Category Archives: Kansas

Governor Candidates Speak at Forum

Shirley Palmer answers questions about Josh Svaty prior to the candidate forum.

There are 12 candidates for governor of Kansas, four spoke at the 2018 Candidates Forum at Fort Scott High School July 31.

The following are excerpts from opening comments  that were given:

One spokesperson, Shirley Palmer, did so for Josh Svaty. When Palmer served as a representative,  she knew Svaty to be articulate, and “making a difference,” she said. He is a Kansas farmer, married with four children. Savty is able to unify Kansas. “Want to make a change…(and are ready) to move this state forward.”

Arden Andersen: He was a vo-ag teacher initially, is a doctor,  and flight doctor, and has served in the military.  “I am tired of a broken health care system, I have answers to solve that system…To make health care available to everyone from the least to the greatest.” Additionally “We need to get more money into the classroom for supplies and paraprofessionals.”

Lynn Rogers: He is running for lieutenant governor with Laura Kelly as governor. He is a senator,  worked for a farm credit business, married with three children and three grandchildren, was on the Wichita School Board for over 16 years. “Services… are not being performed…roads.. and schools are falling apart.” “We are ready to work for you right away.”

Patrick Kucera: He is an entrepreneurial evangelist. Married 28 years with six children.  He is a visionary leader, not a manager.

Ken Selzer: He attended K-State, married 38 years, CPA, business man, Conservative, pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment,  and is the current state insurance commissioner. While in office he reduced the size of the office,  reduced costs to the state, and improved customer service.

Question 1: The Supreme Court has said legislative funding for education is deficient. How would you propose it be financed?

Andersen:  Diversity is needed in the state, other sources, perhaps tourism, getting the economy going. Medical marijuana helps with the opioid crises, he said, as a doctor. There isn’t one thing that will solve all problems. Health care and the prison system need to be overhauled. These are ideas to get more revenue.

Rogers: Legislature did that this year. “We did that through overturning the unfair Brownback tax experiment.” “We had 400,000  people who weren’t paying taxes. We have made it a fairness issue… We balanced the budget this year. As a state, we have begged borrow and stolen from every fund.”

Kucera:  He said entrepreneurs create revenue and an evangelist creates a revival and he is creating a revival of revenue. Wants to redefine what revenue is: not taxation. “I’m the agricultural hemp guy in this race. We are an agricultural economy. I believe that revival of revenue is coming from industrial hemp.”

Selzer: Lean in on costs. Operate more effectively. Make Kansas grow. “We have to think more broadly. That will solve some of our funding problems.”

Question 2: What would you do to improve rural Kansas hospitals?

Rogers: Expand Medicaid, it would cover $1.2 million and create thousands of jobs.  Another idea: Ark  City pays a 1.5 percent sales tax to fund their hospital.

Kucera: “Agricultural, industrial hemp. A plant that can be grown, create jobs, make property tax grow up. That is the answer.”

Selzer: “A natural selection of hospitals…. sometimes yields a better result.” “Some rural hospitals will affiliate with larger hospitals.” “We need to be careful what we do with Medicaid Expansion., it’s incredibly expensive.”

Anderson: Some insurances cost $1,000 to $2,000 per month and with deductibles $5,000-10,000, he said. “you essentially don’t have insurance”. The medical system has to be overhauled and suggested looking at the Australian model.

Question 3: Would you lower the property tax?

Kucera: The state must make more and spend less. The more money you have in your tax, the more the economy will grow. The government should be more entrepreneurial.

Seltzer: Absolutely, we will take a business approach…increase the economy.

Anderson: Pproperty tax is not fair to seniors and lower social economic level.

Rogers: Many weren’t paying taxes, the tax burden was pushed on cities and counties. A county’s biggest expenses are law enforcement and mental health, those costs have been pushed from state to local level and are unfair.

Closing remarks:

Seltzer: He is a successful business man and has a government background. He has improved costs and productivity as the current insurance commissioner. “I have released my tax returns, you need to lead by example.” He has a farm and is connected to rural Kansas.

Anderson:” It’s important to understand there are a number of things we need to overhaul. Health care is the no.1 issue nationwide. It’s important to turn this thing around in three ways: 1) De-privatize, 2) go after drug costs,3) go after radiology and laboratory costs.

Twenty-percent of children have developmental delay in our classrooms, caused by mercury, aluminum, pesticides and industrial chemicals.” We won’t be able to train them…. and who will take care of them when their parents no longer can.”

Rogers: “We will be out in state visiting on a regular basis… Laura Kelley has fought back. Kansas deserves better service. We want to get to work for you as a no-nonsense problem solver.”

Candidate forum attendees were greeted by candidates in the hall of Fort Scott High School.

Kucera:  A change of direction in the state is needed.  Hemp can be converted into 50,000 products. Those will create jobs and farmers will have hope again. He is a visionary leader.



Treasurer, Senate District 13 and Commissioner of Insurance Comments At Candidates Forum July 31

The candidates for  State Treasurer, Senate District 13 and Commissioner of Insurance were among the 25 candidates to speak at the July 31 Candidate Forum at Fort Scott High School.

Following are excerpts from their responses to questions submitted to the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce and read to the candidates by the moderator, Tim McKenney.

Marci Francisco, a candidate for state treasurer, said she received a warm welcome from Fort Scott when she completed the Bike Across Kansas this summer.

Marci Francisco speaks about the state treasurer position she is vying for.

Francisco is a 4th generation Kansan,  had a career at KU,  was on the  Lawrence City Commission in 1979, mayor of Lawrence from ’81-’83, has non-profit involvement,  serves as a tax partner for a small business, State Senator from 2004-2018 serving on the ways and means and assessment and tax committee.

“The state treasurer has the responsibility for overseeing the receipts and expenditures of the state. We should ask for those reports to be placed on the website and ….provide search tools for those reports.”

She said the recent governors have spent more than the state took in. She wants to promote financial literacy and also help return unclaimed property.


Commissioner of Insurance: Two candidates answered questions at the forum.

Although not present, candidate Clark Shultz sent a spokesperson to say to the forum that Schultz is pro-life, pro 2nd Amendment and has Insurance experience, served in the  House and Senate and is currently the state assistant insurance commissioner.

Candidate Vickie Schmidt is married, has two sons and two grandsons, has been a pharmacist for 40 years, and is a Kansas Senator representing Shawnee County and Wabaunsee county. “I know first hand what our rising health care costs have done to our families and our seniors.

Nathaniel McLaughlin said he came to Kansas in 1983…The Kansas State emblem caught his attention..a picture with a man with hands on the plow. His background is hard work, faith in God and respect for neighbor.

Vickie Schmidt answers a question from the moderator, while Nathaniel McLaughlin listens.

The moderator asked the candidates to tell what the position does, with the following responses:

Schmidt: The Insurance Commissioner enforces the regulations that insurance companies are required to abide by and should be an advocate for citizens. She has a track record of fighting for taxpayers, she stated. She said she has the support of Bob Dole.

McLaughlin: Regulate, advocate and educate is the mission statement of the insurance commissioner.  McLaughlin has a business background with Marriott. He has a concern with the way Medicare is spent and said he would promote for private insurance.

Two candidates are in the Kansas Senate District 13 primary, Richard Hilderbrand and Bryan Hoffman.

Following is excerpts from their opening remarks at the forum:

Richard Hilderbrand has been the District 13 Senator for two years. There needs to be a fiscally accountable representative, and he believes he has been.

Bryan Hoffman said he was raised on a farm, is a carpenter,  is a rancher with100 head of cattle and has never been in politics.

Question 1: Funding the educational system?

Hoffman: Adequately fund the education system but hold them accountable.  We have been dismantled by the Brownback administration.

Hilderbrand:  The biggest cuts were pre-Brownback. There was a 13.5- percent cut in k-12 education by the governor at the time. We have to make sure the funding is going into the classroom. We have to improve our economy.

Question 2: Anything that can be done to lower property taxes?

Hilderbrand: The legislature must stop passing unfunded mandates to schools, cities, and counties, which puts the burden farther down the road.

Hoffman: We have given away 2.5 billion dollars that the citizens… have paid in federal taxes. We can use that to fund these things and still lower our property taxes. Better-paying jobs are needed in Kansas.

Question 2: Are you in support of funding abortions?

Hoffman: No

Hilderbrand: Absolutely not.

Closing remarks:

Hildebrand: The right to vote shouldn’t be taken for granted.  I do appreciate your vote. Look at previous voting records.

Hoffman: I will fight hard for Southeast Kansas, if I have a question about teachers, I’m going to call a teacher, etc.

Kansas Secretary of State Candidates Speak July 31 On Issues

Craig McCullah answers questions while Keith Esau and Dennis Taylor listen.

The following are comments from the Kansas Secretary of State candidates at the forum held July 31 at Fort Scott High School.

Opening remarks:

Keith Esau: He has been a State Representative for six years from Olathe. He has a carerr of developing and designing comupter software. He believes  the position requires technology expertise and he would bring that.

Dennis Taylor: He is a businessman, was a county commissioner, ran the state dept. of labor and state dept. of administration, and ” nobody else in this race has those credentials.”

Craig Mccullah: Has been the deputy secretary of state.” we’ve saved the agency $400,000 a year.”  He made it “easier to start operating and growing your business in Kansas.”

Question 1: What is the extent of voter fraud in Kansas and what can be done about it?

Esau: Voter fraud is less frequent in Kansas.  Voter ID stopped much of voter fraud. There is prosecution now to deter voter fraud.

Taylor: No one really knows, because nobody checks.  We need to audit eligibility.

McCullah: He went through the 2016 Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center to become the first voter fraud investigator in the history of the secretary of state’s office, and found that there is some malicious double-voting.  Voter education is key.

Question 3: What can be done to streamline business filings in the state?

Taylor: Work on each agency doing ” its own thing.” More cooperation between agencies, less infighting.

McCullah:  He built a system form finder to simplify.  If elected he is going to streamline it further to where one only has to fill out a name once and pay all fees in one spot.

Esau:  He will make forms easier to use and share info between agencies. This is where his expertise lies. He wants to improve interface on the web.

Question 3: What is the most important function of the Secretary of State?

Craig:  Leadership to make it easier, and get out front of the problem before it happens.

Esau: Keep accurate records and make them accessible. He got a bill through to audit electronic ballot machines with a paper trail.

Taylor: Management and he has 30 years of management experience in private business and county and state government.

Closing remarks:

Esau: He is a software engineer, has been in the state legislature where he sponsored election bills for fair elections. A technology professional, he knows how to work with government and citizens.

Taylor: There is a need to audit elections, and back it up with paper ballots, and to verify systems security.

Mccullah:  He will  protect the electoral process. He sees the opportunity to make the state the best to do business in. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of the job and loves the agency.

Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Teenagers: Lifting Young Families Toward Excellence

KDHE Announces HHS Grant For Adolescents and Young Adults

The grant will be used for the Lifting Young Families Toward Excellence Program


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has been awarded a $941,475 grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Adolescent Health to provide parent education and life-skills support to pregnant and parenting teenagers and young adults through the Lifting Young Families Toward Excellence (LYFTE) project.

Key partners in delivering LYFTE services include the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, the Geary Community Healthcare Foundation and Baby Talk Pregnancy and Newborn Education of Sedgwick County. Program goals include developing a support network for young parents and their families, integrating strategies that reinforce parenting skills and enhance family relationships, fostering the economic stability of young families through education completion and employment, and improving relationship-related skills among young parents.

A comprehensive process and outcome evaluation conducted by the University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research (KU-CPPR) will ensure accountability through quality improvement and performance monitoring throughout this project. Grant writing support for this application was also provided by KU-CPPR.

“The LYFTE project provides support for young families to navigate systems, achieve health goals and move toward self-sufficiency,” said Rachel Sisson, Director of the Bureau of Family Health at KDHE. “We are excited to partner with several communities across Kansas to help young families thrive.”

The HHS Office of Adolescent Health awards grants to provide education and life-skills supports through a competitive application and review process. The opportunity, formally known as Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families grants, provides funds for programs that implement evidence-based and evidence-informed practices to help young families live full, healthy lives.

Kansas House of Representative Candidates Answer Questions

From left: Kenneth Collins, Trevor Jacob, and Lawrence Forbach listen while Adam Lusker has a turn answering a question from the moderator of the candidate forum.

The 2018 Candidate Forum took place at Fort Scott High School auditorium Tuesday night, July 31.

The forum lasted fours hours and featured 25 candidates from the national level to the county level. Tim McKenney was the moderator, Mark McCoy the timer.

This feature highlights excerpts from the Kansas House of Representative Candidates for District 2 and District 4.

District 2 Kansas House of Representative Candidates excerpts from opening remarks:

Adam Lusker is the current house representative, married,  three children, a lifelong resident of Southeast Kansas, Frontenac.

Kenneth Collins is a  military veteran, Air Force, and Army National Guard, divorced, Conservative, pro-life,  pro 2nd amendment.

District 4 Kansas House of Representative Candidates opening remarks excerpts:

Trevor Jacob is from Fort Scott,  and is pro-constitution, pro-life and is the current District 4 Representative.

Lawrence Forbach was an Eagle Scout, a Navy Veteran,  a retired union boilermaker, single, and lives in Mound City.

Question 1: Property Tax Relief?

Lusker: ” We changed last year, about 350 business owners. like my self, put back on the tax rolls… I think that will deal with some of the problems that the sheriff’s office or here in the county are dealing with, as well as local governments.”

Collins: ” I think we should look into it… cut waste from the budget…and bring more business to the state.”

Jacobs: “It’s a matter of being accountable for our spending…We need a vision change and a heart change.”

Forbach: “I don’t know that we can lower, but I think we make them more accountable… It’s not what you spend, it’s what you get for your money.”

Question 2: Are you in support of any tax dollars going toward the funding of abortions?

Collins  “Absolutely not.”

Jacobs: “Absolutely not.”

Forbach:  “I am pro-choice for women’s rights, but not with taxpayers dollars”.

Lusker: “No, I would not be in favor of  paying for that with state dollars.”

Question 3: Kansas Education Spending and how to fund it?

Jacobs: ” Right now Kansas spending on education is over 60 percent of the budget…I think the (local)school board and teachers and parents should have more involvement where that money is being allocated I think it’s best for local control”.

Forbach:  “Schools on a local level…are doing bond money to improve their schools, so there is stuff done on a local level…The schools on a state level need adequate funding…That’s where we need to make sure teachers have adequate funding.”

Lusker:  “I think we have made some incredible strides this past year to meet those funding needs… I think as money comes in, in the next few months, we’ll be able to fund our schools and meet that requirement…I’ve worked on a school board we stretched every dime we could… we need to give them the all the resources they need.”

Collins: “We should strive to keep funding on par with neighboring states…We are competing with neighboring states with taxes and education…Let local school boards decide what to do with the money they get… I would like to see our schools funded adequately.”

The candidates were allowed closing remarks:

Forbach: “We’ve heard doctors talk about hemp and the proceeds that could come from that, I’ve talked to some of the lobbyists on this and I ‘d like to see the tax revenues that come from this help schools with funds…and school lunches…There are students not having lunches.”

Jacobs: Quoted Ronald Reagan. “There are no easy answers but there are simple ones.”  He quoted the Bible,  “‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”‘.” We need to be under the authority of God…  I  believe our rights come from God and not man… I believe in small limited government with accountability to the people.”

Collins: ” I’ve been talking to people…. in different communities. I am going to go talk to ….school boards, teachers, hospitals to see what they need… A state representative is a basic level of state government… The job of the representative is to represent the people.”

Lusker: “I own a masonry company in Frontenac for 25 years… In Topeka, I’ve served in leadership roles in my house minority party… Over the past five years, I have been able to bridge the aisle in the Kansas Legislature… He quoted John Glenn: Don’t tune out, cop out, or drop out don’t give into complacency or cynicism… concentrate building on what is good.”


Statewide Broadband Mapping Project

Governor’s Office Receives Grant for Statewide Broadband Mapping Project



TOPEKA—The Information Network of Kansas (“INK”) Board of Directors has approved a $300,000 grant request by Governor Jeff Colyer, M.D. to complete a Statewide Broadband Mapping project.


The project, which will be undertaken by non-profit Connected Nation in partnership with the Governor’s Office, will prepare a statewide broadband map of wireline and wireless coverage. This map will provide the Statewide Broadband Expansion Planning Task Force, created when Governor Colyer signed Sen. Sub. for House Bill No. 2701 into law, with a snapshot of broadband coverage in the state. The map will assist the Task Force in its efforts to identify and close broadband coverage gaps in Kansas.


“Access to quality broadband services is vital for Kansas communities to compete for jobs and people, and we can’t improve what we don’t measure,” said Governor Colyer. “Producing this statewide broadband map positions our state for long-term growth in the rapidly expanding digital economy and helps us ensure that all Kansans are benefitting from these new opportunities.”


Connected Nation will produce a granular statewide broadband availability map through a data collection process in collaboration with the state’s broadband service providers, for use by the general public and the Task Force.  Connected Nation will also collect public feedback on the initial draft of the map and will deploy engineers into the field to validate service availability (or the lack thereof) based on the feedback received in order to improve the map over time.


“Just as roads, bridges, water systems, and the electrical grid serve as critical infrastructure today, so, too, is fast and reliable broadband access,” said Brent Legg, Vice President of Government Affairs at Connected Nation.  “Unfortunately, information collected on broadband at the federal level isn’t accurate or granular enough to effectively guide policymaking and get broadband to the areas that need it.  Governor Colyer recognized this need, and thanks to INK’s grant, we will now have the resources to identify and map the areas that still lack service across Kansas.”


In addition to tackling a number of broadband-related issues, the Task Force will evaluate and provide input to the mapping process based on preliminary feedback and results of Connected Nation’s work later this year.


“As Co-Chairs of the Statewide Broadband Expansion Planning Task Force, we strongly commend Governor Colyer for his initiative with this grant application and are excited to hear about the funding of the vital statewide broadband mapping project. This map will assist the Task Force as we work to expand broadband infrastructure and increase statewide access to broadband services for our fellow Kansans,” stated Senator Rob Olson and Representative Joe Seiwert, who also both chair their respective legislative chamber’s telecommunications issue committees.


Governor Colyer selected Rich Felts, President of Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB), as his at-large appointment to the Task Force. KFB was recently granted a waiver from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to challenge its Mobility Fund Phase II (MFII) eligibility map, which will determine where $4.53 billion in subsidies for LTE broadband service buildout will be directed across the country over the next 10 years. KFB is working with their members and Kansans from all over the state to conduct speed tests to show the need to increase the number of eligible areas in Kansas (see


“Kansans in every county of the state know where the shortcomings on broadband connectivity reside,” KFB President Rich Felts said. “Having an up-to-date map that accurately reflects areas that lack connectivity in both wired and wireless broadband will allow for future broadband development to improve public safety, and enhance agricultural technology, education, telemedicine and economic vitality.”


