Post 25 Scuttlebutt
American Legion Fort Scott Thompson-Harkey Post 25 is in 2nd place in 2nd District membership. Department membership numbers have Post at 64 members or 84.21%.
Our 2020 membership goal is 76. We are currently 12 members short of 100%. Help Post 25 reach 100% by renewing your membership or recruiting a new member.
Post 25 received the “Early Bird” award for attaining 75% membership by September 15th. Thanks to the members who helped Post 25 reach this milestone. I believe that only two 2nd District Posts received this membership award.
With the signing of the LEGION Act, any honorably discharged Veteran who served one day of active duty since December 7, 1941 can now join the American Legion. Please reach out to any eligible Veterans you may know and ask them to join the Fort Scott American Legion. Many eligible Veterans have never joined the American Legion simply because they have never been invited.
You can easily renew online at www.legion.org. It’s safe and secure and takes less than five minutes
You can also mail in your $40.00 renewal to the Post 25 Finance Officer.
Darrell Spencer
1183 185TH ST
Fort Scott, Ks, 66701.
I can also arrange to meet with you to pick up your renewal. I’m retired so I can easily work around your schedule to meet you, but no 3 AM meetings please!
Post 25’s recent Taurus raffle earned $635, which pays for two Legion program scholarships for local high school students.

As Myra and I travel to other 2nd District American Legion Posts in her position as 2nd District Vice Commander, we have observed that other Posts have unique ways of fundraising to support their Veterans and children and youth programs. One Post does an annual pancake feed. Another Post has the concessions at their community’s high school athletics events. A third Post offers community bingo as a fundraiser.
As your Post Commander and in consultation with the Executive Committee, we have scheduled a “Toy/Comic Books/Sports Cards Show.” For a few hours work on a Saturday, we will be able to raise enough money to support at least one of our children and youth programs.
Darrell Spencer and Post 25 Color Guard will operate the concession stands to generate funding for items needed by the Post 25 Color Guard.
Marilyn Matthews, Post 25 Adjutant, has pulled together a team to collect admissions and promote community awareness of the Fort Scott American Legion.
Volunteers are needed to help set up the tables at Buck Run for the toy show. Plus, Volunteers are needed to be available during the show from 9 am – 3 pm. Please let me know of your willingness to help make this Post 25 fundraiser a success.
Upcoming Events
October 17, 2019. Blood Drive at Buck Run Community Center. 1 – 7 pm. Call 620-223-5946 to schedule an appointment.
October 18, 2019. Blood Drive at Buck Run Community Center. 9 am – 1 pm. Call 620-223-5946 to schedule an appointment.
November 2, 2019. Fort Scott American Legion Post 25 Vintage Toy/Comic Books/Sports Cards Show from 9 am – 3 pm. See attached flyer for more information.
January 31 – February 2, 2020. Department of Kansas Midwinter Forum at Fort Scott.
Informational Items
Additional shuttle drivers are needed. The VA-provided shuttle now transports dialysis patients to Pittsburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays plus area Veterans for VA hospital appointments on Mondays and Thursdays. Call or email me for more information on becoming a shuttle driver.
Auxiliary Unit 25’s first outreach program is to provide support to Veteran mothers of newborn babies at the Topeka VA Medical Center. They are currently collecting needed items for newborns and all donations are greatly appreciated. Diapers, body wash and shampoos, blankets and clothing are among the items requested. Call Unit 25 Vice President Marilyn Gilmore at 785.214.5618 for more information or to donate items.
A special thanks to Mrs. Dorothy Taylor for providing the photos and video.
Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.
Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander.