Category Archives: Schools

Uniontown School District Minutes of July 11


Uniontown, Kansas 66779

REGULAR MEETING                                                   11 JULY 2022


The Board of Education of Uniontown Unified School District 235, State of Kansas, met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. in the BOE room in Uniontown, Kansas.


Board members present:  Jason Sutterby, Sally Johnson, Brian Stewart, Troy Goodridge,

Mike Mason and Tyler Martin


Board members absent: Josh Hartman


Others present for all or portions of the meeting:  Vance Eden, Sherri Hartman, Tammy Townsend, Tema Gilion, Tammy Helm, Fort Scott Tribune, Scott Sutton and Tim Endicott


Sutterby called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Sutterby then led the group in the flag salute.


Eden read the District Mission Statement.


Johnson, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes: Consent Agenda Item C; Vance Eden as Title IV, Title I and Title II Administrator.

Motion passed 6-0.


Johnson, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2022 Regular meeting and Special (Republished Budget) meeting.

Motion passed 6-0.


Goodridge, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to nominate Jason Sutterby for President.

Motion passed 5-1. (Sutterby abstained)


Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to cease nominations.

Motion passed 5-1. (Sutterby abstained)


Johnson, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to nominate Mike Mason for Vice-President.

Motion passed 5-1. (Mason abstained)


Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to cease nominations.

Motion passed 5-1. (Mason abstained).


Johnson, seconded by Martin, made a motion to approve the Consent agenda as amended.

Motion passed 6-0.




Uniontown USD 235 – Regular Meeting – July 11, 2022 – Page 2


  1. Approve and pay bills on the computer printout $487,808.56.
  2.   Approve the June 2022 Treasurer’s Report.
  3. Approve the following appointments for 2022-2023:

Clerk of the Board:  Sherri Hartman

Deputy Clerk of the Board:  Charlene Bolinger

Treasurer:  Chad Holt

Attorney:  KASB

Ex-officio member of Vocational Agriculture Advisory council:

Jason Sutterby

Elementary attendance officer and Truancy Reporter (KSA 72-1113):

Tema Gilion

Secondary attendance officer, Truancy Reporter (KSA 72-1113):

special project director and Title IX Coordinator:

Tracy Smith

KPERS Representative and Freedom of Information Officer:

Sherri Hartman

School lunch Hearing Officer:  Vance Eden

Homeless/Migrant Liaison:  Vance Eden

Foster Care Liaison:  Tema Gilion and Tracy Smith

Title IV, Title I and Title II Administrator: Vance Eden

Bank Depository:  Union State Bank

District Newspaper: The Fort Scott Tribune

Governmental relations contact: Mike Mason

  1. Adopt the waiver of generally accepted accounting principles

including fixed asset accounting for 2022-2023. (KSA 9-1401)

  1. Adopt 1,116 hours as the minimum school-in-session criteria for 2022-2023.

(KSA 72-1106)

  1. Adopt the resolution for rescinding policy statements found in board minutes

in 2022-2022.  (Resolution 2-2023)

  1. Approve the adoption of policies and governance rules of USD 235 per

Existing Board policies and rules.  (Resolution 3-2023)

  1. Adopt the Home Rule Resolution.
  2. Approve no charge for textbook rental for 2022-2023. (KSA 72-4141)
  3. Establish mileage reimbursement rate at .44 cents per mile. No mileage will

be paid if a district vehicle is available. (KSA 72-8208a)

  1. Approve resolution to establish the following petty cash limits for 2022-2023:

(Resolution 4-2023)

Uniontown High School                      $1000.00

BOE                                                       $500.00

  1. Adopt the resolution to establish activity funds (Resolution 5-2023)
  2. Adopt the resolution giving permission to destroy school records for

2017-2018 year. (federally supported program records only) (Resolution


  1. Adopt an early payment request policy. (KSA 72-12-105b)






Uniontown USD 235 – Regular Meeting – July 11, 2022 – Page 3


  1. Set Board of Education meeting dates of 08/08/2022, 09/12/2022,

10/10/2022, 11/14/2022, 12/12/2022, 01/09/23, 02/13/23, 03/13/23,

04/10/23, 05/15/23, 06/12/23 and 07/10/23. (KSA 72-8205).