In June, the Governor’s Office received another grant from the INK Board in the amount of $225,000 to conduct professional mobile service drive testing and file its own challenge to expand eligible areas under the FCC’s MFII program. Alongside KFB, the Governor’s Office will dispute areas that are currently considered ineligible for MFII buildout support. If the challenge is successful, it could potentially unlock millions of dollars in MFII support for LTE service buildout in rural Kansas. The Governor’s Office will be working with Connected Nation to administer the drive-testing process in targeted areas believed to have limited or no cellular service today.


Also in June, Governor Colyer appointed Stanley Adams as Director of Broadband Initiatives at the Kansas Department of Commerce to work on continuing to identify broadband needs and solutions across Kansas—focusing heavily on broadband access issues facing many rural areas across the state.


“It’s critical that we have good data to understand where gaps in broadband coverage exist, with a level of detail sufficient to develop effective strategies that will result in all Kansans having access to the high quality broadband services needed to grow our economy and enhance our competitiveness” stated Mr. Adams.


The first draft of the statewide broadband availability map will be ready by December 31.  Challenges to the FCC’s MFII eligibility map are currently due on August 27, although FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has signaled that the agency may extend the deadline to November 27.


Kansas Tax Revenue 10-Percent Above Last Year

July tax collections show sustained revenue stability


TOPEKA—Tax collections show a continuation of the revenue stability displayed last fiscal year, with total taxes more than 10 percent above last July, according to the latest monthly revenue report released Wednesday.


July tax collections total $499.04 million, which is 10.03 percent over last year, and 2.33 percent, or $11.35 million over revised estimates.


“The fiscal year 2019 is starting much like we saw in the 12 months of the fiscal year 2018, with collections above estimates, and above the previous year’s intake,” Revenue Secretary Sam Williams said. “We anticipate we will keep seeing this trend in the coming months.”


Because it’s the first month of the fiscal year, July is the only report where the numbers for the month and the fiscal year are the same. Individual income tax collections were $227.69 million, or $39.21 million above last year, exceeding estimates by $7.69 million.


Sales tax collections totaled $205.75 million, which is growth $2.25 million over last year and $753,000 above estimates.


Online Access To Vital Statistic Records

Governor Colyer Announces Convenient Access

to Vital Records Through New Mobile App

KDHE latest agency to ease public access to important records, such as birth certificates


TOPEKA – Governor Jeff Colyer and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) today announced that Vital Statistics certified records are now available through the State of Kansas’ iKan app. The application allows residents to request birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates from their computer or mobile device, eliminating the need to visit a physical office in person.


In March, Governor Colyer introduced the iKan app to allow users to interact with multiple State services in a single self-service, intuitive experience from their mobile phones, tablets, and computers. At the initial launch, the app allowed Kansas residents to remotely renew their vehicle registration. The app, which now includes Vital Statistics records, makes it easy to request official documents from anywhere with an internet connection and using technology most people carry with them everywhere.


“In today’s rapidly changing world, it is becoming increasingly important that we ensure government keeps pace with innovation and that we are taking advantage of technology to provide the best possible experience to those we serve. By quickly giving Kansans access to this important information, we are taking steps to do just that,” said Governor Colyer. “I’m excited to add another State agency to the list of iKan participants.”


Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Secretary Jeff Andersen, added “iKan has already partnered with State government to facilitate vehicle registrations and other services. Today’s announcement is great news for Kansas and will make obtaining vital records much easier, while also decreasing lines and wait times in government offices.”


iKan is made available through PayIt, a Midwest-based technology firm specializing in the simplification of government transactions across the country, including taxes, utilities, court records, and more as part of their cloud-based platform. PayIt has provided the myKTag app for the Kansas Turnpike since 2014.


Once a Vital Statistics record is requested using iKan, depending on the delivery method selected, the requestor will be notified by text when the record is available for pick up or have it delivered within seven to 10 business days. Cost for a record and the processing fee through the app is $20. To download the app, search “iKan State of Kansas” on your iPhone and Android devices.

Meet and Greet For Katrina Lewison, Candidate For Lt. Governor, on July 27

Katrina Lewison, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor and running mate of Joshua Svaty, will be available for a “Meet & Greet” on Friday, July 27, from 10:00 am until 11:15 am, at Common Ground, 116 S Main Street.
A West Point graduate and decorated veteran, Lewison led a Blackhawk helicopter platoon in the 101st Airborne during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Following her successful military career, Lewison moved back to her home state of Kansas. Originally from Hutchison, she now lives in Manhattan with her husband Tyler and their three daughters.
Lewison is the Director of Consulting & Training at CivicPlus, a company that helps cities utilize software to better engage citizen populations and streamlines processes.
She has graduate degrees in Public Policy and Organizational Psychology & Leadership. She’s a member of the USD-383 Board of Education. Lewison is active in her church community and volunteers on various committees.
For more information about the event, contact Shirley Palmer, Bourbon County Coordinator for the Svaty-Lewison campaign, at 620-223-4105.

Sen. Hilderbrand Applauds Gov. Colyer’s Expansion Plans for Hwy. 69



GALENA- Senator Richard Hilderbrand (R-Galena) today issued the following statement on Governor Jeff Colyer’s announcement to expand Highway 69:

I applaud Governor Colyer’s announcement today on the critically needed four-lane expansion of Highway 69.

For too long the citizens of Southeast Kansas have been forgotten, and that is why this expansion has been a priority of mine.

Not only will this project increase safety, it will have a long-term economic impact on our region. I am extremely grateful for the hard work put in by the Highway 69 Association and everyone involved to make this happen.

While this is a good step in the right direction, our work is not finished. I will work hard in Topeka to continue infrastructure investments in Southeast Kansas to encourage growth and allow us to remain competitive throughout the state and entire nation.”

Workforce Innovation Conference Oct. 8-9 in Wichita

Workforce Conference Graphic2

The Kansas Department of Commerce, KANSASWORKS, Kansas Department for Children and Families, and the Kansas Board of Regents are currently planning the first annual Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference in Kansas. This conference will aim to enhance and improve workforce development solutions in the state. The conference is scheduled for October 8-9, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Wichita.

This engaging and interactive conference will afford an opportunity for employers, educators, economic development professionals, and community leaders to come together with state and local officials to discuss the unique challenges of meeting the growing workforce needs in the state.

The keynote speaker for the 2018 conference will be Dr. Michael Wooten, Acting Assistant Secretary & Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges with the U.S. Department of Education – Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education. Dr. Wooten provides leadership, direction, and management for over $2 billion in initiatives supporting career and technical education, adult education, correctional and re-entry education and community colleges.

The conference will be organized into four unique tracks:

  • Developing the Future Workforce
  • Developing a Talent Pipeline
  • Engaging Business Resources
  • Enhancing Career Pathways

Session topics including Recruiting and Retaining Talent, Future Workforce Skills, The Gig Economy, Generations in the Workplace, and many more.

“Our Kansas economy is very diverse and ever-evolving, requiring our state and education leaders to consider how best to develop a workforce with the skills required by employers,” said Mike Beene, Director of Employment Services at the Kansas Department of Commerce. “The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference will not only be a great opportunity to hear from national and state thought-leaders on how workforce needs are being addressed across the country and state, but also participate in a constructive dialogue among Kansans on how to successfully overcome talent recruitment and development challenges.”

The cost to register for the two-day conference is $100 and can be completed online at The website will also include the full conference schedule, speaker biographies, and hotel information as they become available.

Who Is On The Ballot? Who Can Vote?

The Bourbon County Courthouse, where the votes are tabulated.

Tuesday, July 17 is the last day to register to vote in the clerk’s office for the Kansas primary election August 7, 2018.

