Horton Street Update

Update on Horton Street: Wick and Hecker, a contractor working for the City of Fort Scott, has started on the Horton Street Project. I will try to give you updates weekly so you can be aware of the street closures or happenings with the project.


7/8/2024 – Water and Sewer work will be started from 8th street to 18th street. Wick and Hecker will be placing barricades in area that work is being done on. Unless road is completely torn up, residents will still have access to their residence, and the street will more than likely be open after 6:00pm each night during the water and sewer work.


This is coming from the project manager at Wick and Hecker.


Thank you for your patience, this is going to be a long process but it will be very nice once completed.


Brad Matkin

City Manager

City of Fort Scott

Fort Scott, Kansas 66701

620-223-0550 ext. 210


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