No patron asked to speak to the board.


Associate Superintendent Eden gave the board an update on the budget, Health Insurance Renewal, KASB Policy updates, ESSER III Plans, surplus property, Needs Assessment and the Revenue Neutral Tax Rate Resolution.


Johnson, seconded by Martin, made a motion to approve the June 2022 KASB policy updates.

Motion passed 6-0.


Martin, seconded by Mason, made a motion to approve the disposal of Surplus Equipment.

Motion passed 6-0.


Johnson, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to notify the county clerk that we will exceed and will hold a Revenue Tax Rate hearing.

Motion passed 6-0.


Johnson, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to go into executive session to discuss an individual employee’s performance pursuant to non-elected personnel exception under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume at 8:40 p.m.

Motion passed 6-0.


Into Executive Session at 8:20 p.m.

Eden was invited into session.

Out of Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.


Johnson, seconded by Mason, made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the latest proposal for increasing the base pay rate from the teachers pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA and the open meeting will resume in the Boardroom at 8:55 p.m.

Motion passed 6-0.


Into Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.

Eden was invited into session.

Out of Executive Session at 8:55 p.m.






Uniontown USD 235 – Regular Meeting – July 11, 2022 – Page 4


Johnson, seconded by Martin, made a motion to accept the resignation of Robyn Ayers effective immediately.

Motion passed 6-0.


Martin, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to hire Pam Kimrey as UHS secretary for the 2022-2023 school year.

Motion passed 6-0.


Johnson, seconded by Mason, made a motion to approve Bret Howard as the Superintendent of Record for 2022-2023 under the terms of agreed upon contract.

Motion passed 6-0.


Martin, seconded by Goodridge, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion passed 6-0.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.




Date minutes approved ______________________





President, Board of Education




Attested:  Clerk, Board of Education


The next regular board meeting is Monday, August 8, 2022.








Winfield Scott Assistant Principal: Krystle Mayginnes

Krystle Mayginnes and her family. Submitted photo.

This is part of a series profiling new educators in Bourbon County schools.

Krystle Mayginnes, 35, is the new Winfield Scott Elementary School Assistant Principal.
She earned her bachelor’s degree in English Secondary Education from Kansas Wesleyan University, a master’s degree in Educational Administration from Emporia State University,  and currently is  in her second year as a Educational Leadership Doctoral student at Baker University.
Mayginnes has taught 11 years of  secondary language arts.
She and her husband, James have an 11-year-old daughter, Klaire and a 2-year-old son, Jimmy.  Salina is where she grew up.
Mayginnes has a variety of interests when not in school.
“I love to volunteer at the library and animal shelter,” she said.  “As a family, we enjoy being outdoors including fishing, camping.  My husband and I love to attend Bluegrass Festivals whenever we are able.  Personally, I love to read and enjoy talking about and collecting books.”
Why did you become an educator?
“I have always had a love of school.  My mom always talks about how when I was little I used to play school with my siblings, and I was always the teacher.  I went into leadership because I think that teaching is the most noble profession, and I want to be a part of helping teachers become the best that they can be while also helping students.”
Did someone inspire you?
“I have always been inspired by the teachers/professors that I have learned from throughout my educational experience including my teacher colleagues who have helped me become a better teacher and a better leader.”
What is the best thing about being an educator?
“The best thing about being an educator is that I get to hang out with kids all day.  Our youth are such a precious commodity, and I get to be a part of helping them discover who they are, and who they want to become.”
What is a challenge?
“I think the most challenging thing about being an educator is that there are lots of things that we cannot control in the world.  We have students who are coming from all different backgrounds and experiences, and we have to teach them all.”

U234 News Release



Monday, July 13, 2022


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at their offices on Monday, July 11, 2022, for their regular monthly meeting.

President James Wood opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.  The old board adjourned Sine Die with reorganization of the new board.  Danny Brown was elected president, and Kellye Barrows was elected vice-president for the 2022-23 school year.

The board also approved the consent agenda:


A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – June 17, 2022 – $1,799,386.85

D.    Financial Report

E.     Activity fund accounts­­­­­­

F.     Designation of banks for deposit of school funds

G.    Designation of newspaper for official school publications – The Fort Scott Tribune

H.    Officers for the 2022-23 school year

I.      Recreation Commission board member terms

J.      Resolution for Waiver of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

K.    Resolution for Rescinding Policy Statements Found in Board Minutes

L.     Resolution to Establish Home Rule by Board of Education

M.   Resolution to set dates and times for board meetings

N.    Resolution for Destruction of Records

O.    Resolution for Bank Account Signers

P.     Set fees for copying of records

Q.    Mileage reimbursement rate – current state mileage rate

R.    Point of information – July 25 – 5:30 p.m. – Special Board Meeting

S.     2022-23 Salary Schedule correction


Dalaina Smith, Assistant Superintendent, and Gina Shelton, Board Clerk/Finance Director, shared reports with the board.

David Stewart was selected as the REDI representative.

The board approved the following


·       2022-23 district handbooks

·       Notification to the County Clerk that the district will not be revenue neutral this year

·       Homeschool students participating in district student activities policy

·       Classified salary schedule


Board members set a date of August 1 at 5:30 p.m. for a budget presentation, and the date of August 22 at 5:30 p.m. for a Revenue Neutral Hearing and the 2022-23 budget hearing.

There were no comments in the public forum section.  The board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel.  The board returned to open meeting and approved the following employment matters:


a.      Employment of Dennis Dennigan as a high school special education teacher for the 2022-23 school year

b.     Employment of Karleigh Schoenberger as a high school assistant volleyball coach for the 2022-23 school year

c.      Placement of Mike Krull, high school head boys’ basketball coach, on Step 29 of the Supplemental Salary Schedule

d.     Employment of Polly Mayberry as district ESOL Coordinator for the 2022-23 school year

e.      Employment of Kerri Hanson as a middle school counselor for the 2022-23 school year

f.      Employment of Toni Burton and Angela Colvin as classified employees for the 2022-23 school year


The board approved a 1% salary increase for administrators and directors.  In addition, the board approved an average 10.5% salary increase for classified employees.

The board adjourned

FSHS Reunion Back On Track: Starts June 24

All the graphics courtesy of the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce.
The upcoming Fort Scott High School All Class Reunion has been in the making for about three years.
Fort Scott High School.
“We have been planning since 2019,” Lori Potter Farmer, FSHS Alumni President said.  “The regularly scheduled reunion would have been in 2020, however with (the) COVID (pandemic) we’ve had to bump it back twice.”
 “FSHS alumni has the all school reunion every five years on the 5,” she said.  “Our next scheduled reunion will be in 2025, barring any problems.”
“The purpose (of the reunion) is to bring as many alumni back to one location, as well as their home town to gather with friends and family,” she said.  “The alumni board works really hard to get as many people back as possible and to plan a great weekend for everyone.”
“Seeing those you went to school with most of your childhood is always a great time,” Farmer said.  “Memories from the past are shared as well as new memories are made.  It’s always fun to drag out the old annuals and look at pictures of classmates as well as teachers from the past.”
Registration starts at 9 a.m. on June 24 at the Fort Scott High School Gym.

FSHS Alumni: Parade

The Fort Scott High School Alumni Association will honor two Fort Scottians during the all-class reunion parade. Fred Campbell and Don Miller were selected to be honored.

The parade starts at 5 p.m. on June 24 from the location of 4th and Judson Street to travel the typical parade route EXCEPT in light of past memories – it will be going backwards and will finish up at the high school. Classes will be displaying their class spirit as they travel south on Main Street.

The Alumni Association encourages citizens to line the parade route to welcome the alumni home.

Craig Campbell, Class of 1977, is the Parade Chairman.


U234 Board News Release



Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on June 21, 2022, for a special board meeting.

President James Wood opened the meeting and budget hearing.  There were no comments, and the budget hearing was closed.  Board members approved republishing the budget.

