A local helping agency provides both a need and a want.
The Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition provides rent/utility bill assistance and additionally, family passes to the Fort Scott Municipal Swimming pool in the summer, with help from United Way of Bourbon County.
FortScott.Biz is featuring each agency that was granted funding through United Way.
The contact person is Billie Jo Drake, her phone number is 620-223-5946 and email address is bjducktracks @gmail.com
What service do you provide for our community?
“We have two programs: rent and utility bill assistance and the family pool pass project.”
When are you open?
“We have no office or office hours. People who are in need of assistance make their requests through the Beacon (Phone, 620-223-6869 · Address. 525 E 6th St; Fort Scott, Kansas 66701.) Pool pass applications can be obtained at Buck Run Community Center Phone, (620-223-0386 · Address. 735 Scott Ave; Fort Scott, Kansas 66701) in the spring.”
What percentage of your budget is the United Way grant?
“It varies depending on other grants and donations, but this year it will be about 20 percent.”
Who are the board members?
Doug Altic, Bob Eckles, Sue Emmons, Shana McClure, Tisha Miller, DeAnn Welch, and Billie Jo Drake.