FS City Commission Agenda for September 17



City Hall Commission Room – 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

September 17, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.


  1.     Call to Order
  2.     Roll Call

Tim VanHoecke,   Matthew Wells,   Dyllon Olson,   Kathryn Salsbury,  Tracy Dancer

III.       Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Invocation
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Consent Agenda
  4. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1368-A – Expense Approval Report – Payment Dates of August 28, 2024 – September 10, 2024$1,023,007.21
  5. Approval of Minutes for September 3, 2024, Regular Meeting and September 9, 2024, Special Meeting.
  6. Request to Pay – Bourbon County Regional Economic Development Inc. (REDI) – Invoice No. 0010 FINAL (July, August and September) – $10,000.00
  7. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering & Inspection – KDOT Project No. 6 KA-6898-01 Project No. 23-015A – Payment No. 4 – Invoice No. 17453 – Payroll$8,142.58
  8. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering & Inspection – KDOT Project No. 6 KA-6898-01 Project No. 23-015A – Payment No. 5 – Invoice No. 17538 – Design$26,490.05
  9. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering & Inspection – 24-414 Horton St. & 6th Improvements – Invoice No. 17532 – Payroll$37,510.35
  10. August Financials


VII.    Public CommentSign up required before the beginning of the meeting on register at the entrance of the Commission Room. Public Comments are for any topic not on the agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at the Commission’s discretion.

VIII.     AppearancesMust be scheduled with the City Clerk at least (1) week prior to the meeting             

              you wish to address the Commission. You will be scheduled on the agenda to speak on your topic.

  1. Matthew Wells/Bourbon County Community Theatre – Temporary Park Closure – Riverfront Park – October 26, 2024, 6:00PM – 9:00PM – ‘Voices From The Grave’


  1. Kathy Brennon/Executive Director/Southeast Kansas Area Agency on AgingMeals on Wheels


  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Consideration of Building at 118 E. Wall Continued from September 9, 2024, Special City Commission Meeting – waiting on requested documents from owner.







  1. New Business

Action Items:

  1. Consideration of Certificate of Appropriateness – 12 N. Main St. – Alteration to Existing Structure – Design Review Board meeting on September 13, 2024.
  2. Consideration to Go Out For Bids for External IT Services
  3. Consideration of Bids for Reinvestment of $1,000,000.00 from Wastewater Fund for six (6)-Month CD – Four (4) bids received: Citizens Bank, City State Bank, Landmark National Bank and UMB Bank.
  4. Consideration of Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Earles Engineering & Inspection, Inc. and Sprouls Construction, Inc. Dickman
  5. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering & Inspection, Inc. and Sprouls Construction – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Payment Application No. 5 – $8,075.00
  6. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering & Inspection, Inc. and Sprouls Construction – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Payment Application No. 6 FINAL (Retainage) – $10,397.85
  7. Request to Schedule a Special Meeting (September 23, 2024) to Consider RFPs for Consultant to Airport Projects within the Next Five (5) Years.


  1. Reports and Comments
  2. City Manager Comments
  3. Engineering Comments
  4.  Commissioners Comments
  5. City Attorney Comments


XII.     Adjourn


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