The board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and returned to open meeting.  Board members approved the following employment items:


A.    Resignation of James Harrison, high school paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

B.    Employment of Michael Freeze as a high school paraprofessional for the 2022-23 school year

C.    Employment of Lacey Miles as a 6.5-hour Eugene Ware cook for the 2022-23 school year

D.    Employment of Janet Fairbanks as a middle school teacher for the 2022-23 school year


The board adjourned.


FSHS All Classes Reunion June 24-26

The FSHS All Classes Reunion
is coming next weekend,
June 24th-26th!
(The Chamber encourages all locals to be ready to welcome alumni home by making sure the area around your
business and residence is spruced up and welcoming!)
See below for the full schedule of events for the
all-class activities, then many individual classes
have their own events planned, too!
TODAY is the last day to purchase Chicken Dinner tix,
see below.
Today is the last day to purchase chicken dinner tickets for the
All Classes Reunion.
Schedule of events below.
Fort Scott High School
All Classes Reunion Schedule
June 24-26th, 2022
Friday, June 24th
Friday, June 24th | 9am-4pm
Reunion Parade
Friday, June 24th
Starts at 5pm
Click here to enter parade.
Chicken Dinner
Friday, June 24th, 6pm
FSHS Commons Area
The All-Star Reunion Band
Friday, June 24th | 8pm-12am
The Liberty Theatre
*Cash Bar Only
Saturday, June 25th
Saturday, June 25th | 9am-12pm
Luncheon for Classes 1950 & Earlier
Saturday, June 25th | 11:30am
FSHS Commons Area
Teacher Reception
Saturday, June 25th | 3-5pm
FSHS Commons Area
Rock Sanctuary & Bourbon County Revival
Saturday, June 25th | 8pm
Liberty Theatre
*Cash bar only
The Crayons
60’s-70’s Era Band
Saturday, June 25th | 8pm
Skubitz Plaza
The Stolen Winnebago’s
80’s-90’s Era Band
Saturday, June 25th | 8pm
3rd & Main
Thank you to our Chamber Champions listed below!

New School Administrator Series: Tema Gilion

Tema Gilion. Submitted photo.

This is part of a series helping the public get to know the new school administrators in Bourbon County.


Tema Gilion, is the new West Bourbon Elementary School Principal, Uniontown. She is replacing Vance Eden, who is the new USD 235 Superintendent.
West Bourbon Elementary School, Uniontown.
Gilion completed her administrative preparation program at Pittsburg State University.
She has experience in elementary, middle and high school teaching-1st and 3rd general education, 5th grade math, high school Spanish and English as a Second Language and a sub-director and teacher at a private bilingual school.
When not teaching she loves traveling, reading, gardening, and time with family.
Her hometown is Carthage, MO.
Why did you become an educator?
“I was privileged to have some amazing teachers in the Carthage school system who inspired me to become a teacher. I’ve always loved school and learning, so becoming an educator was a very natural path for me to follow.”
I enjoy seeing students learn and grow academically as well as in character. Inspiring students to be life-long learners is something for which I strive as an educator.

News Release from USD 234



Monday, June 13, 2022


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at their offices on Monday, June 13, 2022, for their regular monthly meeting.

President James Wood opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.  The board also approved the consent agenda:


A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – May 20, 2022 – $1,554,551.40

D.    Financial Report

E.     Activity fund accounts­­­­­­

F.     Fundraiser applications

G.    Extended trip applications

H.    Site Council reports

I.      2022-23 Site Council members; dates and times of meetings

J.      2021-22 Gifts

K.    Point of Information – Special Board Meeting – June 21 – 5:30 p.m – Budget hearing


Mike Trim, SRO Officer, spoke in the public forum section of the meeting.  Dalaina Smith, Academic Director; and Gina Shelton, Board Clerk/Finance Director, shared reports with board members.


The board approved the following

·       Renewal of property, general liability, employment, cyber, and automobile insurance with KERMP

·       Computer pre-bid purchase

·       2022-23 MAP renewal for math, reading, and science

·       Eureka math proposal

·       PLC Professional Development proposal for 2022-23

·       1,116-hour calendar for the 2022-23 school year

·       KASB Board Policy updates


The board tabled approval of handbooks.  The board reviewed the Last Day Enrollment Count report.  Board members shared comments and then went into an executive session to discuss employer-employee negotiations.  The board returned to open session and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel.  The board returned to open meeting and approved ratification of the 2022-23 negotiated agreement, Resolution 21-14 – final action on the nonrenewal of a teacher’s contract, and the following employment matters:


a.      Retirement of Sue Ann Fredericksen, high school special education teacher, effective July 1, 2022

b.     Resignation of Lora Jett as a high school English teacher for the 2022-23 school year

c.      Resignation of Angelica Gonzales, middle school paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

d.     Resignation of Sarah Long as a high school paraprofessional for the 2022-23 school year

e.      Fort Scott Middle School content positions for 2022-23

f.      Resignation of Andon Prestley, Eugene Ware paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

g.     Transfer of Moriah Dillow, Winfield Scott focus room teacher, to Winfield Scott kindergarten teacher for the 2022-23 school year

h.     Transfer of John Metcalf, middle school Student Success Center teacher, to middle school elective teacher for the 2022-23 school year

i.       Transfer of Brendon Blackburn, middle school elective teacher, to middle school Student Success Center teacher for the 2022-23 school year

j.       Leave of absence request from Peyton Guiles, Eugene Ware special education teacher

k.     Clarification for Assistant Superintendent position

l.       Change in work agreement for Rhonda Dawson, high school activities secretary/district treasurer, and Angie DeLaTorre, high school secretary/registrar for the 2022-23 school year

m.   Addition of a district ESOL Coordinator for the 2022-23 school year

n.     Employment of Sarah Hendricks as a Eugene Ware fourth grade teacher for the 2022-23 school year

o.     Employment of Samantha Short as a middle school teacher for the 2022-23 school year

p.     Employment of Michael Krull as a high school physical education teacher and head boys’ basketball coach for the 2022-23 school year

q.     Employment of Chad Ruddick as a high school English teacher for the 2022-23 school year

r.      Employment of Sarah Shaw as a preschool paraprofessional for the 2022-23 school year

s.      Employment of central office classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

t.       Employment of technology classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

u.     Employment of food service classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

v.     Employment of transportation classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

w.    Employment of maintenance classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

x.     Employment of Fort Scott High School classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

y.     Employment of Fort Scott Middle School classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

z.      Employment of Eugene Ware classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

aa.   Employment of Winfield Scott classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

bb.  Employment of Fort Scott Preschool Center classified personnel for the 2022-23 school year

cc.   Employment of district supplemental personnel for the 2022-23 school year

dd.  Employment of Fort Scott High School supplemental personnel for the 2022-23 school year

ee.   Employment of Fort Scott Middle School supplemental personnel for the 2022-23 school year

ff.    Employment of Eugene Ware supplemental personnel for the 2022-23 school year

gg.  Employment of Fort Scott Preschool Center supplemental personnel for the 2022-23 schoolyear

hh.  Resignation of Whitley Chesney as the director of the high school musical, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

ii.     Rescinded resignation from Elizabeth Rose, preschool paraprofessional

jj.     Transfer of Elizabeth Rose, preschool paraprofessional, to high school paraprofessional for the 2022-23 school year

kk.  Transfer of Dixie Jackson, high school paraprofessional, to a 12-month custodian position for the 2022-23 school year

ll.     Employment of Anthony Ogle as a 12-month custodian for the 2022-23 school year

mm.        Transfer of Nick Johnson, middle school teacher, to Fort Scott Preschool Principal for the 2022-23 school year, and the resignation of Nick Johnson as a middle school assistant football and middle school assistant basketball coach for the 2022-23 school year


