Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
April 19, 2021
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Kirk Hart, Bill Meyer, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, and staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall. The meeting was opened
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
consent agenda.
A. A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve Design Mechanical
as the HVAC and boiler system provider.
B. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the intent to transfer
land on the Burke Street Campus to Mary Queen of Angels Church.
C. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the proposal from
AVI for the Fine Arts Center Theater audio/visual refresh.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed letters of correspondence.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard reports from the Gordon Parks Museum,
Student Services, Athletics, Instruction, Finance and Operations, and the President.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to
executive session for 15 minutes beginning at 6:11 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel in regards to
administrative contracts, emeritus status, and hazard pay with action expected to follow.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 6:26 by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to return to
open session.
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the administrative contracts
for Alysia Johnston, Adam Borth, Julie Eichenberger, Janet Fancher, and Tom Havron.
A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Meyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve emeritus staff status to
Harold Hicks.
Chairman Bartelsmeyer stated that hazard pay will be provided to current employees who were not remote during the fall
2020 and/or spring 2021 semesters for playing a critical role in allowing the college to remain face to face during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
More information about the payment will come from college administration via email.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at 6:30
p.m. by Meyer, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk