-action-guy-itch.” They volunteer to help but aren’t

committed. Fewer still want to take the time to be on the lookout for warning signs. Prime culprits are seedy motels with “a lookout” standing outside and convenience stores where men accompany young girls who make little eye contact and refuse to engage in conversation.

Greg wasn’t talking about me. Ask my husband. I live to catch a criminal. Once, after reading of the plane passenger who tried to light his shoe on fire, I alerted airport authorities to a man who had a cord hanging from the hem of his pants. It turned out to be part of his phone. (Or so I was told…um-hum.) Every time I see an adult carrying a screaming child, I immediately think kidnapping. I’m always on the lookout to save someone. It drives Dave crazy.

So, let’s say you aren’t as brave/foolish as I. There’s another way you can help. Yesterday I received an email from a relative. In lieu of a birthday gift, she asked for donations to Operation Underground Railroad, a foundation that rescues and rehabilitates kidnapped children. It is one of many, and all of them need financial support.

David Batstone, the founder of The Not For Sale Campaign, got involved when he found out that the staff at one of his favorite Indian restaurants in San Francisco were almost all slaves. This was discovered when one of the workers went home to find her roommate very ill.  Not knowing what to do, she called her landlord, the owner of the restaurant.  He arrived, then refused to call for help, and instead rolled the sick, unconscious girl in a carpet and loaded her into his van. Then he tried to force the first girl into the van.  A brave woman heard the girl’s screams and called the police.  It turned out that almost all the staff in the man’s several restaurants had been illegally trafficked from India, owed a “debt” to their “employer” for their transportation to America, and were paid minimal wages, which did not cover exorbitant rents that the owner charged for the slum-like apartments in which they lived.

The woman who called the police paid attention. As did David.

We need to do likewise. I’m not saying we turn into peeping toms who roam our neighborhoods with binoculars (although that would be a deterrent). Sex trafficking involves the dehumanization of life. It’s a slap in God’s face, the same God who made us in His image. To really make a difference we must open our eyes…and our hearts…and maybe even our wallets.

LaRoche Complex Supports Veterans with Fourth of July Event

For a third year in a row, the LaRoche Baseball Complex will host a Fourth of July event, including live music, food and beverages, a guest speaker and fireworks, while raising money for three organizations providing support for combat veterans.

“A great cause, and you can support it,” Larry Gazaway said of the event during a recent chamber of commerce event.

Gates will open Tuesday at 5 p.m., while the opening act, the Barnstormers, will perform at 6 p.m. A double-amputee veteran will speak on the topic of the struggles veterans face and how people can honor and support them in gratitude for their sacrifice.

At 8 p.m., Jason Boland and the Stragglers will perform, before the night ends with a fireworks display.

Tickets remain available for the event, and range from $20 to $35. Funds raised will be used to support Heroes’ Sports, the E3 Foundation and Combat Warriors Inc.

FSCC Announces Spring 2017 Honor Roll

Submitted by Heather Browne

Fort Scott Community College proudly announces the spring 2017 semester honor roll students. A total of 219 students earned honor roll distinction. The Honor Roll requires a semester GPA of 3.5 to 3.74. The Dean’s Honor Roll requires a semester GPA of 3.75 to 3.99. The President’s Honor Roll requires a semester GPA of 4.0.

Honor Roll

Grant Anderson, Peyton Barrett, Lacy Barrett, Kayln Beel, Kaley Binford, Kiara Boyd, Patrick Broxterman, John Byers, Theodore Chambers, Maddison Christian, Cara Comstock, Chelsey Coulter, Hannah Craun, Zachary Davis, Jacob Davis, Shelby Denton, Austin Dimmett, Joseph Fragano, Alex Garcia, Anne Ghere, Dylan Giager, Allison Gilligan, Randi Gold, Jared Goldwire, Katie Gorman, Piper Handshy, John Henry, Timothy Higgins, Wyatt Hoggatt, Amelia Ihrer, Boby Johnson, Ellen Jones, Cinetia Joseph, Adam Kaufman, Abigail Keating, Deardin Kelley, Victoria Lemke, Diaja Lewis, Scott Little, Ashley Lockwood, Kylie Lopp, Ryan Malone, Erin Mantz, Connor Marshall, Mitchell McCallister, Danielle McDowell, Nickolan McGaan, Nathan Miller, Andrew Morrow, Aris-Shea Nakagawa, Rebekah Palmer, Lindy Pettibon, Nguyen Pham, Lindsey Reed, Samantha Reno, Haleigh Robertson, Charles Runnels, Carla Salas, Matthew Schick, Driston Self, Tessney Shoemaker, Mason Skiles, Lauren Sluder, Aubrey Smith, Dalton Sneed, Jayson Stepter, Alyssa Stevens, Sarah Tavernaro, Katherine Thoden, Alexandria Trager, Jessica Turner, Rachel Walker, Jennifer Wisniewski, Nicole Woods-Buyea, and Carter Young.

Dean’s Honor Roll

Mariah Aebersold, Kelsey Area, Cheryl Beckwith, Jon Carpenter, Donald Cook, Ashlee Corns, Dalton DeShazer, Stephanie Dill, Kelsey Duggan-Garner, Stephanie Friend, Hannah Geneva, Layne Graham, Justin Grigsby Colby Hartman, Kinede Houdashelt, Alexander Huston, Michael Jenkins, Janamarie Jorgensen, Dillon Kramer, MacKenzie Krenek, Tiffany Lane, Brian Larson, Lindsay Locke, Janice Mccourt, Elizabeth McFarland, Rachel Merrick, Lacey Miles, Ramona Moffett, Joel Montgomery, Sharon Morgan, Austin Murphy, Rebecca Myers, Jackalynn Neher, Baylee Oney, Mercedes Pankau, Sean Perkins, Michaela Pfaff, Myranda Pridey, Joshua Ralle, Kyle Smith, Tabor Spurling, Tony Stone and Aimee Wimp.

President’s Honor Roll

Keller Agre, Krista Allen, Heather Bahr, William Baker, Carly Bohannon, Bryan Booth, Taylor Brecheisen, Cheyenne Brewer, Michaela Brewer, Sarah Bunce, Manuel Carrera, Haley Casey, Abigail Cooke, Rachel Dare, Samuel Davis, Brock Denomme, Kitana Diediker, Shawna Diediker, Michael Donahue, Briona Fields, Lauren Flater, Jennifer Fountain, Meghann Fountain, Zachary Franz, Timothy Fredrickson, Katherin Fullhart, Destiny Garcia, Abigail Gilligan, Christian Goben, Molly Graham, Zachary Gudenkauf, Colin Gulotta, Meghan Guss, Zachary Hager, Keith Hames, Derek Hammer, Caleb Hanson, David Hawkins, Tyler Henninger, Shelby Hutchison, Danielle Isbell, Dallas Johnson, Andrea Kaiser, Sarah Kelley, Benjamin Kiefer, Clinton Kissinger, Colten Lamborn, Kady Laporte, Hayden Leach, Brad Lewis, Justin Logan, Allie Martin, Patrick Maxwell, Thomas Mayfield, Kayla Miller, Jenna Nevius, Rachel Newquist, Johnathan Palmer, Hank Parra, Kylie Pfeiffer, Joshua Rawlins, Taylor Remington, Elizabeth Renner, Clifford Robinett, Bethany Robison, Rick Runion, Sydney Russell, Tanner Sarbaugh, Meghan Schasteen, Mark Scheid, Cody Schlesener, Cole Schroeder, Dacey Simpson, Larry Sinclair, Zackery Steed, Bryan Stephenson, Sherlinda Stillwell, Kendra Stout, Amanda Sustarsic, Grant Swickhamer, Cathy Taylor, Crystal Thomas, Kyle Thompson, Charles Trotter, Amanda Trull, Mackenzie Tynon, Christopher Tyson, Anthony Vallejo, Roger Vincent, Grant Vollrath, Mark Waterbury, Cody Weber, Kassie West, Alexandra Whisler, Emily White, Daniel Whitmore, Kirstie Williams, Mackay Williams, Caitlyn Wiswell, Lane York, and Barrett Young.

For more information, please contact Tom Havron, FSCC Dean of Students and Athletic Director, at 620-223-2700, ext. 3500.


Main Street Building to be Demolished

After years of remaining in disrepair, and transferring from one owner to another, the building at 417 S. Main Street will be torn down, with the Fort Scott City Commission’s decision to go through with the condemnation during their recent meeting.

