Starlite FCE Minutes of Nov. 19


Starlite FCE

November 19,2020


The November meeting of the Starlite FCE was held November 19th at the Yeager building at the fairgrounds.  President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order.  Joyce Allen led the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect.


Eleven members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Doris Ericson presented the treasurers report.  Glenda Announced that Megan Brillhart and Deb Woods are our November birthdays.


Glenda reported that Karen Peery, Doris Ericson and herself had attended the Recognition and Training day in Parsons.  She announced that Starlite had received a gold star, third place in the Community Service category and second place in the Action division with our Trash to Treasures program.


New business consisted of planning for our December meeting.  It was decided to take up a collection for Ralph Carlson’s Preferred Living Program at the December meeting.  Karen Peery moved that we make the bags for the Tri-Valley clients and not have a meal this year just finger foods, Deb Lust seconded the motion, motion carried.  Our December meeting will be held on the 17th at the Yeager building.  Members are to bring socks, gloves, rice crispy treats, hot chocolate packets, popcorn, Christmas cups and masks to include in the gift bags.


Lessons and hostesses were assigned for the upcoming year in lieu of a program.


Deb lust moved that the meeting be adjourned, Joyce Allen seconded the motion, motion carried.


After the meeting refreshment of fresh apple cake with whipped cream and water provided by Ann Ludlum was enjoyed by all.


Prepared by

Terri Williams

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