The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that the number of grants available for the upcoming 2018/2019 cycle totals $32,000, exceeding last year’s total by $2,000 and $11,000 more than the previous year. Thanks to the generosity of all who contributed to the FSACF general fund, the interest accrued will allow the grant committee more opportunities to benefit the 501c3 applicants who meet the qualifications.
Monies granted to the 18 beneficiaries from last year’s cycle were used for a variety of causes, including helping to purchase medals for Special Olympics’ Bourbon County participants, providing benefits to cancer patients, assisting the Beacon to meet family needs, funding classes for CASA volunteers and purchasing lights for the local pickleball courts.
The FSACF 2018 Grant Applications will be released on Wednesday, August 1, at which time they will appear on the FSACF website or may be picked up in person at the Chamber of Commerce, 231 E. Wall. Nonprofits such as churches, governmental entities, or organizations with a 501c3 status are encouraged to apply.
Applications are due by Tuesday, August 28. Acceptance and declination letters will be mailed on Tuesday, October 16. Grants will be awarded at the Foundation’s Chamber Coffee held in the Landmark Bank lobby at Third and Main at 8 A.M. on Thursday, November 1.