This registration is for first-time voters or to update if there is an address or name change, according to an election official.

“Primaries in Kansas are partisan elections,” Whitney Ball, Bourbon County Election Deputy said. “People have to be registered either as a Republican or Democrat.”

“If a person is an unaffiliated voter, you can’t vote in the primary election, ” she said. “But if you want to, you can affiliate.”

In the general election, Nov. 6, 2018, anyone can vote.

The Bourbon County Clerk’ office is on the second floor of the courthouse and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

There will be a candidate forum July 31 at Fort Scott High School Auditorium, 1005 S. Main, for the public, from 6 to 8 p.m. Questions to the candidates are requested prior to the event by contacting the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, 223-3566.

The following is the State of Kansas Official Primary Election roster for national, state, county and precinct  offices to be voted on  in the primary election.

There are several positions with multiple candidates.

All the Democrat Party candidates are listed first, followed by the Republican Party candidates in the second list.

These are the Democratic Party candidates:
For United States House of Representatives, 2nd District
Paul Davis, Lawrence,


For Governor/Lieutenant Governor

Arden Andersen/Dale Cowsert ,Olathe/Overland Park;
Jack Bergeson/Alexander Cline, Wichita/Wichita,
Carl Brewer/Chris Morrow, Wichita/Gardner,
Laura Kelly/Lynn Rogers, Topeka/Wichita,;
Joshua Svaty/Katrina Gier Lewison,Topeka/Manhattan

For Secretary of State

Brian “BAM” McClendon, Lawrence

For Attorney General

Sarah G. Swain. Lawrence

For State Treasurer

Marci Francisco, Lawrence

For Commissioner of Insurance

Nathaniel McLaughlin, Kansas City

For Kansas House of Representatives, 4th District

Lawrence Forbach, Mound City

For Member, State Board of Education, District 9


For County Commissioner District 1

Clinton L. Walker, Mapleton

For County Treasurer
(Unexpired Term)

For County Attorney
(Unexpired Term)

For Precinct Committeeman
1st Ward



For United States House of Representatives, 2nd District

Steve Fitzgerald,Leavenworth
Kevin Jones, Wellsville
Doug Mays,Topeka
Dennis Pyle, Hiawatha
Caryn Tyson, Parker
Steve Watkins, Topeka
Vernon J. Fields, Basehor

For Governor/Lieutenant Governor

Jim Barnett/Rosie Hansen, Topeka/Topeka
Jeff Colyer/Tracey Mann, Overland Park/Salina
Kris Kobach/Wink Hartman, Lecompton/Rose Hill
Patrick “PK”Kucera/Patricia Reitz, Overland Park/Shawnee
Tyler Ruzich/Dominic Scavuzzo Prairie Village/Leawood
Ken Selzer/Jen Sanderson, Leawood/Goodland
Joseph Tutera Jr./Phillip Clemente, Mission Hills/Mission Woods

For Secretary of State

Randy Duncan, Salina
Keith Esau, Olathe
Craig McCullah, Topeka
Scott Schwab, Olathe

Dennis Taylor, Topeka

For Attorney General

Derek Schmidt, Independence

For State Treasurer

Jake LaTurner, Topeka

For Commissioner of Insurance

Vicki Schmidt, Topeka
Clark Shultz, Lindsborg

For State Senator, 13th District
(Unexpired Term)

Richard Hilderbrand, Galena

For Kansas House of Representatives, 4th District

Trevor Jacobs, Fort Scott

Jim Porter, Fredonia


For County Commissioner
District 1
Lynne D. Oharah, Uniontown
Robert Query, Fort Scott
Matthew J. Crystal, Fort Scott

For County Treasurer
(Unexpired Term)

Patricia S. Love, Fort Scott

For County Attorney
(Unexpired Term)

Jacqie Spradling, Spring Hill

For Precinct Committeeman
1st Ward