The board adjourned


Smith Returns As Uniontown Junior/Senior High School Principal

Tracy Smith and wife, Teresa. Submitted photo.
This is part of a series helping the public get to know the new school administrators in Bourbon County.
 Tracy Smith, 64, was hired as the 2022-23 Uniontown Junior High/High School Principal.
Smith earned his Bachelor of Arts in Art Education from Ottawa in 1979 and his Masters In School Administration in 1992 from Pittsburg State University for Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade.
He was an Art Teacher/Coach at Louisburg (1979-82),
Art Teacher, Athletic Director, Coach at Maize (1982-85),
Assoc. Director of Development at Ottawa University (1985-87),
and previously served at Uniontown Schools-(1987-2015) at the K-12 Art/Coach (87-92,) JH/HS Principal (1992-2010)and West Bourbon Elementary School Principal (2010-15).
He has been married to Teresa for 34 years and has three adult children, all married, all graduates of UHS: Dain, Kaity, and Abbie.
“We  have seven grandchildren plus #8 arriving in August from my son in California,” he said.
“Since my retirement seven years ago I have been actively involved in the United Methodist Church,” he said.  “I am a local licensed pastor and currently serve three area churches: Bronson, Moran, and Mildred UMC’s.”
In his spare time he spends time with grandkids, woodworking, art projects, and officiating volleyball and is a track starter with the Kansas State High School Athletic Association.
His hometown is Richmond, Kansas.
Why did you become an educator? 
“Art has always been a gift that I’ve had and it was/is something that was a natural fit. Teaching/showing/leading others has also been a gift.  My career has been enjoyable and I’ve never been disappointed any day.  I like and step up to the challenges each and every day in working with my team of teachers and our kids we are assigned to lead.”
Did someone inspire you?
“I come from a long line of teachers in my family.  Grandfather French Booher was a principal in southeast Kansas. My  Grandmother and Mother we’re both teachers. Teresa my wife, now retired, was a lifetime teacher and Kaity, my daughter is also this year returning to teaching (5th grade) at WBE.”
What is the best thing about being an educator?
“Making a difference with kids.  That’s what it is all about. Period.  Being part of a group of professional educators  is a great inspiration for me. Watching them bring a kid from A to Z is exciting and a blessing to be associated with these teachers. Uniontown has always been a great place/school.  Time after time, the Eagles prove success in college readiness, vocational success, and leadership skills when they leave us.”
What is a challenge?
“Change.  Happens every day.  Global, Society, Requirements from Fed, State….  For me to create a environment of success, top down, where all children can be safe, comfortable and hungry to learn and to succeed is my personal goal.  I feel stepping back into the ‘U’ I have a little advantage, due to a long relationship with the parents in the past, and yet with my tenure, at some point grandparents….I’m old, I admit.  We all need to work together, because bottom line, it’s about your kids, our future and our heritage of having one of the best school systems in Kansas. ‘Go Eagles’.”

New School Admin Series: Zach Johnson

This is part of a series helping the public get to know the new school administrators in Bourbon County.
Zach Johnson is the new Fort Scott Middle School Principal. Submitted photo.
Zach Johnson, 34, is the new Fort Scott Middle School Head Principal.
Fort Scott Middle School.
Johnson received his bachelors and masters degree from Evangel University in Springfield MO and also has a doctorate degree in educational leadership from Lindenwood University in St. Charles MO.
“The past four years I have served as the Activities Director/Assistant Principal at Field Kindley High School in Coffeyville,” he said. “Before that I taught technology courses, physical education, construction and manufacturing, in Neosho MO. I also served as the head baseball coach for three years in Pleasant Hope, Mo just north of Springfield.”
He is married to Bethany and have three kids Cole, Greyson, and Sadie.
“Cole will begin kindergarten in the fall,” he said. “My wife is from Liberal MO. She has worked for a non for profit counseling clinic out of Springfield. However, she has been a stay at home mom for the past six years.”
His  interests include spending as much time with family as possible. “We enjoy just about anything outdoors such as hunting, fishing, sports, and hiking,” he said. “We also enjoy having our kids in sports and attending their events throughout the year.”
Johnson’s hometown is Willard MO.
Why did you become an educator?
“I became an educator to make a positive difference in the lives of the people around me. I believe education provides a platform to impact people in a way that can be transformational.”
Did someone inspire you?
“I had a baseball coach in high school that was influential in my life during that time and is still influential to this day.”
What is the best thing about being an educator?
“The best thing about being an educator is the lifelong relationships that are built with kids and staff.”
What is a challenge?
I believe a challenge is the impact that COVID has had on education.”