During that meeting, Autumn Durossette and her brother, Denver Mitchell, approached the commission with a desire to purchase the home, to try to repair it and then rent it out, as they have done with 13 other structures. While the commission expressed gratitude for the work they have done, they decided not to accept that request as the building was already condemned to demolition.

“I am not in support of rescinding your motion,” Codes Manager Rhonda Dunn said, adding she is grateful for the work done in Fort Scott by Durossette and Mitchell. “This house has been a struggle for us for quite a while.”

The home has suffered damage from two fires and has structural issues that have led to uneven floors. The fire department, in their inspections, also discovered some termite damage. Delinquent property taxes are also owed.

Durossette said she had a number of inspectors and contractors examine the house, located across the street from the Unified School District Education Building, and said they believed they would be able to correct the foundation and other problems of the home and make it attractive once more.

“They need work, but these bones are good,” Mitchell said of the base structure of the home, saying most of the work needed concerns surface repairs.

The commission decided to not take any action, thus upholding the previous condemnation, stating they trust their staff’s recommendation and do not desire to set a precedent of rescinding the condemnation of homes in Fort Scott.

The commission first approved the condemnation and demolition of the house in 2016, and it is now ready for demolition as the city received a bid. The file on the building’s code violations stretch back for more than a decade.

Mercy Receives HOPE 4 You Grant for Mammograms

Submitted by Tina Rockhold

Mercy Health Foundation Fort Scott has been awarded a $1,000 grant from the Hope 4 You Breast Cancer Foundation based in Joplin. The grant will be used to help pay for mammograms for women who meet certain criteria. This is the sixth consecutive year Mercy has received the grant.

Mercy Hospital Fort Scott radiology technicians Suzanne Quick and Jenny Dugan specialize in mammogram screenings

“Far too often women neglect their own health care needs for other priorities,” said Christi Keating, Mercy Hospital Fort Scott executive director of patient care services. “Funds from this grant will give women, who might otherwise not get mammograms, access to the life-saving screenings.”

The startling fact is that more than 40,000 women will die of breast cancer this year in the U.S.

According to the Kaiser State Health Facts, the rate of annual breast cancer diagnosis among Kansas’ women is higher than the national average, but Kansas women over age 50 report having fewer mammograms than the national norm.

For more information about digital mammography or to schedule a mammography appointment, call Mercy’s Imagining Services at 620-223-7015.

Fort Scott Holds Patriotic Contest

In honor of the Fourth of July, the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is encouraging Fort Scott residents and businesses to participate in a patriotic contest.

The American flag on display in Fort Scott in 2015

“Get your home or business all decorated for Fourth of July and in honor of our veterans and troops,” said Lindsay Madison, chamber executive director, during a recent chamber event.

The contest includes both a residential and commercial contest, with the most patriotic home winner receiving a $50 Chamber Bucks gift certificate and the winner of the most patriotic business receiving $50 to Marsha’s Deli, a sponsor of the event.

Participants must register with the chamber by Wednesday, June 28, with the final judging done by a panel of chamber members Thursday afternoon, June 29. The winners will be announced July 4.

A variety of Independence Day events will be held in Fort Scott and Bourbon County over the weekend, including the Symbols of Sacrifice event at the fort Saturday and Tuesday, Fort Scott community fireworks at Fort Scott Community College, the annual Burke Street parade Tuesday morning, a concert and event at the LaRoche Baseball Complex Tuesday evening and other events hosted at area churches.

KState Extension to Host Alternative Crop Event

Submitted by Christopher Petty

As summertime temperatures heat up, cool season farm and ranch pastures begin to lose productivity.

This can cause us to think about other ways to stretch or improve our ability to feed livestock. One possibility is alternative (cover) crops for livestock feeds. These crop mixes often include legumes, grasses and brassicas (turnips or radishes). Planted in the fall, these mixes can provide extra feed to help conserve or extend limited feed resources.

To learn more about these alternative crop mixes, join the K-State Research and Extension –Southwind District on Thursday, July 13, at 6 p.m. This meeting, which includes a meal, is sponsored by Landmark National Bank and will feature K-State Research and Extension Southeast Area Livestock Specialist Jaymelynn Farney. Dr. Farney will discuss research data relating to actual cover crop trials. The program will take place at the 4-H Building in Fort Scott, Kansas and a $10.00 fee, payable at the door, will cover the cost of meals and materials. Please pre-register by calling the Southwind District –Fort Scott Office at 620-223- 3720.