Following the notification of the first COVID 19 positive test in Bourbon County, officials are requiring more stringent measures.
“We were saddened to learn of the resident in Bourbon County, KS who tested positive for COVID-19,” according to the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department Facebook page. “The resident and their family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Let’s use this time to all work towards the same goal of preventing the spread of the virus further. This will not be easy, nor very enjoyable, but for the health and future of our communities, we must at least try. Thank you for your continued support and understanding, as we continue to serve our counties.”
This morning on the City of Fort Scott Facebook page, Bourbon County Public Health Officer Rebecca Johnson said:
“Daycares should not take any new enrollees from out of county.
Hotels increase cleaning and disinfecting practices especially after every person checks out.
School staff, food service workers, and volunteers will be allowed to provide, prepare and deliver meals. Social distancing greater than six feet and less than 10 minutes shall be enforced.
There will be more guidelines to follow.”
The following was an order published at 8 p.m.last evening on March 22, 2020, by Bourbon County Public Health Officer Johnson.
The following actions are officially implemented by the Bourbon County Public Health Officer and shall be in official force and effect at 8:00 PM on Sunday, March 22, 2020.
This order shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded by the Public Health Officer.
This Order is made under the powers granted the Local Public Health Officer in KSA 65-119 et seq. and the Emergency Declarations of the governments of the United States, the State of Kansas, and Bourbon County, as well as the Home Rule powers of Bourbon County under state statute.
Bourbon County is now restricting or prohibiting business activities for all non-essential businesses and is making recommendations for essential business functions as follows:
Essential Businesses
The following have been determined to be essential business functions for Bourbon County:
Grocery Stores shall be allowed to remain open to the public for business to supply needed food and supplies to the citizens of Bourbon County. It is recommended that these stores take precautions to reduce in-person contacts as much as possible, maintain social distancing (6 foot or more) when practical, and consider using curb-side service whenever possible.
Convenient Stores/Gas Stations shall remain open to the public.
It is recommended that these stores take precautions to reduce in-person contacts as much as possible, maintain social-distancing (6 foot or more) when practical, and shall eliminate gathering places within the store to prevent social grouping activities.
Funeral Homes are allowed to remain open but efforts should be made to reduce numbers (family only gatherings recommended) and shall work to limit crowds and shall strive to maintain the recommended social distancing as described above.
Health Care Facilities and Providers/Veterinary Clinics shall remain open and use social distancing and other techniques as applicable to help prevent the virus spread.
Providers may want to have patients/customers stay in cars until their turn to avoid waiting area congestion and issues with maintaining social distancing.
Utility Providers shall be allowed to remain open.
It is recommended that providers take steps to limit work-to-worker interactions to help reduce the chance for losing multiple workers and/or causing utility disruptions. Calls for service to individual residences should be pre-screened before entering those locations.
Banks & Pharmacies shall be allowed to remain open for business. Whenever possible, it is recommended to close lobbies and inside operations and use the drive-through’ s to conduct necessary business. People who are allowed to come inside the business should be prescreened before allowing entry.
Non-Essential Businesses (Allowed Open with Restrictions)
The following businesses have been determined to be non-essential businesses as related to this pandemic, however, they will be allowed to remain open with the following restrictions as described below.
These restrictions shall be implemented by no later than noon, Monday, March 23, 2020, and shall remain in a restricted status until this order is rescinded by the Public Health Officer.
Parts Stores/Lumber Yards/Hardware Stores shall be allowed to remain open, however, public access to the inside of the store shall be prohibited. These businesses should use delivery or curb-side service and maintain social distancing as much as possible during those activities.
Bars/Restaurants-These businesses shall be allowed to remain open for business, however, public access to the inside of the bar/restaurant shall be prohibited. These businesses should use delivery or curb-side service and maintain social distancing as much as possible during those activities.
Manufacturing-Manufacturing businesses shall be allowed to remain open, however, public access to the facilities shall be prohibited. All efforts should be made to maintain social distancing between workers whenever possible.
Agricultural Business shall be allowed to remain open, however, public access to the inside of the store shall be prohibited. These businesses should use delivery or curb-side service and maintain social distancing as much as possible during those activities.
Automotive Repair Shops shall be allowed to remain open, however, public access to the buildings and facilities shall be extremely limited. All efforts should be made to maintain social distancing between individual workers and between workers and customers whenever possible.
Other Retail Sales not identified above may remain in operation but the business shall keep doors closed and restrict business to one customer at a time inside the store. Examples include liquor stores, gun stores, pawn shops, and other similar business types.
Non-Essential Businesses (Closed/Shut-Down)
The following businesses types have been determined to be non-essential as related to the pandemic and shall be closed/shut down no later than noon, Monday, March 23, 2020, and shall remain shut until this order is rescinded by the Public Health Officer:
Barber/Beauty Shops shall be shut down as there is no practical way to maintain social distancing.
Fitness Centers/Gyms shall be shut down.
Libraries“-We appreciate the fact that the library in Bourbon County has already voluntarily shut down to help assist lessening the spread of COVID-19. Libraries shall close or remain closed to the public until the order is rescinded,” according to Johnson.
Other Businesses-Businesses not otherwise described that cannot maintain or attempt to maintain the 6-foot social distancing shall be closed until this order is rescinded. This would include any businesses that by its very nature direct person-to-person contact of fewer than 6 feet.
If your business type is not specifically included or defined by the above information and you have questions on what, if any restrictions apply, please call (620)223-4464 for guidance.
“If sick, stay home,” Johnson said. “Stay away from people that are ill, especially vulnerable populations (with diseases and the elderly), avoid face to face time, more than six feet apart for less than 10 minutues.”
“Practice personal hygiene habits of handwashing after bathroom, before eating, if you sneeze or cough or handshake. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.”
Johnson is part of the SEK Multi-County Health Department. Her office is located at 6th and Lowman Streets.