Oh Happy Days! by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

I don’t watch much television, but when I do, I have a few favorites: “20/20 on Own; America’s Got Talent; and The Voice.  Dave isn’t a fan.  He finds the murder shows depressing, even though I remind him that the killer is always caught and given life in prison without parole.    Dave says it doesn’t take DNA evidence or tire track impressions to know who did it because it’s always the spouse.

As for the talent shows, Hubby thinks it’s unfair when anyone who has a professional background competes.  He favors John Wayne shoot-em-up Westerns, sports, John Wayne shoot-em-up Westerns, Fox News and John Wayne shoot-em-up Westerns.

Not me.

  For starters, John Wayne is not much of an actor.  Hold your critical horses. Great acting, in my opinion, implies one can play multiple characters.  Like Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep. John Wayne is always…well, John Wayne.  Too, the plots of his movies are predictable. The guys in the white hats on the white horses always win.  As for the news, it’s pessimistic and gives me bad dreams.                                                                                                                                       Simply put, I like happy endings.  Cinderella.  A reconciled marriage.  Winning the World Series. “Remission.”  Ukraine successes.  Forgiveness.  The Greatest Showman.   A debt paid.   Afghanistans rescued.  A Weight Watcher’s goal met…and kept (so I’ve heard). Happy reunions. Everyone ending up in Heaven. Well, almost everyone.  Not terrorists who behead or burn people alive.  Not Nero or Hitler or Mengele or Stalin.  Not Osama bin Laden.

And yes, I know I am to forgive or I cannot be forgiven.  I forgive evil people; I just don’t want to share Heaven with them.

  If you’re like me, you’re bothered when the good guy loses.  The Bible isn’t short on such stories.

Take Moses, for example.  He has a little hissy fit—Who wouldn’t after 40 years of dealing with a bunch of knuckleheads? —strikes a rock and is punished.  Maybe his behavior deserves a time out or a day without his staff, but Moses was greeted with what I consider to be a harsh penalty. Granted, he surely ended up in Heaven, and in reality, that’s all that really matters, but to be denied entrance into the Promised Land?

  Wait! I guess that’s what Heaven is, so he wasn’t denied after all.  And best yet, we’re going to get to meet him when we get there.  Happy days!

Two times in the past month, five St. Mary’s graduates (from the class of ’64) and I have met to relive our experiences growing up in Fort Scott.  Details are added by those with exceptional memories, and sometimes we agree to disagree or ask forgiveness for our parts in petty, selfish actions.  An hour lunch turns into four as most of the time is spent laughing and empathizing.  We are catching up on each others’ lives and cherishing these conversations.

One day, there will be a reunion like no other.  Matthew 8:11 reminds us of what that will be like: I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.

Can you imagine?  “Paul, please pass the mashed potatoes.”  “Esther, how terrified were you when confronting the king?”  “Jesus, thank you for making all of this possible.” 

There will be no disagreements or tears shed or need to ask forgiveness or murder mysteries, and I can’t imagine the details that will be added to stories of which we know only a part.

 As for “happy endings,” I can’t think of any better.



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