Bourbon County businesses with under 50 employees may soon apply for grant funds because of the financial effects of the pandemic.
These grants will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rural small businesses should contact the county economic development director, who will apply for the grant.
“We are exploring business needs, outside of Fort Scott City limits, for the CDBG-CV grant opportunity, Hoenor said. “The goal of the grant is job retention. We are looking for all business in the county, outside of Fort Scott city limits, with 1 to 50 employees who have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Funding can be used for inventory or working capital needed to reopen or help keep a business operating. “
“The City of Fort Scott will have the opportunity to apply for funding if they have used all their current funding,” she said.
Contact Hoener at [email protected] to get a business included in the grant application.
Under the Corona Virus Aid and Economic Security Act (CARES), Kansas will receive an additional $9 million in Community Development Block Grant funds to be used exclusively to support projects related to combating the impact of COVID-19, according to a press release from Hoenor.
Hoenor received notice of a public hearing yesterday and attended online.
The following is an email interview with Hoenor regarding the grants for small businesses in the county.
Who is the target for the grant?
There are four proposed activities with this specific grant. At this point, we are focusing on businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
What benefits will the grant give the applicant?
Applicants can use the grant funding for inventory or working capital needs.
What is the application process?
The county will apply for grant funds, identifying a general number of businesses we intend to help in our grant application.
Grant means no payback, right?
We have not seen the specific requirements but grants typically mean they do not have to pay it back unless the recipient does not fulfill the obligations the grant was intended for.
What is the timeline?
We were told the applications process will be online and hope to have available next week. It will be first come first serve.
Jody Hoenor, Bourbon County Economic Development Director. Submitted photo.