Ryan Metcalf is the new Focus Room Teacher at Winfield Scott Elementary School.
Name: Ryan Metcalf
Title of position: Focus Room Teacher
Education: BS Physical Education and Recreation, Masters in Health and Human Performance from Pittsburg State University.
Experience: Six years teaching Physical Education, Recreation, Exercise Science, and General Education Courses at the college level with Pittsburg State University, Fort Scott Community College, and Crowder Colleg; K-8 Physical Education, 5-8 Science, and 5-6 Health last year for Westphalia Elementary.
Age: 32
Family: His wife, Courtney and he have two kids Emma, 3, and Mason, 1.
Kansas Recreation and Parks Association, Kansas Association for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
Why did you choose education as a career?
“Kids! Elementary students are the best group of people to work with! These kids are ready to learn and seeing them understand new material because of you is a great feeling. “
What is the first on your list of priorities for the position?
“Get to know the kids. Find out what their struggles are and how I can help them improve.”