Governor Laura Kelly Vetoes Three Bills


TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly vetoed Substitute for Senate Bill 34, House Bill 2387, and House Bill 2252, and signed Senate Bill 313.

The following veto message is from Governor Laura Kelly regarding her veto of Substitute for Senate Bill 34:

I have consistently opposed vaccine passports and mandating any COVID-19 vaccination. However, this bill goes beyond COVID-19 and implements a one-size-fits-all approach for all infectious diseases. It significantly limits any government entity’s response to any infectious disease outbreak.

As a result, this legislation creates significant safety concerns for workers, for employers, for the economy, and for all Kansans. Schools could not adequately respond to an outbreak of measles in a classroom, and manufacturing facilities could not respond to a tuberculosis outbreak.

Beyond that, our agricultural sector could not continue to fight the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). We have a responsibility to protect our critically important agricultural industry and the farmers and ranchers who feed the nation.

We need to be prepared for what’s down the road to best protect Kansans. This bill puts the safety of all Kansans and our economy at risk.

Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto Substitute for Senate Bill 34.

The following veto message is from Governor Laura Kelly regarding her veto of HB 2387:

Having a transparent, competitive bidding process is key to ensuring that our state contracts provide the most value to Kansas taxpayers while using the latest technology and best practices. This is not only good for the State of Kansas, but also for our current MCOs and the people they serve.

The language included in HB 2387 regarding the current MCO contracts is a product of closed-door dealings to push legislation that did not have a single proponent. There is little question that this effort is fraught with legal issues and jeopardizes our Medicaid program. HB 2387 prohibits the state Medicaid agency from pursuing the state’s independent procurement process and, by doing so, functionally provides the current MCOs with a no-bid, multi-billion-dollar, contract.

We must favor transparency and fair competition over attempts to re-insert corruption into the state contracting process.

Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto HB 2387.

The following veto message is from Governor Laura Kelly regarding her veto of House Bill 2252:

Elected officials must be able to perform their job duties effectively and efficiently. By prohibiting executive branch officers, including the Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General, from entering into agreements regarding the enforcement of election law, this bill prevents the executive branch from fulfilling its constitutional duties. House Bill 2252 represents an overreach by the legislative branch that defies the separation of powers – a principle fundamental to a working democracy. If passed, it would also lead to costly litigation at the expense of Kansas taxpayers.

Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Bill 2252.

Governor Kelly also signed Senate Bill 313 which provides for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles and establishes the Autonomous Vehicle Advisory Committee. More information about SB 313 can be found here.

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