Mom’s Button Box by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom



After I snipped off the extra satin-covered button from my pastel-blue sweater, I placed it in my button box. In comparison to my Mom’s button collection, mine is considerably smaller. I store my buttons in a little round plastic margarine container that’s probably 40 years old. As I removed the lid, I pondered as to why there were so few buttons in it. And then I realized that, back in the day, women salvaged buttons from worn-out clothing because they were still functional, useable, and valuable. Mom’s buttons are displayed in a glass container in my daughter’s bedroom. One lace-covered button is from the pastel-blue suit she wore to my brother’s wedding in 1967. I wish that button could talk.


If our walk with Christ has become worn-out or hum-drum, we can fix that. There’s still something useful and valuable in our spirit; so we simply need to take the necessary steps to renew it. The apostle Paul told his young protégé, Timothy, to stir up the flame. “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you” (2 Timothy 1:6 NLT). Smoldering Christians are to take the genuine faith they’ve got and develop it into a strong blazing fire of faith and service.


How? Don’t chuck church, ditch discipleship, or pass on prayer. Instead, poke the coals and stoke the fire. When the flame of faith is rekindled, we can walk in love, serve in joy, and rest in peace. As Christ’s followers, it’s up to us to stir up our faith so we can truly believe that God is working things out for our good. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them” (Romans 8:28 NLT). Let’s remember not to omit the latter  portion of this scripture, “and are called according to His purpose for them.“


My late husband loved to build a fire in the winter. That responsibility has now fallen to me; I can’t say that I love to build it, but I love the comfort of a hot burning fire. It’s worth the effort to get the results. If we will stir it up, God will finish it. “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Philippians 1:6 NLT). God does the work in us, but we’ve got to give Him some live coals to work with.


It’s no easy task to keep the fire burning hot enough to sustain a cozy temperature in the house. It takes diligence to stay on top of your spiritual journey too. “Without faith, it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to God. For whoever would come near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out” (Hebrews 11:6 AMP).


Paul writes and encourages Timothy: “For I recall the sincere faith which is in your heart — a faith which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and then in your mother Eunice, and, I am fully convinced, now dwells in you also” (2 Timothy 1:5 WNT). Paul makes it clear that Timothy is blessed to be walking in his godly heritage, but his belief and trust comes from his own genuine, sincere, and solid faith. He alone is responsible for building and maintaining a strong faith and carrying out his calling.


The Key: Salvage the faith you’ve got and be diligent to burn strong and hot.

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